Healers and Priests
Spititualism and the LoTA
Healer Rules
Spiritual Leaders can be of any demonination or practice. In the character's profile it
must be stated that they are a Priest(ess). A character will not able to perform the duties and functions unless they are registered and active in that profession.
Spiritual leaders are called in to preform the functions of rezzing, marriages, funerals for the falling, aid and give comfort to the sick and dying, prevent a suicide, bless the warriors about to go into battle and assist commanders as the need may arise. All Spiritual leaders must have a fully functional place of worship that is also registered in the LoTA.
Holy Dice
Holy dice are different from battle or Black Hood Dice; there can only be 2 Holy Dice used no matter what race the character is when preforming rites where dice are required.
All duties, functions, and/or services must
be logged to count for xp's. The function must be stated and why it is being done at the beginning
of the log, along with the date, time, and place. At the end of the log it must show the final score and amount of xps earned for the function.
Clergy Duties XPs Earned
Earned ~ Needed to be successful
Blessings 5 x HPs rolled.............................5
Baptisms 250 xps.....................................none
Divorce 250 xps......................................none
Sermons 100 xps + 50 xps per person who sits through the entire sermon, a log of the sermon is required.
Burials/Funerals 1000 xps............................none
Last Rights 1000 xps.................................none
Marriages 1000 xps...................................none
Stopping a DM 500 xps................................none
Removal of curses 20 x HPs rolled....................25
Resurrecting the dead 40 x HPs rolled................determination of needed HPs is based on the race of the deceased.
Healers do not heal any character that has sustained injuries from spars. They heal injuries that are sustained from matches, injuries which have caused death and the body needs to be put aright before the spirit is returned to it and they heal those that have had their bodies altered to a state that was not once of their own. Example ~ Devamping.
General Healing Duties
Healers must run a log on all healings they do and submit those logs to gain the xps. The logs must state the Date, time, place of the healing, the name of person who is being healed, the reason for the healing, and the HPs needed to heal that person successfully. A copy of the log is sent to the healers GC, the injured person, and in the case of a rezz, to the person that killed the dead person. In the case of a resurrection, the healer must have a copy of the death in order to know what the dead person died from.
For general Healer duties such as, but not limited to,
births, healing wounds, curing a sickness, the xp's are earned by the number of HP rolled x 10. If the healer rolls 18 28 for a score of 4, they receive 40 Xp's.
Healing Rules
The healer must roll a hit point in order to continue healing until the amount required to heal is achieved. Should a healer roll less than 1 HP then the healing fails at that point.
Should the Healer be in the middle of healing the injured and fail to continue in the healing rite, the character may seek out another healer to finish the healing within 24 hours of the initial healing. If the injured character does not seek the services of another healer within the alloted time frame then they run the risk of permanant scarring, disfigurement, or permanant disability of the injured body part.
Healing works like sparing, the healer states for the log and all other parties involved will state for the log too. The exception to this is the Resurrection Rite and Soul Transfers.
Healers may follow any style or
method of healing that they wish, in the character's profile it must state
that they are a Healer. The character must be registered with the LoTA and
function actively in that profession. All healers of the LoTA must follow the predetermined procedures that are formally established by the LoTA in cases such as resurrections and soul transfers.
Healers can not heal themselves. If a Healer has become ill as a result of contracting a contagious disease from a patient or has suffered from an injury, they must seek out another Healer to perform the healing on them.
Healers are called for when there has been a HM, DM, AADM, PM, MPS, ST, RM and for everyday sicknesses such as childhood diseases, aches, sprains, etc. that do not involve combative engagements.
Resurrection Rites
All in attendance need to log. All of those attempting the resurrection rites need a copy (log) of the manner
in which the "body" died (copy of the DM, suicide etc.) to verify that they are truly dead. It MUST be stated in the resurrection proctors log by each person that they have recieved the copy of the manner in which the decease met their fate.
There must be at least one witness to the resurrection, at least One Priest(ess)
and One Healer for a Resurrection Ritual Match to be held. There must be a Proctor whose duty is to announce the score only, they do not get involved in the RM other than that.
In order for a resurrection to be successful the body must be put back into its original condition so that the spirit may return to it. Therefore the healer is the first to preform. There may be as many healers as necessary but there has to be at least one healer in attendance. The healer must make at least one HP to continue with the healing of the body. The HPs needed to heal a body are determined by the race of the indiviual.
