===================Mission 5 Begins=================== ====================Session Begins==================== (NOTE: This is a new mission, but we're starting up right where the last one left off. Smoky, I'll assume that you did not, in fact, return the weapons at the end.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OUTPOST ALPHA-1, LEVEL 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gambit and Werewolf step up the ladder into the third level of the base, finding Smoky threading a piece of heavy brown cloth through the pile of Super Soakers. (EQUIPMENT UPDATE: Adder has a box of matches, a flashlight, and a CPS 1000, but is not up on the third level with everyone else. Smoky has a flashlight and a CPS 2000, and is threading this strip of cloth through an XP 250, two XP 110s, an XP 70, and an XP 20.) (The rest of you left all your equipment here when you left earlier, so you're not currently carrying any.) (nope, there still strapped around my weist I go up to the third level. Go up to third level. I stap the guns around my waist. (First of all, Gambit, you're already up there) (And Adder, you can come up if you want, but role play here . . . you don't know Gambit & Werewolf are back) (sorry :-( ) I go to the third level (Smoky, Werewolf, and Gambit are ON THE THIRD LEVEL at this time) (there's not much else to do.) (sorry) (Yeah, but there will be soon) When I arrive, I say. =Oh, hi guys... when did you get back?= Adder ascends to the third level of the base and does just that. =Well, we don't have new orders... I guess we should just patrol around the base, think so?= =I wonder what the next mission will be?= Shrugs. =Dunno.= =I say we go with Adder's idea.= =There was an attack last night though... let's keep our eyes open.= I take the chair in the corner of the room and drag it to where everyone is standing, then i sit in it. =All right ...= I look at smoky, amused. =I should grab a gun ...= =Go ahead, there's plenty right there...= I point at the guns. Looks at guns. =What gun do you want?= I head over towards the top of the ladder and wait there. =How about a 110.= (Let me make sure I have everything straight: Smoky took the chair and moved it to the doorway, and Adder is now indicating the guns on Smoky's waist.) Picks up 110. (yeah...) (Does Smoky let him take it?) I give Gambit the gun. =Thanks Smoky ...= Looks to see which guns Smoky has. I tap my foot. =Let's get out of here and do our jobs, ok?= (Don't you just LOVE open-ended gameplay?) Someone pokes their head up from the ladder well and ascends onto the level, then turns away from you and begins around the other side of the "room". Looks at the tank on the 110. =Hey, who are you?= You find it to be filled and unpressurized I follow the guy. I walk over to the newcomer. (Same here) Follow Adder (Let me type something . . .) (By the way, he's out of view, so I'm assuming you're all following him around the building) (yeah) (Except werewolf, who is still waiting for me to say which guns Smoky has . . .) (Well, I did say I walk over to the guy) Werewolf looks at the guns on Smoky's waist to find that he has a CPS 2000 on a shoulder strap and has threaded a strip of cloth through an XP 250, XP 110, XP 70, and XP 20 The four of you round the corner outside the "room". The person immediately spots you and quickly steps out of sight around the next corner. I whisper. =You guys go that way, I'll go around the opposite way.= I go the other way to cut him off -> *Smoky* You hear a faint scraping sound. Follow Smoky. I keep going around the same way. i follow Smoky Starts pumping gun. Looks for intruder and gets ready to aim. =Hey Smoky, can you hand me the 110?= I whisper. I pump my weapon up. (Whispers) =Maybe he's a spy ...= Adder continues around as everyone else backtracks. You meet at the doorway to the room without either of you meeting him. I give him Werewolf the gun, then arm mine -> *Adder* You spot him inside the room. I peek in the room, then run around and look for other exits he might have taken. =Hmm...= I point. =He's in the room.= I pump the gun. =That was very strange ... if I may say so.= I seach the room with my flashlight (Verified) I enter. Follows Adder You find him in the room behind the desk. He quickly spots you and drops down behind the desk. =Please Identify yourself.= I enter the room. You hear no response from him. Runs over and stands over top him. I keep my gun ready at my shoulder and I am ready to dodge any shots. Aims gun towards his head. =Tell us who you are.= I take careful aim at him withe CPS 2000 =And why you are here.- =I repeat, Please identify yourself.= He is out of sight behind the desk. (I ran over to him) H -> *Smoky* You hear a faint sound behind the desk You run behind the desk, but he is gone. i walk around the desk I go to where ever I can to get a clear shot. I check the floor for a trap door. =What the ...?