My Family
From top left to bottom right this is a picture of my dad, my sister Kim, my half-sister Katherine, my sister
Jenna, my half-sister Kristen, and me. My mother is not in this picture because my mother
and father are divorced and a picture of all of us would probably be impossible to get. This picture was
taken in October of '98 at my father's house.
These three pictures are of my older sister, Kim. The left one is one of her
high school picture, I think it was from her senior year. The middle picture is of her
and her ex-boyfriend, Ed, on May 23, 1998 at her prom. And the picture to the right is Kim
at my apartment sometime in November '98. Kim is a year older than me, but we graduated in the same
year and no she did not stay back one year. I think what happened was she went to readiness and I
didn't. We didn't graduated from the same school because at the start of high school she
went and lived with my father in a different town. I thought it was pretty neat being in the same
grade as my sister, but it was hard at times.
This first picture is of Kimmy and Donnie at Donnie's Prom. The middle picture is of the two of them at my apartment the day before Kimmy had the baby. She had a baby boy Monday, January 3, 2000. She named him Dunccan. He was born at 7:05 p.m. He weighted 7lbs 4oz and was 21 inches long. Donnie is the father of the baby, but he missed the delivery because he is in the air force. But our friend Otillie was nice enough to tape the birth for him. Kimmy and Donnie are now married and also have a daughter, Morgan Mae-Lyn, that was born March 23, 2002.
From top left to bottom right this picture is of me, Otille, Jenna, and Kim. The picture on the right (from top left to
bottom right) is of Katherine, Jenna, Kim, me, and Otillie lying down. I know Otillie is in both of these pictures
and she is not part of my family, but I thought these pictures were pretty good and I don't have many pictures of
my step-sisters.
These two pictures are of my younger sister, Jenna. The picture on the left is her freshman picture taken sometime in 1998.
The second picture was from this year too, but was taken at my apartment sometime in November '98.
The two end pictures are of my youngest half-sister Kristen she is 6 years old in both of these pictures and were taken at her birthday
party in October '98. The middle picture is of both Katie and Kristen taken sometime in 1998.
These two pictures are of my younger step-sister, Katie. She is 8 years old and these pictures were also taken in
October '98 during Kristen's birthday party.
This last picture is of me, Jenna, Kristen, Kimmy, and Katie. It was taken on May 30, 1999.