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-  " T H E   C A L L I N G   O F   A   S T R A N G E R " -


While Adraban, Jerryn, and Ziadan were all experiencing their own shock in other parts of the world, Celyn, Deleux, and Ivellios had all happened upon the same rest stop.  The place was called Faeren's Rest.  A series of five buildings in the wilderness designed to give rest and food to travellers.

The scene was set at the time of a fire.  All of the buildings were on fire and three assassins were attacking a gnome and his companion.  Ivellios, Celyn, and Deleux rushed outside to get out of the blazing buildings and saw the attack happening.  They were quick to rush to the aid of the gnomes.  Even though they were successful in smiting the assassins, the two gnomes were unfortunatly not able to be saved.  One of the gnomes was named Bartin, and he had a last request that Ivellios and the others who saved him take a tome to a man named Lord Kenoski, just east of where they were.  The group agreed to his last breath request and the gnome passed on.

Moments later, Adraban, Ivellios, Ziadan, Deleux, Jerryn, Celyn, were all summoned outside their will into the chambers of a magic-using dwarf called Frieder. Not only was it a spectacle that they were in the presense of possibly the only dwarf still using magic, but this dwarf seemed to know what trials each had just gone through.  He informed them that he had hand-picked them to adventure on a journey of epic proportions.  Although they did not understand, they did not question him much.  In fact, they did not really have the time.  They were teleported back to Faeren's Rest, all six of them, without finding out further who this dwarf really was.

Now placed on the path leading East, they made way toward the residence of Lord Kenoski.  They did eventually find it.  A solitary octangular building set in the middle of the dense forest.  The guards let them pass after the word of Bartin was given.  They entered the building and were greeted by the prosperous and noble looking man named Kenoski, who was saddened by the loss of his friend Bartin.  Kenoski thereafter introduced his Court and all 13 members, including himself.   The group was welcomed with food, lodging, and general hospitality.


b a c k   |   c o n t a c t   m e   |   b a c k   t o   t h e   l i b r a r y