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- B A S T A R D   S P E L L S   C O N V E R T E D -



These spells are not conventional magic.  They are to be used as very rare and lost spells.  GM's should allow players to use these sparingly.  Having just one of them makes the wizard powerful because of the effect or just the low P.P.E. cost of the spells listed below.  They are semi-legendary.



"Slayerd, Slayerd. Dark thunder of Balmor…"

Throws a beam of Lightning energy

Range: 30ft per level

Damage: 2d6+1d6 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -3

PPE Cost: 20



"Ele-Ele-Meilia. Holy spirit, become our shield and protect us…"

The most powerful barrier spell of chaos magic…

Range: 10ft x10ft + 5ft x 5ft per level

Protection: 100 + 30 SDC per level

Duration: 1 minute per level

PPE Cost: 85



"Zazard, zazard, sorono, rono-sook. Burning in the depths of darkness, fires of hell. Become my sword and strike down my enemy…"

A feared spell which consumes the target with magic energy which attacks them inside and out, from all sides.

Range: 150ft + 20 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge: Natural 20 only

Damage: 2d4x10, +20 per level

PPE Cost: 120



"Para-Nudo-ii Furmo Blooru. Never say die, Eter Nal Idol, heaven's hell. Py-omi Giza-oji…"

A spell designed for complete destruction of an area surrounding the sorcerer.

Range: Around sorcerer (sorcerer not affected). 30ft radius + 20ft per level

Saving Throw: None!

Damage: 4d6x10 SDC, +30 per level

PPE Cost: 220



"Tai-to-ro. Blow this (enemy) away..."

Unleashes a series of mini-lightning bolts simultaneously

Range: 60ft + 15 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -5

Damage: 5d6 SDC

PPE Cost: 25




Sends a series of invisible blade-like magic cuts towards an enemy, similar to

Being hit by 5 parallel sword slashes at once

Range: 60ft + 15 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -3

Damage: 7d6 SDC

PPE Cost: 35



"Heerun-Eni Rooyan Tia-tio Rain…"

A large area fire spell lighting, burning everything within the effected area.

Range: Up to 75 ft away, and covers a 10x10x10ft per level.

Saving Throw: None!

Damage: 6d6+5 per level

PPE Cost: 80



"Ato Mitzgrek…"

A singular short blast of high energy with a large width (10ft high/wide)

Range: From caster to target: 20ft per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -5

Damage: 3d6+1d6 per level

PPE Cost: 35



"Nay ba mo aza…"

A singular large blast of fire, much similar to DAMNED, only stronger and purely fire-based

Range: 40ft+20 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge: Natural 20

Damage: 1d4x10, +10 per level

PPE Cost: 50



"Boo-ray Boo-raya dead. Obey your blood oath, come forth from the land of Abadon. Fire of Gehenam become a fiery blast and burn everything around us…"

Another powerful fire-based spell where the caster becomes surrounded by vicious flames and can rocket himself towards an enemy (at SPDx3) or release the energy towards them.

Range: 60ft+30 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -5

Damage: 1d6x10+20, +20 per level

PPE Cost: 90



"Ma sin ren…"

The sorcerers fist is surrounded with fire energy and adds damage to a punch

Range: Self

Saving Throw: Not applicable

Damage: 2d6

Duration: 1 melee per experience

PPE Cost: 15



"In-cho ko gara…"

A powerful force manipulation spell which pushes a target or object away from the

Sorcerer with great force. The caster can affect 150lbs +50 per level

Range: Target must be between sorcerer and 20ft+10 per level, and target is thrown

30ft+10 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge natural 20

Damage: None, but the target may take impact damage from the fall

PPE Cost: 20



"Ji Elio Phil Are. I call forth the mysterious symbol which has been passed down from ancient times…"

This bizarre spell is thrown as energy into the air and acts like a negative fire, drawing on all magic in the area. It nullifies all magic in use, and prevents any spells from being cast until it is diminished.

