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Chapter 7

"Hi mom! I'm home. Maria's here with me!" Isaac yelled when he and Maria walked in the living room. "Hi Isaac. Hi Maria. Come in. I just bakes some blueberry muffins. Would you care for some?" Diana asked. "Ya, they are really good muffins. MMM...." Walker said as he patted his tummy. Isaac and Maria knodded their heads and walked over to retrieve a muffin. Isaac bit into his. " make some mean muffins mom." Isaac said as he finshed the rest of his muffin. "Wow, I like the color of your middle finger nail. It's pink." Maria said smiling. "Oh, this old thing. I've had this color for years." Diana said as she walked over to the table and began putting touch ups on her finger with her bright pink nail polish. "Mom, why do you always have to paint your middle finger pink? Why don't you do all of them?" Isaac asked. "It just doesn't feel right. I mean, what would your life be without thumbtacks?" Diana asked. "Well....nothing. I admit it. It would be nothing without my thumbtacks!" Isaac exclaimed. " See, my life wouldn't be anything if I didn't have blueberry muffins all the time. Or have my finger pink. I'm glad your understand." Diana said as she walked over to her son and gave him a hug. "Hey Maria. Wanna see something funny. Watch this." Walker said as he took out his 3 fake teeth and showed them to her. "See! I have no front teeth. Ahhh!!!" Walker said as he moved them up and down in his mouth."Look, I'm a vampire!" Walker exclaimed as he put his false teeth upside down. "Wow, that's reallly funny!" Maria said laughing. "Well, we should go upstairs and try out our thumbtacks. Bye mom, bye dad." Isaac said. With that, they disappeared up into Isaac's room.


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