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E-Pal: A Person with whom you E-mail often, simaler to a Pen Pal, except the writeing is done through E-mail.....

If you are looking for a person to write to about Hanson Or anything for that matter, follow the steps below and we will try our best to find one for you. We hope that you will get an E-pal, it makes Being a Hanson Fan Fun when you can talk to those who like Hanson Also. Oh and if you don't like Hanson And for some strange reason you find our page, that's grate, give us your Name and infor and we will find you a Hanson fan, or non-Hanson fan if you want, to write to. ENJOY!!! :o)
Cindy Stevens Hi, I'm Cindy, one of the Owners of this page. I'm a 16/f, and love HANSON!!! I also like to swim, talk on the phone, hang out with my friends, E-mail my GOOD FRIEND Christie, ((the other owner of this page)) and do what normal everyday teens do. I love Poetry and I write my own sometimes. I have a small colection of my own ((some not finished)) Hanson Stories. E-mail me if you want. BYE!!! :o)

Daisy Ann Noelle Info on Daisy: Daisy is a 15/f that loves Hanson she and Wants to have a Hanson E-pal. She Lives in a Place where there are not many Hanson Fans. ((I/Cindy, know how she feels)) She wants to keep her location privit, but maybe as she gets to know her E-pal it'll be 'revealed' sooner or later.

Krys Hola! I'm Krys and I am 15/f. I am a Hanson fan. I enjoy listening to music, talking to all my friends, hang out with my friends, and sometimes just staying home and vegging. I live in NH. Where I live there are not much Hanson fans. Just me,Cindy, and another friend of mine. I hope to hear from anyone who just wants to talk about whatever. Thank U!!! Adios:-)

Cara 19/f Brown hair blue eyes. I like reading writting swimming dancing updating my hanson page and gathering new members for my hanson club. Please go to my page at

Steps to get your self an E-pal

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