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Once their lived a gentle giant,
whose claws were trimmed by the
invisible who surrounded these beast with restrain
and understanding,
he was slow to act, slower to anger,
and drew blood only as a last resort,
those who serve the giant were glad to do so
asking nothing in return,
the rest of us were in awe of compassion, the common good
was the god for all ages,
yet, there were those who did not trust the invisible
they demanded to be seen,
money and greed were their icons,
the common good nothing more than a necessary evil,
until one day the giant did not awaken
when justice called him to act,
and the invisible scattered like fire flies,
and the seen became the new republic,
corrupt, greedy, and selfish,
causing our giant to die,
now we are ruled by fire flies and suspicion,
it was as if the giant was never
there at all
and we are all confused as to what appears
real and selfish.

Copyright, William "Wild Bill" Taylor, December, 2003