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Well, this page is kinda boring, but you obviously want to see it if you're here, correct? This page will inform you about my cheerleading team's awards, and my individual awards. (Please note there are three places per year, this is because we have 3 competitions a year cities, states, then regionals.)



First year: 3rd , 2nd, 2nd.

Second year:1st, 1st, 2nd,

Third year:1st, 1st, 1st.


First Year: 3rd, 3rd, 3rd.

Second Year: 2nd, 2nd*, 1st*


First Year: 2nd, 2nd, 2nd,

Second Year: *1st*, 2nd, *1st*

Third Year: *1st*, 2nd, 2nd

* indicates that the place was what we would have won, if deductions were not involved- or if we didn't get screwed over.

Please visit The Congrats Page!

Misc. Awards

My Individual Awards