= I run to the out side of the room -> *Smoky* You hear footsteps outside the room. (what does werewolf see?) I go to the outside back of the room -> *Smoky* You catch a glimpse of him going down the ladder. I go outside. Werewolf fails to find any trapdoor. =He's just going under the walls, there' made out of draped cloth.= I run after him I run around back. Smoky races to the ladder and climbs down. =Everyone come quick= I yell Goes towards Smoky. I follow Smoky I follow smoky, running. -> *Smoky* You see him moving quickly through the crowd toward the next descending ladder. I continue following him. (I keep /msg Smoky when he hears or sees stuff with his perception) (k.) Smoky races through the crowd toward the ladder descending to the first floor. I look for the guy, following smoky. -> *Smoky* He loops around a tree and begins to double back. I track him as best possibele. I keep running after Smoky. Smoky doubles back and runs nearby you back toward the ladder up to the 3rd floor. =Grrr...= Stays near the 3rd flood ladder as a guard. I follow him. I follow Smoky. I yell at the stranger =Were not trying to hunt you= I keep following him. -> *Smoky* You loose track of him as he nears the ladder. I run to ladder. You arrive at the ladder. I follow him up the ladder. Yells to stranger from the ladder. =Unless you I point. =He's up here! Follow me!= re th enemy.= I go up the ladder. =Stop!= Shots intruder. -> *Smoky* YOu hear two sets of footsteps above you. I follow Adder (Gambit, you haven't caught up) =No, don't shoot him!= (I am at the 3rd floor later) I yell at the stranger =Were not trying to hunt you= I go to the footsteps Adder and Smoky race up the ladder just in time to see him enter the room again. I run into the room, into the center. If I see him, I dive towards him and try to restrain him. You enter the room, but he's no where in sight. I stay just within range of the room, and aim my gun at it CONTINUES TO GUARD LADDER. (Where am I?) -> *Smoky* You hear heavy footsteps behind the room. (hint, hint) I roll under the back wall. (Werewolf and Gambit are both at the ladder on the 2nd floor, I think I look carefully at the sides of the room Goes up to 3rd floor ladder to guard that. I climb the ladder. Adder dives under the wall (do I see 'im?) Guards third floor ladder. (Actually, wait a sec . . . which wall?) (the back one.) Gambit steps up onto the third floor (BRB, bathroom) Adder dives under the back wall, but sees no sign of the intruder. (LOL) Smoky carefully examines the walls of the room, but doesn't notice anything. =He can't get off this floor, right?= I list the exits to the third floor mentally. (what are they?) I begin walking around the outside perimiter of the 3rd level, looking inward. (back) Adder considers the exits to the floor. In theory, only the ladder could be used to go down, but the intruder may have another way. =Werewolf, go to another exit so he can't get off the third floor ...= =Wait, what exits?= =Hmmmm ...= Smoky walks around outside for a while and begins looking around, but sees nothing unusual. I look over the edges of the platform, and the trees supporting it. Yelling LOAD =What if he jumps to the second floor.= =For a perimeter around the thid floor exits.= I look for other exits from this floor Adder glances down off the third level and sees the intruder beginning to race off on the second level from a position directly under you. A rope dangles down. =THERE HE IS!= I go down *** Fade (new@dagobah-19.mdm.prk.execpc.com) has joined #SS_RPG Runs down the ladder. I climb down the rope as swiftly as possible. (Hold on a sec) TIME OUT Lowering my gun ******************************8 STOP (WHAT) We have to deal with Fade ... make sure they don't interrupt. oh... (We're in the middle of a heated sim, Fade. You may spectate if you want, but please do so silently. Any questions?) deal with fade? :) don't make such a big deal about it guys... Sorry, we're in a sim... why don't u just set mode +m? *** Retrieving #SS_RPG info... sorry bout that fade.... TIME IN **************************** (I don't keep other people out because one more player might be showing up) Climbs down ladder. And runs towards intruder, gun firing. (let me make sure I didn't miss anything: Adder started climbing down the rope, Gambit and Smoky are racing for the ladder to go down, and Werewolf is eating. Right?) I keep continuous eyesight while following him (right.) (eating?) (oh, that's right, just bathroom. Well then, what are you doing?) I run to the rope and slide down. I yell out. =INTRUDER ALERT!