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Time's Parabol

An epic adventure set in the world of Palladium Fantasy


- The Cast -

Ziadan Valas : Human Fatalist

Ivellios Amakiir : Elven Armsman

Deleux di Allundra : Foxen Air/Earth Warlock

Celyn Cullers : Changeling Psi-Mystic

Jerryn Falsic : Human Fire Warlock

Adraban  Bryane : Human Armsman

Sammee Nartoth : Elven Ranger

Piet Drephin : Changeling Thief


- Information -

Game Summaries and Plot

Character Developments (Coming Soon)

Items and Artifacts (Coming Soon)

Villains and Non-Player Characters (Coming Soon)


 l i b r a r y   |   s e w e r   |   c o n t a c t   m e