Range: Affects an area of 100ft+100 per level

Saving Throw: Natural 18 or higher

Duration: 2 minutes per level

PPE Cost: 65



"Karzard, azuzard, kisku. Hansay glos silk. Unlease total destruction. Sage of Hades, use the seven keys to open the gates of hell…"

The most powerful spell of all Chaos magic. It shoots heavy beams of magic down from the sky to destroy the ground below.

Range: Up to 700ft+50ft per level away, and affects a radius of 100ft+50 per level

Saving Throw: None, you're dead

Damage: 6d6x10, +40 per level

PPE Cost: 350



"Zam-zin zar-oni eni meto…"

A rather unique spell that can catch a blast-type spell coming at the sorcerer and throw it at another target. The mage also has the chance to increase the effect of the caught blast by 50% by expending more PPE.

Range: Varies with spell caught

Saving Throw: Must roll a parry with a +5 bonus for success

Damage: Varies with spell caught

PPE Cost: 50 to catch, 30 more to increase effects.



"Ari deko za…"

A rather unique illusion spell which the caster uses a large cloth, typically a cloak or cape by spinning and covering himself with it. Once the opponent hits the cloak or cape, he will realize that the caster is gone and is hitting nothing but cloth. The mage re-appears (minus the cape or cloak) somewhere else nearby.

Range: Can move up to 10ft+10 per level from attack point

Saving Throw: Not applicable

Damage: None

Duration: Instant

PPE Cost: 40



"Ki Obos Plataro. King of demons night, who flies to me with bat wings, possess my nail and seal this contract…"

This wicked spell is a nightmare for anyone who has been infected. When the sorcerer decides to use ACCUSED on someone, their fingernail becomes blue. From that point on, the victim must follow an order given with the spell forever (or until the curse of ACCUSED has been lifted) or the nail will turn colors. It changes colors as the victim disobeys that command. The first time, it changes to purple, then to red, then to blood, then the victim suffers the ultimate wrath and is reduced to nothing more than a mere toad.

Range: Touch

Saving Throw: Standard -2

Damage: None, but might cause internal mental conflict

Duration: Indefinite or until removed

PPE Cost: 130



"Day boom stain. Spirits of earth and air. Honor the ancient pact and fulfill your debt to me…"

A spell similar to BRAG-ZA-HARS, only not quite as large, creating an explosion of magic like a bomb

Range: Centered on sorcerer (sorcerer not affected), affecting a radius of 25ft+10 per level

Damage: 2d6x10+20, +10 per level

Saving Throw: None

PPE Cost: 150



"Ji Ef Kiss. Upon the alter I pledge. Honor your ancient pact. I command the spirits and call down lightning to strike…"

A powerful strike of fulmination upon the target

Range: Target can be up to 400+40 ft per level

Saving Throw: Dodge, Natural 20

Damage: 6d6+2d6 per level

PPE Cost: 50



"So An Doa Stay-ru…"

Several arcs of electricity attack the target from the sorcerer's hands, causing pain and nervous system dysfunction

Range: Target can be up to 40ft + 15 per level

Saving Throw: Special. The damage will always be inflicted unless the target rolls a natural 18 or higher to dodge, and must also roll to save vs. magic. If the save vs. magic roll is failed, the target will suffer the following penalties. -4 to strike/parry/dodge, loss of initiative and one attack per melee, -20% sense of balance, trouble with distancing along with sound and sight slightly blurred.

Duration of effects: 2 melees per level

Damage: 3d6+1d6 per level

PPE Cost: 35



"Asi Grik Mono Ari…"

Shoots a powerful laser-like beam from the sorcerer's eyes

Range: Beams extend for a total of 70ft+40 per level

Saving Throw: Dodge -3

Damage: 1d4x10+5 per caster

PPE Cost: 50




A high-mobility flight spell which allows the character to fully function in the air and

fly up to speeds of 30mph+15 per level of caster along with a nice bonus of +2 to dodge

Range: Self

Duration: 10 minutes per level

Damage: None

Saving Throw: Not applicable

PPE Cost: 45


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