The form of government that the LoTA abides by has three separate branches. They are the Executive branch, the Judiciary Branch and the Military Branch.
Executive Branch
Executive Branch
The executive branch constitutes the Royal Ruler, the High Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Treasury Department, the Chancellor of Commerce Department, the Chancellor of Foreign and Internal Affairs Department, the Chancellor of the Freelancers Department, the Assassins Chancellor, the Chancellor of Records Department, and the Chancellor of Healers and Priests.
Executive Chancellors of the LoTA
Emperor or Empress
The Emperor(ess) presides over the administration of the forum and its rulings. The holder of this office is the final voice that is heard on all issues that cannot be resolved at the lower levels of the Chancellery. The Emperor(ess) oversees the workings of the branches of the LoTA government. The holder of this position is there for life and will only step down from office for the following conditions:
~ Abdication
~ Retirement
~ Death
In each case above the Emperor(ess) will name a successor. That successor will usually be a member of the Chancellery or maybe a member of the Emperor(ess) family line.
Current Empress of the LoTA is: Iko Brightluv.
The High Chancellor
The High Chancellor stands as the Emperor(ess) chief advisor and Second in authority when the Emperor(ess) is not in the realms. They have the authority to make decisions that need to be made in a crisis situation so that the good order of the LoTA is maintained at all times. The High Chancellor of the LoTA is: SnoweLprd
The Vice Chancellor
The Vice Chancellor stands as the Third in the chain of command and will assist the High Chancellor in their duties. The Vice Chancellor of the LoTA is: Open
Chancellor of the Treasury
The Chancellor of the Treasury is responsible for the distribution of gold and the record keeping to the effect of gold funds for the guilds and transactions concerning all forms of currency within the royal realm of the LoTA. The Chancellor of the Treasury will issue royal decrees and proclamations concerning the taxes and tariffs paid to or from the LoTA. This office will settle any disputes about the allotment of monies to freelancers, guilds, and transactions between shops and the patrons of those establishments. The Chancellor of this office can assign individuals as Vice Chancellors as their staff to ensure that all Rosters have the correct amount of allotted gold and that all persons within the forum of the LoTA have the properly and duly awarded pays. This office has the authority to rule on money disputes. All such transactions will first go through this office.
The current Chancellor of the Treasury is: IIJaguarII
Chancellor of Foreign and Internal Affairs
The Chancellor of Foreign and Internal Affairs is responsible for all negotiations with outside forums and organizations. This person will have the authority to appoint Vice Chancellors to all forums and/or organizations that have entered into non aggression pacts, trade pacts, and military alliances as representatives of the LoTA. The Chancellor of Foreign and Internal Affairs will consult with the Emperor(ess) on all matters concerning strengthening ties outside the boundaries of the LoTA. Peace treaties and non aggression acts will be issued by this office to maintain the health and well being of the citizens of the LoTA. They will oversee the activities of guilds and will help in the coordination of alliances between guilds as well as the mock wars and make sure the BoC is notified of any of the number of guilds within the LoTA and their alignments. The Chancellor of Internal and Foreign Affairs is: Throvin
Chancellor of the Freelancers
The Chancellor of the Freelancers is responsible for all records of freelancers that fly the flag of the LoTA. This Chancellor has the authority to appoint Vice Chancellors to aid or assist in carrying out the duties of that office.& Those duties include the interviewing of candidates as well as seeing that the freelancers are issued the xps & gold from the Chancellor of the Treasury. The Chancellor of the Freelancers of the LoTA is: Apphextwin
Assassin Chancellor
This office oversees the care of administering registration numbers and training for assassins. All disputes over the validity of an assassination attempt on any person in the LoTA will be taken up with the Assassin Chancellor. All disputed recordings of AAs will be reviewed by the AC to make a determination. The Assassins Chancellor of the LoTA is: SnoweStorm
Chancellor of Commerce
The office of the Chancellor of Commerce oversees the care of the registration of all Inns, Slave trading posts, Taverns, Stores, and ensures that all items and or wares that are sold or purchased within such establishments are within the guidelines of the laws of the LoTA. This person has the authority to appoint Vice Chancellors as they deem fit. The Chancellor of Commerce of the LoTA is: Bugsbuny71
Chancellor of the LoTA Records
This office oversees the care of all records such as forum meetings & guild rosters, making meticulous note of all discrepancies found in profiles. All affidavits of wills and deaths are submitted here. A copy of all registered enhancers will be sent to this office at the time of possession by any member for the purpose of checking against the records of the wills submitted. This office keeps files on known criminals and their records, and all deaths in the LoTA. The Chancellor of Records is: Aurora of Light
Chancellor of Healers and Priests
The office of the Chancellor of Healers and Priests will issue registration numbers for Priests and/or healers. All recordings of Rezzes, DMs, or war battles where healings or rezzes have occurred must be sent to this office and to the office of the Chancellor of Records for validation and record keeping. This office is the first level if a dispute arises about a Soul Transfer, or a Rezz. It is their duty to ensure that all members of the LoTA have access to the names of healers and priests. Only the Chancellor of Healers and Priest may grant immunity to places of worship or institutes of healing where a healer or priest is in residence. The Chancellor of the Healers and Priests of the LoTA is: SnoweFlame
Judiciary Branch
The Judiciary branch consists of the Judge Advocates and the Black Hoods.