= (And everyone give me a minute to roll & respond) (that) (do I hit him?) (Werewolf, you were guarding the ladder, weren't you?) (uh) (I was standing beside it for a while) (Gambit was guarding it a while ago) *** PiRaTe (SFTWRPIR@175-202-205.ipt.aol.com) has joined #SS_RPG (I"M FOLLOWING THE GUY...) (c'mon, man keep the game moving) (brb) (...) Adder quickly slides down the rope as Smoky, Gambit, and Werewolf race back down the ladder. I run after the strange intruder. Once I hit the ground I run after him and start firing. I run after the guy. Smoky, Gambit, and Werewolf get down the ladder but loose sight of him. =He's running towards the L-1-L-2 ladder!= I keep following him, running as quickly as possible. I run to the level 1 ladder =He ain't no james bond! C'mon, guys let's get him!- (and climb) Jumps to the ground. From level 2. (that's a long drop, gambit...) (level one is the ground, right? that would make sense ...) (No, you're on the second story) (The ground is level 0) (oh ...) I go back to the third level, and ake up position where I can see all ladders/ways of getting up. (then scrap that last comment.) I keep following him, as fast as possible. =If you get near the guy, restrain him.!= (No such place exists . . . or did you mean just the rope he used to get down and the ladder to level 3?) (That was to Smoky) I look around to see if I can see Adder or the intruder. Starts firing at the ladder from second floor. * PiRaTe is away, bbl [log:ON] [page:ON] [email:not-set-yet] Werewolf and Adder race after the intruder. Adder gets within a meter of him, but he gains some distance by suddenly turning and running toward a different edge of the base with no distinguishing features. (Um, Gambit, WHICH ladder?) I continue running after the guy. same here (1-2 ladder) I take up position where I can see the most ladders/ways of getting up. (why are you doing that Gambit?) (You're not near the 1-2 ladder) (Smoky, you mean up to the 3rd floor?) Yes () Smoky gets into that position I check the pressure on all my guns. Adder and Werewolf continue racing after the intruder. Werewolf begins gaining, but Adder trips on a Super Soaker lying around and falls. The intruder continues racing on. =AACK!= Smoky examines his guns. The 2000 is pressurized, the others are full but unpressurized. I stand up as quickly as possible and keep following the guy. I judge the distance between me and the intruder and keep following the intruder. Runs over to Alarm system and activates, letting bells start wailing. (we would have an alarm sytem, right?) I begin fully pressureizing all the gauns, while looking around. (Um, yes, the alarm system is called "voice") (no - a real one sort of) (like a fire alarm type one ...) (probbly not Adder gets up, but loses sight of the intruder. Werewolf keeps running after him, now at a distance of about 4 meters. I follow werewolf. Starts yelling load. =Intruder!= =Intruder!= =Intruder!= =Intruder!= =Intruder!= And so on. (By the way, its "loud") (are we allowed to tackle the guy?) Heads turn and look at you. (sorry ...) (Um . . . sure, I guess) I keep running. *** Fade (new@dagobah-19.mdm.prk.execpc.com) has left #SS_RPG (can some soldier maybe notice me and help out in the search?) (lalala) Werewolf gains another half meter. The intruder nears the edge of the second floor and pulls out another rope. (I gotta go in 10 mins.) (Gambit, several noticed you, but you need to tell them what to do to help) I keep follwing werewolf. If I see the guy, I try restrain him. (still running...) (jump him as he starts to climb done) (Gambit, you're no where near him) (Tell me when I finish pressurizing my guns) (I'm suggesting a course of action to Werewolf) Werewolf gains another two meters (putting him 1.5 m away) by the time he gets his rope attached and jumps over the edge with it. Adder lags a little further behind. Smoky finishes pressurizing guns. (he's not climbing down) (Climb down the rope and jump onto the next floor halfway down!) I follow him up the rope. Adder keeps running toward the site, but is weak from the fall, and take 30 seconds to get there. (what?) (DOWN the rope, werewolf) I take the 20 off my belt and stick it in the belt so I can quickly pull it out. (aren't we on the ground?) (you sohould have let the rope go so he fell to his death :-) (No, you're on the 2nd floor) (oh) (You follow him down the rope, werewolf?) (yes) Looks for someone on any of the floors who could help us out. (there's no hope of me catching up... I gotta go anyway.) You follow him quickly down the rope, but he climbs faster than you and gains a half meter before dashing off again. (later...) (Bye) *** Adder is now known as AdderGONE (bye) (so long) (See ya) (Gambit, there's 10 people staring at you, for goodness' sake!) (are we going to continue?) *** PiRaTe has quit IRC (ircN for mIRC) (Sure) (yay) (Adder said he figured there wasn't much hope of his catching up) =EVERYONE!!! HELP US OUT!!! =GET THE INTRUDER!!!= I keep following him. (They don't even know there IS an intruder, Gambit!) =HE"S EVADING US LIKE CRAZY!!! GO FIND HIM!!!= =HE COULD BE A SPY OR DOUBLE-AGENT!!!= (maybe you could point them in his direction) =He's down there!!!