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Chapter 4

"Manny, hurry. It's almost 3:00. We need to go home and watch the tour video. We're gonna be late!!!" Tanny exclaimed in a panicking voice. "Oh my god, I don't think I could ever forgive myself if we didn't get home in time to watch the New Kids On the Block. Jordan is so fine." Manny said with a dreamy look in her eyes. " way. Joe is definetly the finest man on earth. He has the RIGHT STUFF!!!"Tanny exclaimed smiling. Both girls walked home quickly, popping in the video. They stood in the middle of the living room, perfecting their dance moves that are on the video. "Wait, Donny grabs himself right here." Manny said. "I am not going to grab myself. No way, and no how will I ever do that." Tanny said walking over to the couch and sitting down. "Oh come on, do it for Donny." Manny whined. "NO WAY!!! Well the video is almost done. Wanna cut it short for the day and play with our new kids dolls?" Tanny asked excitedly. "Okay, but I get to be Jordan." Manny said. "Okay, well I want to be Joe anyhow." Tanny replied. With that they took out their dolls and began playing.


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