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Aaron de Cretien

Aaron Cretien was a university student in France during the French Revolution. He banded together like so many other students. Not content to sit and watch while his sisters starved to death and the upper class ate like pigs and left the poor to rot. He and his compatriots were struck down by the army and police in a street battle. As he lay dying in the streets... at least the way he recounts the story, an Angel descended from Heaven visited him. She gave him her vampiric kiss and then vanished without a trace. He continued to fight the war, in memory of his fallen comrades. When the revolution was over and the lower classes had overthrown thier tyranical upper classes. Aaron drifted... he no longer had a place with them.

He was vampire... and he was different. He left the cities of Paris and traveled deep into the French countryside. He now lives alone, save for a precious few way farers who wander through. He makes his home in the ruins of an old chateau. He spends his nights practicing with the sword and drinking wine.