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Ircle is the Gold Standard for the Mac

Click on the "Get Ircle" icon to go to the Ircle page and download the best IRC client for the Mac.

Ircle features live voice audiostreaming from one mac to another, videostreaming, and face files. A face file is a picture of you, or a graphic you would like to represent you, in the channel(s) you are in. Other Ircle users can view your file, which will show up in their faces window as a small square. When a user double-clicks on your "face" they may view a larger picture and text file of information you wish to share.

New to IRC?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. Thousands of users meet in "channels" using IRC. To get there you need an IRC client, like Ircle. On the Undernet there is an Ircle help channel, #Ircle. There are thousands of other interesting channels there also such as #mensa, #theoryg, #bookshelf, #mac, #macintosh, #linux, #philosophy, #objectivism, #mensans, #physics, #visualbasic, #catholic, #macppl, and #authors, to name just a few.

Need help? You can find me on the Undernet and Newnet using the nick astarte.