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Chapter 5

Taylor and Sandra decided on taking a walk through the park. As they were engaged in conversation they heard 2 people calling their names. They both turned around to see Jeramia and his girlfriend Tanya. "Hi guys, I can't believe it's such a coicidence that your here too. We decided to go for a walk, but I think it's going to rain soon." Tanya said as she pointed to her blue umbrella that she always carried. "Ya baby, she thinks it's gonna rain,baby. Yeah." Jeramia said with a cheezy grin. "Oh really. Well we were up in Taylor's room cutting out coupons for Tic-Tacs. God knows we always need them." Sandra said putting her hand in Taylor's hand. "Tic-Tacs are the best baby. I love them. I'm always hearing you make such a big comotion about them. Now I tried them baby, and now I love them. It's groovy baby YEAH!!!" Jeramia replied with a wide smile. "Oh, Jer. We better go. Look at the clouds. It is bound to rain." Tanya said opening her umbrella. "Put that thing down baby. You carry that thing everywhere. It is not going to rain, okay. Yeah!!!" Jeramia said. Sandra and Taylor just smiled at eachother. "Well we better be going. We need to go to the store and get for the week. We only have 20 dollars for Tic-Tacs. We have to make it stretch." Taylor said holding the 20 dollar bill. "Okay baby, well you give me a call, okay. Bye baby." Jeramia said. With that they all went their seperate ways.


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