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Ok, The Disclamer is on the story page of this site if you haven't read it yet, then please do so now. The only thing that I have to say about this story is that I am catholic, and there is a part in this story that deals with that mater. Sorry about the font, I'm haveing troubles with it.Well I just thought that I would warn you. Read on.
"Help Me Wonderfully "

Zac Hanson sat on his bed in his house in Tulsa Oklahoma.
"Well Zac, you've really done it this time" He said to him self. "you knew not to play with the glass dish." he continued to give him self a lecture. "And you defiantly knew that you weren't supposed to toss it around." he continued to ridicule himself.

"Zac who are you talking to? Taylor asked as he walked into the room.

"No one." Zac replied.

"So you broke mom's favorite glass dish huh. Smooth move X-lacks!" Taylor said as he walked out of the room. Zac just sighed and laid back on his bed. Now he was grounded for a week.

Why did he play with that thing in the first place? "Zac you are soooo stupid." He said hitting the palm of his hand to his forehead. He just laid there thinking of all the stupid things that he had been doing lately. There was the dish he broke after supper, the lightbulb that he burnt out in the closet, the curtain he ripped, the now pink, that use to be white laundry, that he did on Monday.

He was grounded all of Tuesday but he some how got into trouble again by taking a Barbie away from Avery and hiding it on her.

"Well she was bugging me with it." Zac said out loud to no one. Then he thought about what happened after that, how when they found Avery's doll they grounded Zac for another 2 days.

Well as the week went on Zac kept getting into trouble and kept getting grounded longer. Well this time he has had it. He wasn't going to move from his bed until his groundment was over.


After Zac had lived out is punishment he was free to do what he wanted to do again. Well, what he wanted to do was play Laser tag. So he got his stuff and walked down to the laser tag place. He paid his way in and then got his gear on. He took his good luck penny and kissed it, he then put it back into his pocket.

"Well here goes" he said as he entered the war area. Zac got onto the ground and crawled over to a little wall. he crouched behind it. When he heard some one coming he jumped up and started to shoot but the thing is that for the first time he missed. He never missed. He ducked back behind he wall. He thought over all the things he did in order to keep his game lucky.

"I must have forgotten to do something." he said in a whisper. After a few minutes he got up and started to walk around. He needed to take the other players out. Just then a voice came over a loud speaker.

"There is now only two remainders in this game room." There must have been some losers already. Wow who ever this person was, had to be good. Zac's heart started to beat faster because he knew that the he could be anywhere. Just waiting to jump out and hit the him. Zac walked backwards ever so often turning around to check where he was so blindly heading. when he heard a noise. He stopped dead in his tracks as slowly turnedaround to come face to face with the person that was doling him. The other player had been doing the same thing that Zac was doing. The other player was walking backwards and then they both came face to face. "Fire" They both said. They started shooting at each other blindly. Until the heard their packs go off at the same time. "Game over" the intercom person said the lights went on.

Zac closed his eyes and reopened them, he had to adjust to the light. When his eyes were all focused he looked strait at his opponent. He wasn't fighting a was a she.


"Hey there", Zac said.

"Hello", the Girl said.

"I guess that it was a tie, huh?" Zac said.

"Yes I guess so." The girl said. She was a tall, brown hair, brown eyed girl, about Taylor's age. They talked to each other for awhile and then they made there way out side. The girl excused herself.

"Hey what's your name?" Zac asked.

"Oh Cindy." She said.

Zac shook his head yes, "Hi", and then said. He turned around to walk away. There was no use of having her know his name, he probably would never see her again.

"Hey!" Zac heard her say. He turned around to see her walking away.

"Bye Zac! she said. He waved and then ran home that gave him the creeps. How did she know my name? She must be a friend of Taylor's, that it, a friend of Taylor's. When he got home he ran into the kitchen to find Tay. Zac what's up you look like you just ran all the way home. Taylor said with a laugh.

"I did, do you by any chance know a girl with brown hair and brown eyes named Cindy?" Zac asked Tay.

"No...why do you ask?" Taylor asked.

"Well today after I got done playing Laser Tag against this chick that I didn't even know We were like talking and stuff. Well I never told her my name, and she was like Bye Zac, It was really freaky because I have never seen her before in my short little life." Zac said.

