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Cheerleading Advice

To make any team, it requires skill, and practice. I'll start with tryouts. to try out and make a cheerleading team, you must be ready to work, and be ready to memorize. Also, you must be ready to smile, no matter what. Most important, you must beable to deal with stereotypes. Cheerleading comes with many stereotypes, and to be a good cheerleader, you must not either follow them, or listen to them.

Other than that, at tryouts, don't complain, and make sure you look like you're having fun. Also be ready to make a commitment. Cheerleading takes up a lot of time, whether it be for games, practice, or fundraisers. I'm going to state the obvious here, but be stiff, don't bend your wrists or elbows, and PAY ATTENTION to what the coaches are teaching you!

Never wear jewelry, jeans, dress shoes, etc. to practice or games. Jewelry can get in your way, or cath on something, jeans don't allow you to move comfortably therefore not allowing you to work to your fullest ability. Always wear your hair tied back so that it won't get in your face and such.

When cheering, don't sing your words, yell them. USE YOUR ABDOMEN so you don't screech and loose your voice. Plus, using your abdomen to cheer works your stomach muscles.

Now for competition. When competiting, NEVER say ANYTHING bad about another team! It is not showing sportsmanship, and you never know who might be listening. Always congradulate, and if you hear something negative towards you or your team, do NOT retalliate with harsh words.

When you are actually out on the floor, be peppy! cheer on your team, and BE CONFIDENT! Judges love it when you walk out onto the floor like you own it and make eye contact with judges; that gains you major presentation points. For extra presentation points, don't play with your uniform, even if your skirt is up! Always keep eye-contact, and use facial expressions other than one fake smile splattered across your face, also bob your head uo and down or side to side (like from shoulder to shoulder, get an attitude!) every now and then to add extra energy.

Keep your movements stiff, and make sure they are individual moves, not one big move blended together. Always keep smiling! If you mess up, run into someone, forget where your going; no matter what... SMILE! Even if a mount falls, keep cheering, or try to put up a simple version of what you were trying to do. Keep the energy high by changing the pitch of your voice instead of keeping one monotone voice. Make sure your voices are loud and distinct so the crowd can understand you. Put everything you have into it, you're out there to win!

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