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I love you more than words can say,
and the feeling gets stronger every minute of every day.
I prayed I'd always be able to see you
but now I know that my prayer didn't come true.
I love you more than any man I've ever known,
without you I feel so alone.
When you left, you took a part of my heart,
now my whole world is falling apart.
Words can't express how much I miss you,
I think about you during everything I do.
I can't wait till you come back to stay,
but until then I'll just think of you every day.
I know I will get sadder,
before I can get gladder.
Just remember I love you,
and I hope that you love me too.

Love, Just a Start

Dreams have their boundaries, you can only go so far
You may go the distance, but you'll never reach the stars
But love is something different, it's never known a wall
It can climb every mountain, survive every fall
But take it for granted, and it crumbles like the sand
It's gone before you know it, and you'll never understand
Dreams can keep you happy, but only for awhile
Soon you'll long for more, than just a pretty smile
Love is something wondrous, it completes your soul
It fills up your world, and makes your life whole
But try to deceive it, and it dies like the day
With nothing but darkness, to take you away
Dreams give you freedom, love frees your heart
Dreams have an ending, Love, just a start.


The road least traveled Is the love unfound,
When the friendship they find Seems the only thing sound.
Best buds through the years, Great times they have shared,
Until one day it's seen, both souls are then scared.
Fighting the thought Of the love they can see,
But why in the world Should they not let that be?
"Frinds we'll remain," Is in both of their heads,
But their hearts still win over, Their thoughts will be said.
"I love you, my friend," Is screamed from inside,
But still it is hidden, Feeling desires should hide.
Finally one breaks, And he holds her heart,
"Oh when will he see, That our love should start?"
But still she holds on, Because a friend is a friend,
"Why screw this up? What shall come in the end?"
Then finally he sees, What it is he might have,
Is this the girls of his dreams? His heart feels a stab.
As he looses control, He falls deeply in love.
As if he's empowered From someone above.
It's then that they think back, At the times they have had,
And finally they realize And it makes them feel sad.
"Why did we not see What was possible for us,
And finally find What we're doing's a must?"
"The two of us together Are too good to be true,
But being given this chance Only comes to a few."
They know it by then, They've been given a gift.
The love that they share Will never fall stiff.
But be cherished forever In these lover's hearts
And with a confession of love, Their new world starts.

Mother's Valentines

Two precious little children a dollar each to spare,
Are searching for a special gift to show their Mom they care.
She does the daily routine that every mother does,
She's the best Mom to these children that there ever was.
Every gift they look at their money's not enough,
So with long, sad faces they turn away from all the fancy stuff.
When they walked through their doorway their mother met them there.
She wrapped her arms around them and gently stroked each one's hair.
"I see you found the special tgift to give me on this day",
She quietly whispered in their ear in herown special way.
Both children looked in wonderand said "Mommy, what do you mean?
We shopped all day for you but could not afford any gift we'd seen."
Their mother smiled a pretty smile and with a happy sigh,
She told the children all she wanted was her two Valentines.

Answer To My Prayers

I approach your door,
My palms sweat and I tense up,
I wait for you.
When I see your smiling face,
Your entire silhouette glowing with light,
I worry that the rose I have brought,
As beautiful as it may be,
Will see your sheer magnificence and wilt with jealousy.

I stand in awe of all that you are,
More than I ever imagined.

I ask God why he has offered you to my eyes,
Such a feast of beauty,
Not understanding the reason for my good fortune.

I realize that you are the product of prayer and patience,
An answer long overdue.

Like any night, I knew it would have to end,
So I savor each moment to its fullest,
Keeping each morsel safely stored,
A part of me for all time.

Your Prisoner

I know, that I have told you,
Just how much you mean to me.
Your put a lock upon my heart,
And threw away the key.
My heart is now your prisoner,
That is what it's all about.
Keep my lovin' all locked up,
Don't ever let it out.

You'll always mean so much to me,
More than you will ever know,
I just want to tell you darlin,
That I love you so.
Let me put my arms around you,
And squeeze your body tight.
Let me take, whatever's wrong,
And make it, feel so right.

To have somone who cares this much,
Is more than I could ask.
And loving me, the way you do,
Is not a simple task.
I'm really just your prisoner,
But that's quite alright with me.
Keep me wrapped up in your lovin' arms,
And never set me free.

MoRe To CoME sOoN! sO cHEcK BaCk:)

 rEtUrN tO mAiN PaGe!