Okies time for me to make my own comments here. Yes, these are my opinions, but there are some people who really seem to have gone way over the edge with RP in RhyDin. Its gotten really horrid to Role Play there. I have been Role Playing in another RPG called White Wolf and though it has its moments, it is no way at all like what I have seen RhyDin degrade into. Believe it or not folks, people actually LIKE to role play there.
I like to think I am a most patient person but really there is a limit to what a person can stand. All those currently RPing with characters in the LoTA have come here for one main reason. They do not like what was done to them by a select few in the game of RhyDin. Now, what is the main gripe ALL of them have is that they have been subjected to what amounts to constant harassment. I, having felt that sting recently, can relate to this form of online delinquency and have the most sympathetic ear. So, here is what NOT to do in role playing and examples from the archives of the most frequent offenders and the reason why they are persons non grata in the LoTA. I will not say the word moder here for that word has been used on so many, so much, it has lost its' meaning and impact.
SHATAN13 ~ Reason that this guy tops my list of all time, most horrid of Role Players are outlined below. Be mindful now, this has been logged not only by me, but by others in the game.
Having had his character AAed he promptly went and told everyone he could or would listen to him that the Assassin cheated him and showed the logs of the AA. Then had his character and those that Role Play with that character go and harass the assassin. I should know. I was that assassin. It was a righteous AA. No cheating occurred and this fact was confirmed by outside, non partial, respected Role Players. Mind you, he did this while in character. Thus using mun knowledge in the story line. This individual furthered his bon mon by constantly maintaining that he is the best Role Player in RhyDin and knows more than anyone else around.
Next in the saga here is the fact that after being told that he would not be Role Played with for the fact that he constantly sends an IM to those that have run afoul of him, just to annoy them and make them leave the game, he will not back up his challenges. In fact will twist what is said to make the other Role Player think they issued the challenge. A less experienced RPer will fall easy prey to this form of cheating. I caught him doing this to not only me but to one other RPer. EdenPariahWolf fell into this little trap just to get rid of the annoying constant IMs. Me. I TOSed him. Which brings us to the second part of this woeful tale. After having a decent amount of peace and quiet from this person and his character during the time of writing this charter and taking care of guild my character has in both private rooms and member rooms, I had my character in a member room one night and in he pops along with his most favored companion Gypsy186. OOC mind you he and Gypsy did threaten my life. Not my characters' life, my life with death.
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