Rules for the Brigands ~ Cutthroats ~ and Malcontents of the LoTA
Duties and Rights of the Assassins
The art and craft of the assassin has fallen on hard times. Not many are around that can perform the functions of the assassin with any skill or grace. It is a craft that is going by the way side much like the true healer. To make it easier for those who wish to pursue that noble craft the following are the rules that the LoTA has set down. No deviation from the rules is allowed.
* All assassins will have a LoTA registration number. This is the assassins license to kill.
* Three logs of the target must be submitted by the assassin showing that the assassin properly stalked the target.
* Each log must have taken place on different dates and times.
* Those three logs may be from Instant Message or from room conversations. NO MS, or GS logs will be used for AA purposes.
* Each log must have at least 12 lines of dialog.
* Once the assassin has those logs, then they may request a contract number for the assassination to take place.
* All assassinations will have a contract number. This LoTA AA contract number must be placed in the assasin's profile. NOT on the characters web page.
* All assassinations will take place 24 hours after the assassin receives the contract number.
* All assassinations will be recorded by the assassins that performed the AA.
* All assassinations will be conducted without harassment of the target mun by the assassin mun.
* All assassins must verify that the target is in the room and that the target is role playing. The logs better show this.
* All recordings of the AA will be checked by the Assassin Chancellor.
* At no time will the target be able to convey to anyone who did the AA on them.
* As an AA is mostly noted OOC, no one Role Playing in the room sees the assassins do the AA. If anyone uses the AA log for revenge afterward on the assassin, they will be executed for mun crossing.
~ Please note: No one sees the assassination attempt. It is announced in the room with mun bubbles.
* All races may be assassins in the LoTA. There are restrictions on the supers when assassinating the target.
* Only 2 dice may be used in an assassination attempt.
* The assassin and the target may use one enhancer each at the beginning of the AA and a max of 2 enhancers during the AA.
~ Example:
~ Target enters the room and Assassin states on them. Assassin must list all AAing enhancers that will be used. This includes any enhancers that may come into play if an AADM occurs. The target must state all enhancers they posses and again this must include all enhancers that may come into play if an AADM occurs.
* It is legal to invited the target to a room, but only when it is determined that the target is actually in that room and Role Playing can the AA commence.
* If the target makes perception the assassin then states what action the target may take so the target gets to decide whether to fight, dodge, or flee.
* If the target fails perception and all bodyguards who stated failed perception, then the assassin may stike.
* Once the assassin strikes and kills the target the assassin again must leave the room immediately.
Registering Your Assassins
All assassins must be registered within the LoTA and with the LoTA Assassin Chancellor, before AAing.
The assassins must place in their profile prior to committing any assassination attempt the LoTA assassin registration number issued by the LoTA Assassin Chancellor.
Every contract number issued by the LoTA Assassin Chancellor will be placed in the assassins profile.
To become an assassin in the LoTA you must do a mock AA and send the log of it to the Assassin Chancellor for review. No Logs that are attached to the mail will be accepted. Once registered, the assassin is required to keep the AA# in their profile at all times.
The Assassination Contracts
Three logs of the target are needed to AA. These logs must contain at least 12 lines of the target active in the room. IM logs are perfectly acceptable providing they are at least 25 lines long. The assassin cannot get a contract to perform the AA until those logs are submitted to the Assassin Chancellor. The logs should be submitted along with the log of the target performing the reason why the AA is taking place. Reasons for an AA are listed further on.
5 Minute Rule
Once the target is told OOC to state their, BGs, and to roll for perception, they have 5 minutes to do so, or be declared dead. Should the target leave the room once the assassin has declared on the target, the target must return or be declared auto dead. The clock still runs from the moment of the assassins declaration in the room. No exceptions. If it is shown that the target is not online then time must be noted for the log. Any target that is shown to leave the realms and reappear later within the same date without submitting a valid reason for being punted and not returning to the room within 10 minutes of being stated on, will automatically loose a rezz. The assassin still does their strike, to figure out the exps he/she earned. The assassin states what the current date/time is and waits the allotted 5 minutes if the target doesn't respond. The log must state the 5 minute count down.
Perception Check
The assassin must be in the room with the target and both must be active. The log has to show this activity. Perception checks are done to see if the target notices something's amiss. At least 2 points are needed to successfully pass the perception check. To avoid lengthy AA logs, there is a 5 minute rule in effect, the target must roll within 5 minutes of the assassin stating the AA OOC, or be counted as auto-dead. The assassin will then be awarded a valid kill if no perception check is made by the target within the amount of time required.
Making the Perception Check
Once the target has made their perception check, they act first, they may either dodge, flee or fight.
*If the target chooses to fight, an Assassination Attempt DM starts and only the enhancers registered in the LoTA and stated in the profiles of the target and the assassin maybe used.
*If the target makes perception and chooses to dodge, then the target can attack the assassin. From that point on, the HPs are carried into an AADM that follows.
*If the target chooses to flee, then the target must leave the room immediately.
*If loser of the AADM is the target, they have 48 hours to submit a rezz log to the Czar of LoTA, and must state in their profile that one of their Rezzes has been spent
*If the loser of the AADM is the assassin, the assassin does not get a rezz. They must swipe their profile.
