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Welcome to the Story part of Our page. I know that People hate reading Disclaimers but hey it has to be done. So....Here goes.... None of the stories that You will be reading are true. They were all made up by the imaginations of the people who wrote them. No one has any connections with Mercury Records in any way. So have fun and remember that these stories are Copy righted. ---Enjoy--- :o)

  • Alexis's Hanson story
  • Alexis's Hanson story part 2
  • Help Me Wonderfully
  • Cindy's story
  • ::Always:: ((by/ Amelia))
  • Just like You and Me
  • Prison Of Lies
  • Sequel to "Just like you and Me"
  • I Cried
  • Dark Clouds
  • The Sequal to "I Cried"
  • Even Angel Trilogy
  • Heathers Hanson letter/story
  • Reach For The Moon
  • Jenny
  • Moon Light Love
  • Weeping Willow
  • Again
  • Thank You
  • Purple People EaterFUNNY!!!!
  • Takeing Down the Stars
  • When We Were Young Stories Were Told
  • Jen's Hanson fan fic, 6 great stories
  • Dying Wishes
  • Until We Meet Again

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