On Terra, in Balamb, a second specially equipped ATV sat waiting in the motor pool. Seated on the hood was a beautiful young woman with shoulder length blond hair. Light reflected off of her cats eye sunglasses as she leaned back and blew a large bubble with her gum. She wore a black halter top, orange tech vest, tight black pants, and black combat style boots. Her attitude was of complete nonchalance, since she was a teenager.
     “Hey dad, where are the SeeDs that I’m taking to the rift?” she asked before yawning in a manner to indicate boredom.
     “Who ever said you were going Boomer?” Meltdown asked as he stepped out of the shop, rubbing his greasy hands on an equally greasy rag.
     “But dad, Spark went with the first group...” she protested.
     “He’s older than you are and has some field training.”
     “This is so unfair. He’s a full year older than I am and I get stuck baby-sitting the trucks. I’m training as well, or have you forgotten?!”
     Meltdown sighed as he walked across the floor to where she stood. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. “You’re my only daughter and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
     “But da-ad, Spark’s your only son, and he’s right on the front lines.”
     “She’s got a point,” came from behind them, and Boomer looked past her father to see Jessica standing in the doorway. With her were Tenal, Selphie, Zell, and Anessa.
     “Hey Jess,” Boomer said, bouncing past her dad to greet the group, “are you guys really going to the rift?”
     “Yeah, and we’re going to give those blasted phantoms a mega pounding,” Anessa said, punching her left palm for emphasis.
     “So, dad won’t loan you the car?” Zell asked.
     “Yeah, which is mega bogus because he let Spark drive Mister Squall and Miss Rinoa and Miss Kirinis, but won’t let me drive you guys.”
     Meltdown sighed. “Boomer, this is for your own good. It’s very dangerous out there. You could get hurt, or worse.”
     “But dad, they totally need my help, and they need you here in case the shields go down again.”
     “Another good point,” Selphie said. “Please Mister Meltdown. Please let Boomer drive us to the rift. She learned all she knows from some of us.”
     Meltdown sighed again, rubbing his temples. After a pause he sighed again. “O.K.. Boomer, you can drive your friends to the rift. But be careful, you hear.”
     “Dad, you are the mega greatest!” Boomer said, hugging her dad hard enough to knock the wind out of him. She backed off a moment later, holding out her hand with the palm up. Meltdown sighed again, rolled his eyes, and handed her the key to the truck.
     “We have wheels and a driver!” Selphie cheered, hugging Zell before bouncing over to the truck, which Boomer was climbing into. She slipped in and looked around in awe at all of the extras. “Woah, Boomer, your dad really came through for us.”
     “Yeah, we have mega amounts of optional stuff,” Boomer giggled as Zell and Tenal joined them in the car. “Plasma cannons on the roof, high output energy shield, refrax camouflage, reflex armor, and of course a five disc CD player, for proper battle music.”
     “Bring my daughter and my truck back in one piece,” Meltdown called as they shut the doors and activated the shield.
     “Will do,” Jessica called back, waving as the truck turned and headed for the rigged catapult.
     Boomer stopped the truck on a large orange X and put it into neutral before strapping in. Two metal “shoes” surrounded the back tires and locked into place. A ramp extended out of Garden, lights shining up the sides as it curved upwards a little bit.
     “This is truck 02, ready for catapult launch,” Boomer said into the radio. “I repeat, Truck 02 is ready for launch.”

<music: Samurai Pizza Cats op. theme>

     In the command center Tiskili giggled as a trigger plunger rose from her console, a targeting screen also rising with it. She adjusted her ear mounted mic, giggling a little more. “Mister Cid, is it really necessary to say this?” she asked, looking at the sheet of paper which had been handed to her moments earlier.
     “Yes Tiskili, it’s necessary,” Cid nodded.
     “O.K.,” Kili sighed. “Attention Garden. It’s time for another catapult launch. Will the lucky student with ticket #46234 please come to the command center. You have just won a week’s supply of hot dogs for guessing the proper launch distance.”
     “Target acquired and locked,” Reyark reported, turning in his seat to look at Kili, “all up to you sis.”
     “FIRE!” Kili cried, pulling the trigger that would send the truck on its way.

