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You sent me postage due for your Christmas card
in that last Sun Dance, videotaped and sent
off to the fashion editor in LA,
while I paid $80,000.00 for a new sports car,
hundreds of little ones starved here at home
beneath the Statue of the Immaculate Conception
in the harbor of lost dreams and no overtime,
sweat shoppes made us rich,
but am I am no better when I could have given
the shadows of life, liberty and the pursuit of starvation
some deer corn, and a soft drink,
the throw-a-ways from the rich and famous
to eat, in exchange for that priceless feeling of
helping another human, no religious liberty attached,
doing it, like He did, because it
was the right thing to do, and then, my dear Apostle
and drinking buddies,
eternity is that feeling that comes us upon when he
are charitable to others, without the gross expectation
of any remains in return,
I know what it means to have found heaven on earth,
as they packed away me dust and ashes in
a shoebox that sits today beyond the leaking asbestos,
next to the Santa Claus dummy and auto-harp
it is a good thing to be a kind person
with an ego deflated by a certain nail
from his Mount of Olives, at Christmas time.

Copyright, William "Wild Bill" Taylor, November, 2004