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Cover me in the surrendered silence of those
forgotten children
who traveled with me to adult hood,
with leaking roofs and starving bellies,
I can see as if it were early morning vespers
back up in the hills of Virginia,
where the backbone of the devil takes aim at a bigger
Bull Mountain,
a place upon the passage of modern measuring time
moves slowly one can fell the pinch of the northern winds
coming at me from that grade school
where me and those poor rocket boys played marbles
for keeps
when in our lifetime the Valentine's gift of the girls in
our childhood meant little to those of us who bloomed late,
for poverty is a hidden cruelty not measured in scientific
ways and means but by the dark circles under the little
boys eyes, holes in their dungarees, and that ever repugnance
of moth balls, kerosene and chewing tobacco,
where are
those sad school bells that have gone quickly silent for the day and this century,
as I face the limits of mortality and adverbs
I wonder, always, especially when my stomach growls for
a snack,
if they are still playing marbles around this time
are those rocket boys with their growling kick ball,
close to the Blue Ridge when I was a visitor,
I knew the signs of hunger and poverty's lace,
yet, it was all forgotten for the moment
when Glenn orbited the earth and
Kennedy went to Dallas one Thanksgiving,
there were no rocket boys to save him
as he turned onto Elm and into our heartbreak
Copyright, William "Wild Bill" Taylor, February, 2002