Well, you made it to page 3 of this new and improved
fanfic archive, and I must say you're persistant if you want to read more.
Ok, I'm going to indulge you with a LOT of Evangelion action and whatnot....
and the second of the major sagas that this series has seen. Boy, these
episodes get better all the time.
From time to time little bits and pieces of other
anime series will be appearing, and the characters might do some out of
character things, so don't go ballistic or anything. I'm just trying to
expand your horizons and whatnot. Anywho, enjoy the episodes (29 thru to...
ummm.... 38 I think... one that's not posted at the moment) and then if
you still have some strength, read more of them.
29: A New Chapter Begins or Angel Attack Revisited
author notes: not bad for a story I wrote most of
after anime club one night last semester. I think this is a majorly
cool episode because Asuka transfers to the university (UNH) and an angel
just HAPPENS to attack when she doesn't have Unit 02 with her. Drew
Dubois, who is the pilot of Unit 10, lives up on the 9th floor of my building.
Enjoy this one (btw, you'll find out more about the Evangelion armor when
I put up episode 28).
30: Death and Rebirth: Chapter 1
author notes: I also wrote most of this one night
after anime club. Yeah, I will admit it's kinda dark (I do kill off
a good portion of the cast). I will also admit it's confusing, but
hey, I lost part of the story when my computer crashed back in November,
so it's not as good as what I originally wrote. I wrote the ending
while watching 'Full Metal Jacket' with my friend Derek one night last
semester *waves to Derek*. Anyway, read and enjoy and when I get
a chance I will put up the rest of the Death and Rebirth saga.
30.5: The Beginning of Trouble - Andrew Returns (ch. 2 of D&R saga)
author notes: the much awaited second chapter of
the Death and Rebirth Saga. I was still somewhat cheesed off at Andrew
while I was writing this, but near the end I released him from his evil
spell so now he's a good guy (stay tuned to future chapters to see what
happens to make him a Warrior again). This is sort of a sequel to one of
my New Ronin Warrior fics, and when I get around to posting it you'll see
31: War Out of Love (ch. 3 of D&R saga)
author notes: don't know what to say except for
an episode with a LOT of action.... this is actually where everything that
I stated for the last chapter takes place (boy do I feel stupid..... ditz
Anywho, enjoy this chapter of the Death and Rebirth Saga.
32: What Would You Do Without Me?
author notes: ok, now I really don't know what to
say except this is chapter 4 of the Death and Rebirth Saga. For those who
crave ACTION, I'll give it to you *strikes a pose like Sailor Moon's*
a hahahaha.... oyo. Andrew gains his powerup to a Warrior again in
here, but which Warrior he becomes is a secret. Enjoy the fic.
33 alpha: The Rescue
author notes: ok, I messed up on the numbering of
the episodes. I admit it, I'm a bad person.
*takes a deep breath* ok, I'm done ranting and raving. In this episode
we learn a little more about Sailor Vesta, like who she really is. The
song at the beginning of the episode is by Gillette, a female rap artist
whom I happen to like (her On the Attack CD can blow away most crap music
easily, especially the track 'On the Attack' which plays here). The Green
Dreams are from Chrono Trigger, the MiB aren't mine (duh) and there more
Evangelion action than you can shake a stick at.... this being the final
episode of the Death and Rebirth Saga.
author notes: I wrote this episode one Saturday
when I was really fed up with the people on my floor of my dorm.
As you can tell from the way my character treated them, he and I were not
exactly in the greatest of moods. This is one of the darker episodes
of the series, not to mention one of the more violent ones. As soon
as I finish writing Episode 31 you will know exactly where Warrior Orion
came from. For those who are wondering, the university in the later
episodes of the series is the University of New Hampshire, and though I
don't mention it, that's where it takes place. If you're wondering
where I got the idea for the multi - colored glass crystal angels the basics
are from Galaxy Express 999's matron, Clair, the woman made of glass crystal.
If you recognize any of the attacks that Warrior Saturn and Dark Warrior
Saturn use, you have obviously read my profile for #rpgvirtualarena.
Aside from Neon Genesis Eva and Sailor Moon, this episode doesn't have
any other shows hidden within its contexts (unless you count 'La Blue Angel',
but that doesn't count... that was a totally random thought that fit in
34: Animal, Vegetable, or Angel
author notes: I started this one a LONG time
ago after I got an idea after anime club (I did a little preview thing
using the template of what Misato says after every episode of 'Neon Genesis
Evangelion'. This is a somewhat light hearted episode, since it revolves
around Asuka doing a video project on a day in the life of Alex West.
Some of the spells in here are from Slayers, which was a series I was getting
into when I wrote the last half of the story (Lina's furious Dragon Slave
comes in handy, doesn't it?). Anyway, enjoy this episode.
36: A Friend in Need or The Real Power of Friendship
author notes: I screwed up the numbering again folks.
This episode is dedicated not only to Adderson, but to my friends Dan and
Gilbert, who are currently in the army and serving out in California. Guys,
I miss you a lot. Come home safe. To the other people reading this, enjoy
this story about the true powers of friendship and also learn more about
Sailor Pallas.
37: As the Band Played On
author notes: Don't know if I can call this a song
fic or not. Probably not. Introducing Anthony Booth (or Tony as people
call him). I know I probably shouldn't be posting his name since I
don't know if he likes me or not *sighs and begins singing* ~Girls who
are in love, give their love to you, you, who shines so bright my dah-r-ling~
*blushes* errr.... anywho, read the fic, since I think it's pretty good.
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