Chapter 5 - Epilogue

     From the Journal of Alexander Mathias West -

     ‘It’s been a few days since our return from the Y-zone, and a total of a month since we were thrown into Tormaline’s dungeon. As near as I can figure it took us three weeks to regain much of our power, and time in the Y-zone was accelerated so we were gone for 2 days instead of just one. I had to explain all of this to my boss at point blank range. Well, he was in point blank range of a fireball aimed at his crotch and understood perfectly that I was to get paid for four 45+ hour weeks at a rate of $9 per hour. He agreed whole heartedly.
     As for Mom & Dad, they’re recovering from the shock of me returning home after fearing for my life and the lives of my friends. They had set up a campaign to get us out of Tormaline’s clutches, and the parents of the other guys helped out. Mr. St. Croix pitched in and pledged his assistance and all of his influence to the cause, which came in handy when smoothing things over with the authorities.
     The night we returned home I passed out from the strain of maintaining my improved armor. When I woke I was in my own bed, with a half naked Zelgadis curled up behind me with his arms around me. I had a warm blush creeping over my face when I realized this, but I didn’t really mind. It’s not like we did anything aside from using one another as pillows on cold nights. We just... well... have a stronger bond of friendship. Amelia seems to be taking this quite well since now she’s going after Andrew. That girl has issues.
     Mackenzie’s parents were on the news recently, and Mackenzie appeared with them. His older brother Nick is also a mutant, and they are opposites in looks and powers. Nick’s new designate is Coldsnap, the way Mack’s is Heatwave. Paige has a bit of a crush on Nick, and uses any excuse possible to spend time with him. She’s tagged along with Monet and Mack on some of their dates to be with Nick.
     Oh, right, the newscast. Mr. Andrews stated that both of his sons were mutants and that he was proud of them since they were accepted by the community. Mrs. Andrews felt the same way about both of her boys. When asked why Nick wasn’t part of the group who fought Tormaline he said, “I needed to help Mom & Dad in this trying time. Besides, the brat here was expendable.” Talk about brotherly love.... or I should say sibling rivalry.
     Well, I need to be going... somebody’s calling for me...’

     “Alex, let’s go! We’re going to get rid of that eyesore in the middle of town!”
     Alex looked up from his journal and shouted, “I’ll be there in a minute!” before he looked at his journal and all of the pictures and newspaper clippings that stuck out of it. “My life has changed so much since my 15th or 16th birthday, and I don’t think I’d change it for anything.”
     “Alex honey, Lina looks a little miffed,” Mrs. West said from the doorway to her son’s room. Alex turned his head to see his mother standing there in her 20ish year old form, her hair tied back in a braid with purple ribbon.
     “I’m coming too, since this is one of your biggest days, and we’ll get to find out some of what you’ve learned.”
     Alex sighed, threw on the black leather jacket he got as a thank you gift from his friends and family, and slid his journal back into its slot on his bookshelf. He left his room, followed by his mom & dad, and met Lina, Zel, Mackenzie, and Nick in front of the house.
     “You ready?” Zel asked, brushing his cape back.
     “I sure am,” Alex said, giving a thumbs up, “I’ve been resting since I got back, and my boss is giving me an additional week’s worth of pay in order to do this.”
     “The news will be watching his,” Nick said, raising his dark glasses up on his forehead, his dark eyes glinting with mischief.
     “They had better say good stuff about us,” Lina said, “otherwise I’ll hit ‘em with a Dragon Slave!”
     “Same old Miss Lina,” Mackenzie said, shrugging into his trench coat a little so that it would fit better.
     “So, shall we go?” Mr. West asked, also in his younger form. The others nodded and they set off.

