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- " S E C R E T S   S U R F A C E D :   P A R T   2 " -


On the eastern coast of the world, in a town named Neven, Ziadan had been requested by a local named Jonsby for his knowledge and expertise as a scholar.  It was a quiet, average day in Neven.  Ziadan was dropped off at his employer's doorstep by horse and carriage.  

After knocking several times upon Jonsby's door, it opened and Ziadan was invited in.  Jonsby, clearly a reclusive and strange fellow was short with the formalities and invited Ziadan in to sit down.  He told his tale of finding some local ruins buried within the costal cliffs.  He wanted Ziadan to inspect the supposed runes and wards upon the door's face.  Ziadan agreed.

By the time he had left Jonsby's, the sky had darkened and rain began to downpour.  He made his way down to the beach area and was inspecting the cliff walls where these ruins were supposed to be.  After not finding them after many minutes of working, he felt like he had been fooled.  But then a flash of clairvoyant vision revealed the ruins still within the rock wall.  How could Jonsby have known about it?

Ziadan consulted with a local Wizard on the find.  They put orcs to work to uncover the ruins.  The door and stone face they eventually uncovered was quite strange.  Little to their knowledge, it was exactly like the one Jerryn and Adraban had found hundreds of miles away.  Unfortunatly, he suffered the same fate as the two as well.  When he touched the door to open it, two black humanoids with black exoskeletons appeared and killed him after he put up a futile but daring fight.  

It did not seem as if he had died, however.  He had awoken as if nothing had happened....yet he lie in a pool of his own blood.  His body was unharmed.  He stood up to try and discern what had happened while the rain continued to beat against his body. The smell of burned corpses creeped into his nose when he noticed the two singed bodies of his assailants.

Not quite sure of what had just happened, he stood around trying to piece it together.  The wizard he had contacted previously, named Varese, had come back to check on him.  He surveyed the area in confusion.  Ziadan explained the situation as best he could.

Varese had pointed a circular sumbol that had appeared upon Ziadan's forehead, one that had not been seen by either before.  The doors had somehow opened, and they ventured down into them.  The path down and the room inside were just like the one Adraban and Jerryn had come to face in another place.  The only difference was what was in the center.  There was no sarcophogus.. Instead, there was a statue of a strange being they'd not seen before.  It had a stone tray of sorts jutting out from the waist which had five gems of various colors in it.  Ziadan tried arranging the gems into little slots about the statue... One in the forehead, one in each hand, and one on each foot.  But no matter what he did, nothing happened.  After investigating the room further and making sketches, he left to find out more.


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