Tribal War Paint! or... RC's box of makeup.
And some nights we just feel creative and decide to put on our warpaint!
I've got a big box of nifty makeup stuffs in fun colors. The results are rather nifty!
This would be D, the pics didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but the makeup looks nifty!
And this is me. ^_^ a touch washed out again but oh well. It was quite fun!
And I drew all that! ^_^ It was really amusing, I kept threatening to write silly things all over his face ^_^
well... in the strictest order of things these last two pics don't go here... but I'm gonna put them in here ANYWAY!!!
Doesn't Jason look cute with the pigtails... all he needs are cute lil pink ribbons! ^_^ *giggles*
AHA! Tis the introduction of the Popeye Chibi Head Grin! Now... add to this... hopping on one foot... the one hand clapping thing... and the ferret/badger noises and you have... well actually we're not quite sure what it is... save to say its strange ^_^
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