BGs must be in the same room during the AA on the target. They get a chance to spot that something's wrong also. If they are stated by the target as a bodyguard or bodyguards, they make the perception check. The target still acts as if nothing is amiss. If the BG(s) makes the perception check, then they can either push the intended target out of the way and take the AA hit, or the BG can alert the target of the danger, in which case, the target is immediately told to leave the room.
*Should the BG state to the target that there is an assassin in the room that has the target in their sites, the target must leave the room within one minute of the BG stating the alert. A count down is kept by the assassin and must be shown in the log.
* If the BG(s) looses the perception check then the target must do a perception check and it is played out as if the target does not have BG(s).
No matter how many BGs the target actually has. Only 2 may participate in the AA. All BGs must have it in their profiles, who they are BG to. This can be in the form of a specific Guild, Family, Clan, Group, or an individual person.
Mass AAs
Depending on the experience of the target, it becomes more difficult to kill them. Therefore it takes more hit points to kill a target that has high dice. *See Chart.
Rock Assassination Attempts
The RAA is played out exactly like the regular AA with only the following differences.
* Only child characters may perform the RAA.
* Rocks are thrown the target instead of the use of very lethal weapons of the adult assassins.
* If the RAA target fails perception and the RAA assassin makes their move and is successful, the target then gets beaned by what ever kind of Rock the target carries.
* Once beaned by the child assassin, the target must immediately go see a LoTA healer and be healed.
* After being healed the target cannot go out to play for 24 hours.
* If the target makes perception they have two choices, that is to flee or fight.
* The RAAPM begins if the target chooses to fight.
* The RAAPM is fought exactly like the regular PM.
Number of Assassins Allowed to Mass AA someone
There can be up to 3 assassins in a Mass AA. All three assassins need to have the same contract issued by the Assassin Chancellor and need to have the assigned contract number in their profiles.
When performing an MAA, the assassin with the highest dice states first and is the MAA leader. The assassin with the lowest dice states last.
In an MAA, the lead assassin keeps score just a proctor would in a match.
Mass RAA
Mass RAAs are allowed and the maximum allowed in the MRAA is 3 children.
In order to prevent a stoning from happening to the target, only one of the members of the MRAA team may be a 4d, all others can be either 2d and or 3d.
Other than that the MRAA is done like a regular MAA.
Should an AADM arise from a target making the perception check and deciding to fight, all persons will leave the room and go to a private room. The log must state what that private room is before leaving the room where the initial AA began.
Once in the PR the same rules apply to the AADM as in a DM except that the target starts off with the score of their roll on the assassin from where the AA took place. This is stated by the proctor of the AADM. Should a proctor not be able to attend then the assassin with the lowest dice becomes the proctor. Only the assassin with the highest dice is allowed to fight in the AADM. At no time will anyone else enter the PR or interfere with the proceedings.
Hit Points Needed to Kill
These are the hit points to use during both the AA and the AADM, if one takes place. The numbers are for both the assassin and the target involved. The HPs are determined by the dice levels of the target.
Target dice sides ~ HPs needed to kill
d20-29 ~ 28
d30-39 ~ 30
d40-49 ~ 32
d50-59 ~ 34
d60-69 ~ 36
d70-79 ~ 38
d80-89 ~ 40
d90-94 ~ 42
d95-99 ~ 44
d100 ~ 46
Experience Points Earned for AA's
* An Assassin's Experience is: 50 x the hit points of damage done, plus 50 for the attempt. If there was an MAA this final score would be divided by the number of assassins in a MAA.
* Assassins are paid in gold by those who contract them.
Gold needed to Hire an Assassin in the LoTA
Targets dice sides ~ GPs need to hire for an AA
d20-29 ~ 200 gps
d30-39 ~ 500 gps
d40-49 ~ 700 gps
d50-59 ~ 900 gps
d60-69 ~ 1000 gps
d70-79 ~ 1500 gps
d80-89 ~ 2500 gps
d90-99 ~ 5000 gps
d100 ~ 6000 gps
Position Gold payments to Assassins
In addition to the prices listed above the following is added to the assassins fees:
Forum Council Member ~ 10000 gps
Guild Commanders ~ 8000 gps
Advisors ~ 7000 gps
Second in Command ~ 6000 gps
Third in command ~ 5000 gps
Clergy ~ 400 gps
LoTA Assassins Test
You must contact the Assassin Chancellor for a test that is issued by the LoTA forum. All assassins in the LoTA must take and pass the test. Only upon completion and successfully passing the assassins test may a person receive a registration number from the Assassin Chancellor.
Reasons for AAs in the LoTA
In order for a valid AA to be performed in the LoTA the reasons cited below must be stated on the contract application that is submitted to the Assassination Chancellor.
Only in certain cases may a GC order the death of a member of the LoTA and that can only be a member of their own guild or family. A copy of the AA contract that the GC has issued must be sent to the Assassination Chancellor prior to the AA taking place. Those cases are listed below and are noted by a "*".
1. Harassment of a family member.*
2. Unwarranted disrespect from a lesser ranking member.
3. Spying.*
4. War Time.*
5. Infidelity.*
6. Cheating in a gambling game.*
7. Playground bullying. *
8. High Dice bullying.
9. Treason.
10. Sedition.
11. Disruption of a Recruiting Hall.*
12. Disruption of a Temple or Sacred Hall*.
13. Posing as a member of the BoC.
14. Impersonating a member of the LoTA.
15. Disrespect to a proctor in the line of duty.
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