Be Warned! There are MASSIVE Spoilers Ahead... If you don't want to read them then please go back!
Nagisa Kaworu , the elusive Fifth Child. He only appears in the last tape of NGE, and in the movies.
Nothing is known of any family. Kaworu is sent directy from Seele in order to replace Asuka after she becomes inable to pilot the Eva. He shows an ability to drop his synch level to any level that he wishes, which up till then was thought to be impossible.
Nagisa Kaworu, an enigmatic character at best. Shinji attatches to him rather quickly, whats the reason for that? Shinji, throughout the entire series, is slow to make any kind of attatchment to anyone or anything. Most likely because anything he had made attatchments to in the past had left him behind or hurt him. He'd been hurt too many times before. I guess I can see why so many people think of Shinji and Kaworu as an couple. I'm not sure what I think of the whole idea. As If the series wasn't confusing enough, but after I thought about it... It really makes sense. There are plenty of indications (Shinji blushing whenever he is around, Kaworu actually says he loves Shinji, and Kaworu asking if he can sleep with Shinji). I think the one thing that really convices me is the degree of angst, yes I think thats the word I wanted, that Shiji goes through when he discovers that Kaworu is the Seventeenth Angel. He accuses Kaworu of betraying him. Though its never blatantly stated, its isn't to great a leap of faith to draw conclusions about the relationship and interaction between them. But... as my friend once said, watching a whole lot of Eva all at once is like putting your brain in a blender. ^_^ I'm inclined to agree. But at any rate... I like Kaworu and I was really sad that he died, even though there wasn't really a way around it was there? And I felt really bad for Shinji because he had to be the one to kill the one person he seemed to be able to confide (is that the word I want? I'm not entirely sure) in. Sooooo... I felt that dedicating a little piece of my corner of the web to Kaworu was only fair and decent.