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Cheddar Pasta and Vegatables

Cheddar Pasta & Vegatables

1 lb Rotini pasta
2 med Carrots
1 cup Broccoli floweretts
2 ea Green peppers, medium
1 3/4 oz Can cream celery soup
1/2 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup Milk 2%
1 Tsp Brown spicy mustard

Put on the pasta water to boil. When it is boiling add the sliced carrots. Cook for five minutes. Then add the rotini and bring back to the boil. Once it is boiling again slowly add the broccoli flowerettes. Stir and cook for about 10 minutes until rotini is done. Drain into a colander. Return pan to stove and turn down the heat to low. Add the remaining ingredients. Over low heat, heat until cheese melts, stirring often. Add rotini and vegetables back into the pot. Heat through, stirring occasionally.
