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- D A R K   S T A R   R O G U E   S U P P L I E S -


 - Ordinary Lockpick - 10 gp -

- Stout Lockpick - 12 gp -

- Slim Lockpick - 14 gp -

- (Quality can vary depending on the maker.  +20 gp per +5% bonus to the lockpicking skill, at a maximum of +15% (+60gp)) -

- Stalking Leathers: AR: 13, S.D.C.: 38, No prowl penalty: 280 gp -

- Oben (L/F/P/R/D) - 25 gp -

- Misericorde (F/P/P/W/D) - 25gp -

- Short Sword (F/L/P/R/P) - 30gp -

- Shuriken (P/L/P/F/F) - 4gp -

- Nisha Short Bow (*/*/*/W/F) - 220gp -

- Short Bow (*/*/*/R/F) - 35gp -

- Light Crossbow (*/*/*/R/R) - 65 gp -

- Camouflage Paint - 10gp for  3 uses -

- Weapon Black - 3gp per application -

- Climbing Harness (Allows prowl checks to be made while climbing/repelling) - 15gp -

- Invisible Ink - One small bottle for 20 gp -

 - Gauntlet with spring-loaded dart (F/P/N/*/*) - 50gp -

- Spidersilk Stalking Cloak (+10% to prowl) - 400 gp -


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