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Purple People Eater

Hey all, this is Cindy, This is one of the funnyest Hanson stories that I Have ever read. My Friends Meagan and Krys wrote it. It's kinda corny acording to krys, but this story wouln't be as funny if it wasn't corny in a few ways. ((I like the story don't work krys)) Anyway, You all know about copyright. (C) Here We go once again with another Disclaimer. Neather Krys or Meagan have any conections with Mercury records, they don't know Hanson. This is PURE FICTION!!!! The only characters in it that are real are Taylor, Zac, Isaac, and YOUR'S TRUELY!!!!! :o) ((who is going out with Zac in the story...Yes, a 16 year old girl is going out with a 13 year old. Heck I don't mind!)) I would also like to add, that I know each chapter is REALLY short but You will know why I grouped each chapper the way that I did when you read it. Well have fun reading it, and if you could do me, krys, and Meagan a favor and tell us what you think when you're done it would be a help. Thanks and HAPPY READING!!! :o)

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10


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