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- R A N T S   B Y   P L A Y E R S   A N D   G M ' S   A L I K E -


So you wanna be tough?

So be tough.  You do not need to select as many physical skills as possible to be so.  I find it incredibly annoying and redundant that so many people choose the gymnastics, running, and boxing for their characters.  If you are not a man of arms or do not play out a heavy physical role within your character, then you are just maxing your character out.  I do not allow people to take both gymnastics and acrobatics, unless they choose the Acrobat or Tumbler O.C.C.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  People think that the only way to survive in a game is if you have some exceptional attributes.  

So you wanna be smart?

So be smart.  You do not take an abudance of lore skills.  These are specialty skills.  To aquire one of these skills, your character must have dedication to the research of this topic.  I find it highly annoying when characters choose almost every lore skill.  I don't like to see this unless you choose the Scholar O.C.C..  Because that is what they are known for.  If you want all that knowledge, choose the O.C.C..  These should not be EXCUSES to have knowledge.

So you wanna be an exception to the typical?

Well, hold on a minute.  There are some cases that this is okay.  But it can be very frustrating and annoying to the other players if you abuse this.  To say "I'm a ranger, but I actually do work within the city" is an exception to the typical, but perfectly fine to deal with.  But to abuse the idea by setting your character up with powers just as an excuse to play something else is wrong.  Do not do it.  Things such as playing a character who supposedly has connections somewhere that are completely independent of the character's O.C.C. can really annoy GM's.  Even having it as a history can be innapropriate.  Saying you are a warrior monk with the same training, but is not pious... really goes against the O.C.C. and comes off to other people as an excuse to have powers without having to play the O.C.C. for what it really is.  Most people do not like that.

"Fudge dice rolls?  Me???.... Never!"

Let's face it, many people who play online cheat in some, if not all, of their dice throws.  If they do not like the result, well...they'll just either reroll until they get somethin they like or flat-out make it up.  Well, that's fine and dandy and all... You know, you may as well not even play with dice.  Just free-form your roleplaying games.  But if you do play with a group that uses dice, then you are obligated to place your characters fate into your rolls...fair, balanced, and unaltered.  Part of the fun in roleplaying an adventure is not knowing the outcome.  To cheat is to say that you cannot stand your character failing.  If this is the case, then you should consider a new hobby.  Failure is part of the game, as is death.  There really is no point if you know the outcome of how your character will perform.  Write a book if that's more your thing.  So be brave and join the honest roleplayers out there.  Let the game be more fun.

Your character does not have to be powerful.

Enough said.

Your character does not need to have high stats to have fun.  

Power can come from strategy as much as it can from raw ability.  Let your characters have weaknesses.  It will open up a new challenge to add fun to your game.  Not all games should contain characters capable of saving the world.


So you wanna submit a rant or comment on general gaming?  Mail it to me, and I will probably post it.


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