"Well that's not that weird....She could know you from like anywhere." Taylor pointed out.

"I guess so." Zac said walking out of the kitchen.

Well, weeks went bye and Zac still didn't dare to go back to the laser tag place. It was about Halloween time and it was not time to be thinking about freaky things. Zac didn't know why this girl named Cindy bothered him so much. All he knew was that she was in a lot of his dreams at night as well. One night she was saving him from falling. It was weird because in the dream he was 7 again. He was in the tree house in his back yard. He remembers because this really happened. He was playing with Taylor and he slipped and fell out. As he fell in the dream he was caught by that girl. She set him on the ground gently.

"Then she was like, gone" Zac told his older brother Isaac.

"That really happened to you though." (( ~A.N.~ I have no Idea I this really happened to him or not...pretend)) Ike said as he ate his breakfast.

"Well it happened all except the part about the girl catching you." Ike added.

"We never found out how you recovered from a fall that far without getting even a scratch." Taylor said butting in on Ike and Zac's conversation.

Now Zac was scared, had he really been caught? Every night after the time he saw Cindy she was in all his dreams. She was always there, even if she had nothing to do with the dream it self she was always there.

Zac was now pretty fed up with not sleeping at night, so he walk down to the Laser tag place to see if he could see her. Things in Zac's life weren't going to good lately. He was seeing things in his dreams. One of his best friends died from a drug over dose last year, and on top of that his grandmother had died the previous day. He was in no mood to have anything new happen to him, so that's why he got up the courage to go find that Cindy girl.

He returned moments later after searching, she was no where to be seen. When Zac got home he was met at the door by his father.

"What's up dad?" He asked. His father had a really weird look on his face.

"Zac I have to tell you something." He said. He took Zac by the shoulder and guided him into the living room.

"Zac About 5 minutes ago there was a phone call from your friend Brett's parents."

"Where is he, can they find him? you know how he's always leaving with out telling someone where he is going." Zac said with a laugh.

"No, No Zac, Brett was in a shooting accident. He was killed accidentally by some hunters in the woods. He died as soon as the bullet hit him."

Zac looked deep into the eyes of his father to find a sign that he was lying to him. But there was no sign.

"Your joking right, Ya, good joke dad, really, what happened?" Zac said

"I'm telling you the truth Zac, He's.....gone" His father said.

Zac felt his eyes fill with tears, he felt as one came trickling down his face. Zac got up and ran out of the room up the stairs to the addict steps. He went up the stairs and found corner by a open window and sat and cried. How could one of his best friends be gone, How could this be happening? First the Drugs with Sam, the death of his grandmother and now...this. Zac cried for awhile, This is all he needed, He came back into the top floor of his house and walked down the stairs and out the front door.

"What's wrong Zac?" Taylor asked as he was pushed out of the way by the emotional Zac as he ran down the street.

Taylor walked into the living room to find his father sitting there with this sad look on his face. "What's up with Zac dad?" Taylor asked.

"His friend Brett died today." He said.

"Oh no, Should I go find him?" Taylor asked.

"No, let him go, he needs to think awhile." his father said.

Zac ran like he had never ran before. He was crying and gasping for breath at the same time, so his lungs hurt a lot. He finally stopped after a lot of running and he was at the point when he was almost going to pass out if he didn't stop soon. He was at the covered bridge, about 1 mile away from his house. He walked to one of the windows that showed the rushing river below him. He watched as the river flowed rapidly under the bridge. He was devastated ,and crying. He hoisted him self up onto the window sill. He sat with his legs facing the out side of the bridge.

"Why are you taking my friends and family from me? Why are you hurting me?" Zac cried out. Why, Why, Why, He said through his sobbing. He knew that this was it..there was no way out....if things were getting bad now....they would only get worse. He knew what he should do. The world would be much better with out him. So he placed his hands firmly onto the window-sill that he was sitting on and leaned out. He was going to do it. Things were to bad to go on. He was going to let go of the window-sill. He was going to jump. He closed his eyes and then leaned some more. He let go with one hand and then leaned some more. There was no backing out of this now. No he would be better in heaven with is friends and grandmother who were his most favorite people in the world.