= Werewolf sprints with the energy of desperation and closes to a half meter as the intruder races across the first floor toward the ladder. Points down to first lelve. (which floor am I on?) I dive at the intruder. (You're on the 2nd floor) Go to ladder and climb to first floor. (Its called the GROUND FLOOR) (no, ground floor is 0 floor) Werewolf lunges, but misses, and collides with the floor, losing time. =Ow.= (am I on first floor?) (First floor is still one floor abov the ground; its a tree fort, remember?) I get back up and continue after the intruder. (Gambit's on the seconf floor) (whoops) (and climbing to first floor ... remember?) Werewolf gets back up and begins running after the intruder, but loses another meter as he recovers, putting him 3m behind. Gambit climbs down the ladder onto the first floor. Jumps to ground level, in anticipation of the intruder. (would dropping my gun speed me up?) (Not significantly) (enough to effect the roll?) (no) I continue running after the intruder. (do I get hurt by the jump?) Gambit leaps off the platform, stunned by the impact with the ground for several seconds.) Gets up, composeses self, and looks around for intruder. Werewolf recovers from the fall and closes to one meter as the intruder reaches the ladder. (BRB) Gambit struggles clumsily to his feet, still shaky from the drop. =STOP!!!= Shoots at intruder. He does not heed your cries, and begins sliding down the ladder, his feet not touching the rungs. =Gambit, don't!= Gambit looks around for the intruder as he reaches the floor. At the same moment, the intruder spots him, and runs in the opposite direction. He's too far to shoot. I slide down the ladder. Werewolf quickly descends the ladder. Runs after intruder. I continue running. (and I hope to gain on him) Re-pumps gun. Yelling =SOMEBODY, INTERCEPT HIM!!!= Gambit begins running, but can't match speed. Werewolf leaps off the ladder and staggers toward the target. Under breath ... =Or her ..= (I don't want to be sexist :-) (still running...) Gambit continues running, but falls quicly behind. Werewolf regains his composure and sprints after the intruder, a meter and a half distant. (brb) (this intruder sure has a lot of indurance) (Both of you should be starting to get tired about now, actually . . .) (still running...) (true) (Running or sprinting?) (sprinting) (Sprinting is faster, but the modifier increases more quickly) Raises gun and shoots with the hope of a high shot raining down on top of them. Werewolf races after the intruder, losing a half meter under fatigue. Gambit shoots up into the trees, but doesn't come anywhere close. Drops gun in hopes of gaining speed. (Gambit, the problem is that you have no running or sprinting skill.) I keep sprinting. (Its mathematically almost impossible for you to catch up, Gambit) (back, not that it matters) (point taken ...) (it could matter...) Stops and looks around for a bike or other vehicle. (how about giving me a quad :-) (where are you Smoky?) Werewolf continues running, but loses another meter. (third level) Suddenly, werewolf realizes he is chasing the intruder INTO Adamant's territory. (why don't you come down and run and I'll guard the ladder) (I'm just up here in case he comes back) =So, he's in Adament's Army ...= (Besides, Werewolf's a far better runner ;) ) (which is why I would go up there) (but I'm tired) (Yeah, but you're still faster than Smoky at this point) (do I see a vehicle? This is from a couple lines up ...) (Aren't we in Admendmant's army) (Just getting unlucky rolls) Gambit continues searching in vain for any type of vehicle. I keep sprinting. (its WOODS, what do you expect?) (I don't think we'll get that lucky ) Werewolf continues running after his quarry, but falls further behind. The intruder begins dodging through trees and becomes difficult to track. =Guys, fall back and re-organize ...= =We can't just run into enemy territory guns blazing ...= =With not back up.= =But we'll lose him (or her)= =Enemy territory?= =SO? There's always another day ...= I walk around the edged of the third floor, looking if I can see him. Even as you say this, you loose track of your quarry as they disappear into the woods on your right. (WE ARE THE ADMENDMANT ARMY) =We better go inform HQ of this incident ... they'll want to know about it.= Walks back to camp, slowly. Smoky looks out to try to find the intruder, but sees no sign. =Right.= (You know, English really needs an asexual pronoun other than "it") I start searching for anyone of high rank. (can we end off here?) I pause to catch breath. (I think this is good enough for today ...) I then return to the outpost. It seems Gambit's alarm raised more than a bit of interest, and everyone is down on the first floor or the ground. (we won't need to waste time going through a debreifing) =====================Session Ends===================== ====================Mission 5 Ends====================