HPs chart for healing
~ A mortal has 2d and would need 20 HPs to be healed.
~ A halfsie has 3d and would need 30 HPs to be healed.
~ A supernatural has 4d and would need 40 HPs to be healed.
Each healer takes turns in the healing. The healer with the highest dice goes last and each round of healing will be counted off until the body is either healed or they have failed to achieve their task. Should all the healers score less than 1 HP in their attempt at healing the body, the decease then must wait 24 hours to try again to be resurrected. A log of the attempted resurrection must be sent to the BOC and the dead person then has more time to get their rezz.
Once the body of the decease is healed then the Priest(ess) steps up and begins to bring the spirit back to the body. The HPs that a priest(ess) must go to are determined by the sides of the deceased person.
HPs chart for Spirit Return
~ A person that has d20 - 20 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d30 - 30 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d40 - 40 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d50 - 50 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d60 - 60 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d70 - 70 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d80 - 80 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d90 - 90 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
~ A person that has d100 - 100 HPs are needed to return the spirit back.
A Priest(ess) must score for at least 1 HP to continue in the rite, if
their rolls are below 15, that Priest(ess)
has failed to achieve the spirit return and is "out". The rounds may continue
until the require amount of points are reached.
If a second attempt is done on the deceased and all members of the healers
"out" before the HP total necessary to achieve resurrection is reached, the resurrection has
failed and the deceased is dead. Period.
The Rezz Ritual
Once the Proctor has officially turned on their log ( ~~~~~
log on ~~~~~ ) all others need to state they are also logging.
The proctor states all the terms of the resurrection. All involved in the resurrection rites need to state they have read the account of the death.
Those active in the resurrection need to state OOC: SN, Profession,
Guild, Dice, Forum
Now the true resurrection starts.
The lowest Healer in power starts, the highest Healer in power concludes the round for healing. This half of the resurrection may take as many rounds as necessary
to reach the needed HPs for success.
After each roll of the dice, the proctor states the score RM on Deceased ~ 12/20~30~40 for healers.
RM on Deceased ~ 12/20~30~40~50~...
Next, if the healer(s) have been successful the priest(ess) steps in to conclude the resurrection rite.
Afterward, the proctor has stated for the logs that the resurrection has either been successful or has failed and the total xp's each of the teams has earned, the logs may be turned off. This must been shown on the logs for the logs to be considered legal in the LoTA.
The xp's for the resurrection rite are calculated by how many points each individual on the team contributed
towards the resurrection times 50, i.e. Priest1 rolled a total of 40 pts in however
many rounds were needed to resurrect the deceased so 40 x 50 = 2000, Priest1
earns 2000 Xp's for the RM. Healer1 in the same resurrection rolled a total of
23 pts in however many rounds were needed to resurrect the subject so 23 x 50
= 690, Healer1 earns 1150 xp's for the resurrection rite.
Resurrecions Amounts
A person MUST list how many times
they have been resurrected in their profiles. Everyone entering LoTA starts at 4 rezzs.
All prior resurrections from other Forums are null and void.
The maximum number of times any particular SN can be resurrected is 4. Members who are on special activities such as JAs, BH, GC's, or are on the BoC may up their resurrections for every 30 points of dice.
Soul Transfers - UnVamping
A proctor, a healer and a priest, plus at least 1 witness and the person to be unVamped must all be in attendence and all must be logging. The person that wishes the proceedure done must state for the log that they are having it done of their own free will.
The same proceedures are followed in the ST for unvamping as is done in the resurrection rite as far as the proctor is concerned.
Again this rite requires both a healer and a priest(ess).
The Healer begins first by healing the body of the person first to remove any foulness or other unsavory condition that has altered the physical state that the person once lived in. The same scoring is used as in the RM except that all vampires are 4d so the HPs needed for a healer to be successful in healing a corrupted body is 40 HPs.
As the spirit of the vampire is not the same as the original spirit of the person a priest(ess) must preform two tasks.
~ They must cleanse the soul of all traces of vampirism.
~ They must banish any curse that is remaining on the spirit and on the body of the once vampire.
If the attempt to uncurse the body or the spirit fails,
the vapire is not dead, however the UnVamping has been unsuccessful. The total number of HPs needed to restore the spirit to the body may have been reached, so the subject is still "undead" and can try again after 24 hours has passed.
Scoring the ST
Scoring the ST for Unvamping is done the same way as in a RM.
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