"Zac Hanson, You stop this now" A voice said from behind him.

He didn't want to stop. He was in so much pain. So much Pain that he couldn't bare to feel it any more. He let go with the other hand and started to fall. His life was flashing in front of his eyes he was seeing his brothers, mom, dad, his sisters. He had really let go. Things will be Ok now, he thought. Just then he hit water. He felt the cold water hit him hard like a thousand needles. He was dragged under by the current. He let himself be sucked down. Then as he was becoming all numb and was started to feel himself slip he was yanked from the water. and dragged onto the near by banking. He was fighting to breath. His lungs were so filled with water that he couldn't breath. He was gasping. He knew that this was how he had intended to die Why had someone saved him? He was still coughing. He felt someone's hands grab his head and pull it back. He was so full of water everywhere that he couldn't see. He felt soft lips press against his. they were really warm. Warmer then they should have been. He felt the person breath a lung full of air into his lungs. He was being given mouth to mouth. He felt another one. Then he felt what he didn't want to feel, all the water in his lungs were coming up. He started to choke and gag. The life saver stopped and sat Zac up. The person gave him a good whack on the back and Zac felt the stuff come up. After about 2 to 3 minutes of throwing up water he wiped this eyes out so that he could see again. he took a deep breath and felt the air refill his lungs. He was breathing normally.

"Why did you do that? Why did you save me, I wanted to die?! " Zac said in a mad voice.

"had to....I wanted you to live." The voice said. He turned around to see the Girl that he had been looking for earlier.

It was Cindy,. "Cindy...What...I don't understand." Zac said.

Cindy sat next to Zac and looked at him. She still had those Big Brown Eyes and that solder length brown hair. He looked her over. She was completely dry. How had she taken him from the water with out getting wet?

"Zac I saved you. You were going to drown." Cindy said.

"Ya stupid I was trying to drown. That was the point" Zac said.

Cindy sat there and looked at him. "Zac do you know who I really am?" She asked.

"As far as I know your Cindy, so girl that is really scarring me." Zac said. He was mad still that Cindy had stopped him from actually being happy again.

"Yes, My name is Cindy but I am to your every day teen, I am your Garden angel." Cindy said. She went from wearing a sweater and jeans to wearing a long straight dress that was white and had little sequence on it.

"My What? my Angel? I have a garden Angel?" Zac said. He was now really confused.

"Yes, I have been with you since you were born, I was there when....." Zac cut her off..."When I fell from the Tree" He said. "You caught me didn't you." Zac said.

Cindy shook her head yes. " It is my job to protect you and to guide you though life. Well You just tried to end your own life. That was not part of your plan from God." Cindy said.

"Well if God Sent you hear to keep me from alive then why didn't he send garden Angels to save my Friends and Grandmother." Zac said.

"I knew that You would ask me this question. It was time for the people you love to go to Heaven and be with God. He had it planed that way." Cindy said.

"Well then What does God have planed for me?" Zac said in a curious voice.

Cindy laughed lightly. "I can't tell you that. Only you can make your life what it is. God Is there to help you with you life. He has you on this Earth for a long time. Now are you going to go home now and promise me that you will live a long life like the one that you are intended to live?" Cindy asked Zac.

He sat there for a few minutes thinking for a little bit. Then he stood up. " Well if God wants me to live and do Great things then I will." Zac said.

Cindy smiled. "I'm glad to hear you say that." She said.

" Now Go home, your mom is looking for you. They will be worried." She said.

Zac smiled and Looked at Cindy. "thanks" He said as he rapped his arms around her in a great big hug.

"Will you still be my Garden angel now that I have a long life to live?" He asked still holding her.

"Yes I will, now go before You catch phenomena." Zac let her go and walked away. He stopped and turned around to thank her again but she was gone.

He smiled and walked home. When he got there Mother And father were sitting in the Kitchen waiting for his return.

"Zac! your Back I was so worried" his mother said.

"Ya mom.....I'm Home" Zac said as he gave his mother a hug. He was going to live his life and nothing was going to stop him from being the best that he could be.

"Zac Why are you all wet" he heard his mother say from the kitchen as he walked away into the living room.



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