No Rules was hosted on WUNH-FM from 1994-2000 By Tamara J. Collins AKA Tamara No Rules.
Listeners knew more about the image presented via the radio than the actaully host herself.
Even a few UNH English professors had her listed on their class enrollment sheets as "Tamara No Rules".
By 1997 Tamara started looking for other people to co-host the show with her, due to not only boredom at doing the same thing for 3 years in a row but lonliness from spending so many hours in a music scene that was mostly geared towards males.
Finally after three years of struggling to find a co-host and new ways to make the show interesting, Tamara tried to recruit a new DJ to take over the show, a few people were interested but none of them actually wanted to put in the hours to train at WUNH to take over the show.
So in the Fall of 2000 No Rules vanished; after 6 years being hosted by Tamara the longest reigning host the show had, both the show and it's DJ disappeared...or so many listeners thought.
If the dates are incorrect on 1990-1993 some one please email the webmaster and let her know so she can fix it.
Old playlists, links, bands, labels have been moved to the Authnic Punk Website.
Authentic Punk is a site for lovers of punk, oi, and hardcore.
So did Tamara disappear? Well not directly after No Rules, in the Fall of 2000 RED HOT ROCK AND ROLL was born and ran on WUNH from September 2000-December 2000.
Under the name "Myra Storm" Tamara's new show was born with her cohost "Eddie French" aka Robert Downing.
But due to personal struggles and demons that show to vanished along with both DJ's As of 2001.
Check out red Hot Rock n roll for rockabilly, psychobilly, and surf music.
Check out Miss Road Rally NH for Audi Quattro, Lotus, antique cars, rally events, car shows.
Lots of info an 80s audi quattros and rally events.
There are a few sites that have some pictures of the old No Rules DJ up on them still:
You can email the webmaster at