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The Card Table

As you draw closer to the table the dark elf looks up at your a bit suspiciously, but he is distracted as the high elf boy bangs his head on the table and begins to bemoan his ill fortune. The dark elf rolls his eyes at the younger one. The dark elf takes a moment to tend to the younger girl sleeping on his shoulder. He sets his cards down on the table and turns away from the table.

The high elf boy grins and begins to very carefully reach across the table towards the dark elf's cards. He laughs silently as he reaches forward...

"Do it and die surface boy..." The dark elf says without even turning or batting an eye.

"Do what Kieran? I don't know what you're talking about." The yong high elf has somehow managed to instantaneously get himself all the way back into his seat and looks as though he had never moved at all... You blink... you could have sworn he never moved... but you saw him crawling over the table... didn't you?

" Collan, You forget that I was a pickpocket myself and so I know those tricks too." He turns back to the table picking up his cards with a wry grin aimed at Collan, "Now quit trying to cheat and just accept the fact that I am going to beat the pants off you!" He smiles triumphantly. "And I'm going to do it with a witness this time." The dark elf turns towards you and pulls out a chair, "Please be welcome at our table." He offers you a glass of whatever is in the pitcher on thier table. "Just keep a good eye on your money pouch. This scoundrel will try to take the shirt off your back if you let him, I'm going to trounce him at this game."

You smile at his good naturedness and then other elf sticks out his tounge at Kieran. Very uncharacteristic for most high elves you've seen... he seems to be rather a punk.

"I am only 300 points behind... I am going to win! You just wait! My next hand is going to be a winner!!"