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- D E N   O F   T H E   D A R K   S T A R -


The door opens to an area of darkness.  You step inside, unsure of what to expect.  The smell of dirty water and mold creeps inside from the sewers you just travelled through.  You feel eyes watching as you move towards the light at the end of the hall.

Upon entering the lit-room, you see several figures standing about.  Obviously shady in nature, it's hard to make eye contact with them without wanting to turn away.  They stand in inquisition, inspecting you, the newcomer.  On the far side of the room you see a winding staircase leading up into another room, and next to it a cleverly disguised door in the wall.

"Welcome, fellow rogue, to the Den of the Dark Star."

Feeling uncomfortable as a dozen eyes set upon you, you are startled by the sharp but inviting voice.  A tall, thin elf sits in a black intricately carved chair.  It doesn't look very comfortable, but now isn't the time for assumptions.  You're feeling a bit afraid.

"What's your name?"

He speaks, almost startling you again.  The other men remove their attention from you and go back to their whispers, making it easier for you to focus on the sitting man.  He brushes some of his long greying-black hair from his scarred face onto the shoulder of his black reinforced leather armor.  He strokes the blade of a stiletto with his finger.  You tell him your name.  It's at this point that you realize you're in the right place.  Life is about to change.

"Well met.  I am Guildmaster Kojin.  What can I do for you?"

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