The Judge Advocates are 5 members who hear all complaints of misconduct, weigh all facts involved, cast ballots on guilt or innocence and give out notifications of the findings of their office.
They sign the warrants for arrests, warrants for deaths of members of the LoTA and affidavits of the findings to the Chancellor of Records all records of violations on the members of the LoTA.
Qualifications to become a JA are;
~ Must have read and understood all of the charter of the LoTA.
~ Must have been in Rhydin at least a year and have knowledge of all rules of the game.
~ Must be able to respond to all email concerning misconduct within at least 24 hours of receiving that piece of mail.
~ Must be able to be contacted in cases of emergencies.
~ Must have at least two references from other persons who Role Play in Rhydin. Those references will be checked.
~ Can not have any TOS violations within the last six months.
~ Can not have any restrictions placed on email.
~ Can not have the master screen name as the Role Playing name.
The Black Hoods are the sheriffs, marshals, wardens, and executioners of the LoTA. They are appointed by the JAs. They carrying out the sentences passed by the JAs. No member of the LoTA may interfere at any time with the JAs or Black Hoods of the LoTA in the performance of their duties.
Senior Judge Advocate ~ MistyBlueEyess
Vice Judge Advocate ~ Open
Vice Judge Advocate ~ Open
Vice Judge Advocate ~ Open
Vice Judge Advocate ~ Open
Senior Black Hood ~ SnoweLprd
Black Hood ~ Open
Black Hood ~ Open
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Black Hood ~ Open
Black Hood ~ Open
Black Hood ~ Open
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Black Hood ~ Open
Military Branch
Chancellor of the Military
The Chancellor of Military oversees the Vice Chancellor of Wars, Vice Chancellor of Dice and Vice Chancellor of Intelligence and the Vice Chancellor of Graves.
The Vice Chancellor of Wars oversees the declaration of wars. This Chancellor will keep track on all mock conflicts within the bounds of the LoTA. The office will also sit in negotiations for peace and/or for wars with other forums in the realms of Rhydin.
The Vice Chancellor of Dice oversees the dice rules and resolves issues of any conflict over LoTA members dice. They will regulate the rules of experience points in the forum and make the final call in discrepancies of Dice and experience points for LoTA members. They Will monitor
any illegal distribution of dice and make a report to the Judge Advocates for judication if necessary. They will regulate the rules of any form of combat whether that combat be a match or a practice spar. The holder of this office will enact regulation of spars and monitor the registration of proctors in the forum. All persons of the LoTA forum must seek the Vice Chancellor of Dices' authority to post any level of dice above d89 and will oversee audits on all citizens within the forum. The Vice Chancellor of Dice will settle any dispute as to the verification of dice and will keep on record all names of persons who post d90 and above. All disputed recordings will be sent to the office of the Vice Chancellor of Dice for validation in accordance to the Laws and Rules of the LoTA. The Chancellor of the Military in the LoTA is: SnoweLprd
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