Gourrigan's Island:

The Queen of Swords speaks to a Guest Writer

    <The scene is the office portion of the pocket dimension belonging to Warrior Saturn. The guest writer's laptop is on and running, and an MP3 can be heard in the background. The guest writer is a short distance away, slowly gyrating to the tunes of the Puma Sister's song from 'Dominion Tank Police'. As he's working his way into a backover bridge a portal opens, and with a soft *bamf* the Queen of Swords appears, brushing some of her long hair from her face as she enters>

QoS: "Warrior Saturn..."

WS *flips into handstand and turns around to face her, his ponytail trailing out onto the floor* "Yeah... hey queenie. how's things going on the island?"

QoS: "Just fine. Did you know you're almost a year overdue for your spring special?"

WS: "Yeah. I'm aware of that."

QoS: "Then why did you begin another collective project with Delwynndwn Siele? You know he takes forever to work on things."

WS *flips back to his feet and brushes his hair back into place* "Well... it's not all his fault. I've been working on 'Slayers Fantasy' and that Matrix project of mine and 'Magical Savior Shihoko' and a new Mutant Crew series and a few other projects and I just sorta haven't been in the mood to write."

QoS: "Then why did you start the project if you weren't going to finish it?"

WS *opens fridge and takes out two cans of soda. One he tosses to the queen. The other he opens and takes a swig from* "Well, we had hoped to have it done. It's just that things got a bit complex for both of us. Right now we're hoping that Quill will add to the already hentai and yaoi quality of the fic."

    <The queen face faults and nearly performs a spit take. she manages to choke down the mouthful of soda and cough a couple of times>

QoS: "The... the... the WHAT?!"

WS: "Sure. It's a spring special. Animals and people mate in the spring. It *is* the season of love, after all."

QoS: "Oh... boy. Ok. Well then. You just make sure to get me the finished script as soon as you can, ok."

WS *gives a thumbs up* "OK. Buh-bye."

    <Without further adieau, the queen of swords vanishes back into her portal. WS has a little chuckle as he pulls his chair out, spins it around, and straddles it before working on some random project or another>