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SpEcIaL ShOuT oUtS


Kelly hoots - Hey babes i love you lots!!
Krystal Reid - what do i say about you? LOSER! haha JJ!
Shelly collier - hey, my little sweetie piE! lEts get on a buzZ!!
Trina white - whats up my fellow dyke? jj!
Danielle Oake - hey, I love you choo choo! BFF!!
Steve Budden - budden, my babys due in 3 months! haha!
Tyler gaudon - need a ride?
Tylor Lucas - whats up sweet cheeks!!?!?
Terry soucy - look out, the ghost is comming! ahhhh!
Bryan Moyles - front me some you know what fer tonight!
Truman Wheaton - so how was h-a-l-l-o-w-e-e-n? haha!
Trista Young - Shortyyy....WhUzZuP?!?! luv ya! BFF!! haha!

people i just love

Mike Reardon - thanxs fer helpin me get this page started!
Adam Kaus - wanna go smoke a draw cutie? j/k!
Freddie Ryan - shall we shag now, or shall we shag later?
Chris Renouf - chrissy pooh! come see me!!
Kathryn McDonald - i love kat, she's my BEAUTIFUL girlie!!!
Joseph Bennett - hey doll-face! you knows i love you tho eh?!

cuzins who dont live in newfoundland

Kyla Clifford - hey cutie pie, loves you and miss you tons!!
Clinton Clifford - when you commin to live with nan? hehe!
Jackie Lee Gaulton - whats up, you? miss you!
Jason Gaulton - waNNa "sMoKE a J cUz"font>
Gary Targett - i cant believe we didnt know we were related!
Helen Connolly - my sweetie!!!loves you!
Michael Connolly - got a women yet, lil cuz?
Christina Connolly - move back, i need a lend of your shirt! ha!
Lindsey March - reply to my emails silly girlie!
Andrew March - i dont even think you know how to use a comp!

and my favorite cuzin

Keith Barry - yayyyy!!! your my fav! dont you feel lucky?!

If i missed anyone i am terribley sorry, just let me know that you wanna be on my shout outs page and i will
see what need to be don to get
you on it ASAP!!!

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