Noble Warriors and Majestic Vetrans of the Legions of the Apoclypse
The persons listed as having passed the Auditors of the LoTA are noted by guild affiliation or by Freelancer Division. All persons must contact the Chancellor of the Military when they have their characters level up in dice in increments of 1 side once they have reached d90.
Dragons of the FyreBlade
No audits submitted.
No audits passed.
Mystics and Mages of the Moon
* SnoweLprd ~ GC ~ 4d96 AUDIT PASSED
* Meggamanx ~ 4d90 AUDIT PASSED
* Byzitine ~ 4d90 AUDIT PASSED
* Iko Brightluv ~ 4d90 AUDIT PASSED
No audits submitted.
* Iko brightluv ~ GC ~ 4d90 AUDIT PASSED
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