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My Best Birthday Present Ever

My Best Birthday Present Ever

Linda wrote this beautiful poem for my birthday in 1997. She says what we both feel so beautifully...

You Feel Like Home To Me
(Linda Hauck, April,1997)

You are my shining moment, my eternal ecstasy.
You are the heart that's beating, deep inside of me.
You are the gentle whisper, soft across my skin.
The fire burning brightly, that keeps me warm within.

I never knew what love was.
I wandered aimlessly.
But when you wrap your arms around me,
you feel like home to me.
You feel like home to me.....

You are my greatest treasure, my most precious gem.
You are the joyous feeling, that makes me smile.
You are the stars in Heaven, burning clear and true.
My hope, my faith, the guiding light, that leads me home to you....

I never knew what love was.
I wandered aimlessly.
But when you wrap your arms around me,
you feel like home to me.
You feel like home to me.....
