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What Would You Do???????

Hey there, Welcome to the Poll. Right now I You will have to send your answers to us through mail but we will get another way to do this soon. On this page We ask you a few Questions and you answer them for us. We will change the Quistion as often as posable. Thanks!!!:o) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

What Would You Do....

  • Hanson has boarded a plane to go to yet another concert in another place. This time the Flight is over Seas. During the ride the plane crashes and lands in to ocean. When rescue workers find the reck they find no survivers. What would you say if you had to say something kind and conciderit to their family?

  • What Would You Do?.....

    Hanson is proforming in your town and you have front row tickets. What would you do if you also had back stage passes and you fould out that this was the only time that they were ever going to be really this near to you and you fould out that you had a college interview at Harvord on the same day and at the same time. College would change your life, but you will probably never again get the chance to meet them ever again.

  • What Would You Do?.....

    You are on the school soft ball team, there is the last game of the season that night. You win, There for there is a party at your older friends house. When you get there, you are surprized to see that there is no adults there. People under age are smoking and drinking. One of your older friends walks up to you and asks you if you wanna drag off of a butt. What do you say?

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    Send your answeres along with the Questions to The Address below. Thanks for playing, or what would you call it, polling. *LoL*


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