      tv news broadcast - 12 PM, top story
     “We are live outside of the mutant registration center in the town of Newport, NH,” the announcer said as the camera focused on the group before the building. Near the back stood Jono, Monet, Paige, Angelo, and Jubilee, all trying to stay as part of the crowd. Standing with them were Bethany, Ryoko, Roxy, Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. West. The announcer continued, “This group of young people all possess great powers, and are ready to lay waste to this center. Earlier today they laid waste to the mansion and compound of one Agent Jean Lucas Tormaline, who was proved to be a mutant as well.”
     “We’re ready for the fireworks display now,” Sylphiel said, waving to the announcer and the camera man.
     “Thank you Miss Sylphiel,” the announcer said, “then let them begin.”
     At the front of the ranks stood Alex, Lina, Zel, Amelia, Mackenzie, Nick, Andrew, and Adderson. Behind them stood Matt, Rich, Steve, Tod, Jess, Cathy, and Rachel. Joss, Cyril, and Juliet stood to one side, with Bryan standing to the other side with Matt H, John, Justin, Doug, and Brad. Spectators were huddled across the street behind a long string of police and a whole lot of police tape.
     “Let’s make this look good people,” Alex said, drawing his sword. Lina held the sword of light before her body in the manner that Alex held his. Amelia positioned her hand bell so that her first strike would do the most damage. Zelgadis took on a stance so that his attack would do a large amount of damage as well.
     “We are now ready to record the making of history,” the announcer whispered as a brilliant glow came from the front line. Alex brought his sword down and a barrage of thunderbolts, psychic shurikens and other projectiles, plasma bombs, and other energy projectiles struck the building. Mackenzie’s eruption attack and Nick’s glacial arrow attack began the ultimate downfall of the building.
     “Round 2 begins now,” the announcer whispered as the other ranks moved back to allow for the front four to unleash their powers.
     “Angelic Symphony!” Amelia shouted, the bell chiming, breaking the silence. Angel feathers fluttered through the air as before.
     “Angelic Justice!” Zelgadis called, his attack the same as the previous times he used it. These two attacks subsided a moment later and they moved out of the way. Around Alex and Lina a combined aura of blackness and pure white existed, and the hum of a combined spell filled the air. In unison they shouted, “God Giga Slash!”, slashing their blades through the air. A combined energy beam tore through the air and struck the building, utterly erasing it from the planet in one grand explosion. Applause erupted from all around as the spell subsided, and all involved in the destruction took a bow.
     “Thank you for your support,” Mackenzie and Nick said, giving peace signs.
     “This is Rob Babble for the 12 PM news.”

     From atop a roof across the street stood Xellos, Celia, Aeris, and Darren. Behind them stood Will, Cassi, Dawn, and Heather, all in awe at seeing this display of destruction.
     “They really deserved their moment in the spotlight,” Celia said, “I’m so glad this is over.”
     “Me too,” Aeris said, leaning on her staff, “they look so happy.”
     “Well, they defeated a major force of evil,” Xellos said.
     “They also helped mutants everywhere to make their lives better,” Darren said, running his fingers through his hair, “I’m really proud of them.”
     Behind them Cassi whispered to the other three, “What did we do for this battle?”
     “Gave them moral support,” Heather said.
     “Blew part of the army to atoms,” Will answered, recalling what Celia did to him.
     “Embarrassed the hell out of Will,” Dawn said, laughing maniacally. Will sighed loudly.
     “Well, I guess that’s it,” Darren said, walking over to his friends. He put one arm over Will’s shoulders and the other over Dawn’s. He smiled at them and said, “Let’s go home and rest for a while. I’m tired.”

     'O.K. Journal, I’m back. Well, everything turned out fine. Mom and Dad are enjoying their 20 year old forms right now by diving into piles of leaves and playing tag with the others. Zel’s here right now giving me a shoulder rub. I’ve leaned my head back a few times to rest it against his stomach, and as I write this I’m blushing.
     Well, I just looked up and Zel’s blushing as well. Who knew he would look so handsome in loose black pants, a white silk shirt, and a black sport coat.... I’m not about to write that last thought...
 Erk. Dammit! Nick just tagged me, so I’m off to play freeze tag or whatever. Until next time I write dearest journal.
                                                                                          Alex West.

     In a pocket dimension some great evil force was plotting its takeover of Newport and then the world. Laughter worse than that of a certain psycho who had just met his end filtered through the air.
     “Our new target is in sight,” a husky female voice said.
     “Then let’s set up shop,” an equally husky and very refined male voice said.
     “Agreed,” a third voice, this one gruff and male, answered. “We’ll set up shop right here and claim this town and eventually this world for the Dead Moon Carnival.”

     End of the mini series, but not of the story. Stay tuned for tales of the Dark Moon Carnival, coming soon from Warrior Saturn.