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- " S E C R E T S   S U R F A C E D :   P A R T   1 " -


Adraban and Jerryn had met up on their journey towards Parp. Being the only two adventurers in town, they tried to mesh their activities together. During dinner time in the local tavern, they were greeted by a peculiar aged human called Old Man Nagy by the rest of the village.

Nagy seemed intent that he knew something the other townsfolk did not. Upon further explanation, he told his tale of finding some recently surfaced ruins to the North East of Parp. Adraban and Jerryn decided to follow the old man the next day to his findings. There they discovered a stone structure mostly buried by grassy earth. All that was exposed was the face with a sealed door, and the top which had an arcane symbol in the center, and six broken pillars.

After further inspection of the door and symbol upon the roof, the young warlock could not decipher its meaning or origin. Adraban was daring enough to try and open the door to the forgotten building. When he touched the door, two unknown monsters were summoned to the top of the building. Nagy, Adraban, and Jerryn were attacked.

Their attackers were nothing like Jerryn or Nagy had even seen, even though they have studied the lore of monsters in their training. The beings were of average humanoid height with arched backs, long claws, glowing red pupils, and a shiny black exoskeleton.

It was not long before the group of adventurers realized they were completely outclassed by the beasts, and were struck down within the matter of a minute. Unknown to them, they had actually died at the hands of their assassins, but were ressurected minutes just after. When they awoke and arose, they found the singed corpses of the black monsters and mysterious circular symbols marked onto each others' foreheads. Nagy, however, was nowhere to be found.

It was quiet. Half fear-stricken and half-anxiously, the two ventured into the doorway which was now open somehow. On their way down, they realized just how long it had been since anyone else had taken those very stairs. Cobwebs and a dirty stench wreaked the descending corridor all the way down to a small room. The room had walls lined with a mysterious language and a sarcophogus in the center.

The writing was discernable, but inside the sarcophogus was the skeletal structure of an unknown race of humanoid and a dusty tome. The tome was retrieved and they quickly fled the tomb before more danger could find them.


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