     In the garage there were a pair of audible POOFS as the catapult fired and the truck shot down the ramp at breakneck speed, clearing the exit and the ramp in a matter of seconds. Meltdown blinked a few times in awe, since he’d never seen a launch like that before in his life.
     “Well, that was.... interesting,” he commented, walking back to his office. “Sure hope the retro boosters work properly.” He added as he pressed a button just inside the door, which began the process of resetting the catapult, closing the garage, and retracting the launch ramp. He whistled a tune as the door closed, shutting out daylight and sealing out whatever was outside.

     In the car itself there was a cacophony of screaming, shouting, and cursing from the pressures exerted during the launch.
     “Where’s the airsickness repositories?!” Tenal wailed as he was pushed far back into his seat.
     “The what?!” Jessica asked, barely able to turn her head due to the incredible force.
     “The barf bags!!” Zell and Tenal responded in unison, both turning several shades of green.
     “If you guys honk in the truck you’ll be cleaning it up when we get back to Garden,” Boomer cried as she clung to the steering wheel for dear life.
     “Forget making it to Garden,” Anessa cried as she struggled to move further back in the truck, “they’ll be cleaning it up as soon as we hit the ground!”
     “Ground?! Land?! LANDING!!” Boomer exclaimed, remembering that they were being hurled a couple of miles away from Garden, which was about 300 meters in the air to begin with. More screaming and incoherent shouting filled the air as she grabbed the gear shifter and flicked back the top, a shining red button marked ‘retro’ in friendly golden letters rising out of it. This she pressed, and the force of the boosters kicking in to slow their forward momentum snapped all of them forward in their seats.
     “I need a barf bag,” Jess moaned, turning green.
     “I think I need to change my shorts,” Zell commented.
     “SPEW!” the others cried in unison. Tenal inched away from Zell.
     “You stain it, you pay for the cleaning!” Boomer shouted. “And cleaning the upholstery in this thing won’t be cheap!”
     She changed her tone of voice a moment later when she turned to Jess. “How are we doing for decent rate?”
     “Looking good,” Jess replied, her eyes covered by a set of VR goggles. “We’re holding steady and right on... hang on a moment...”
     Several glowing shapes suddenly appeared outside the radius of the shield, and a couple of these crashed against the shield, shaking the truck. A loud groaning filled the air as the thrusters fought to compensate for the course changes and shifts in weight.
     “If anything happens to the truck my dad will totally go critical mass,” Boomer said, a hint of panic in her voice. “They don’t call him meltdown for nothing.”
     The back of the truck dimmed as several screens slid out of the ceiling, which opened to drop a periscope and reveal the weapons controls. Anessa and Tenal manned the data screens as Zell and Selphie took over the scope and weapons.
     “Positive ID on meta class phantoms,” Anessa said, “Wingapede and mothra types.”
     “Weapons lock confirmed,” Selphie said, “port side, vector mark 4 by 7 by 21.”
     “Locking and loading,” Zell said, punching buttons on the joystick pad. Cross hairs formed on the screen in front of him, and these lined up with the phantoms and changed color. “FIRE!”
     The truck rocked violently for a moment before righting itself. There was a flash of light, an inhuman scream, and a small explosion as one of the phantoms exploded. The truck rocked a few more times before a warning alarm activated.
     “Hell,” Boomer said under her breath when she found the problem, “Shield strength is down to 40%. Thrusters aren’t going to work if we take any more hits like that last one.”
     “They’re regrouping for another strike,” Anessa said, a hint of panic in her voice.
     “Zell, use the weasel array,” Jess said as she punched up a new set of weapon protocols.
     “Weasel array? You didn’t tell us that this truck was equipped with a missile barrage system!” Selphie whined.
     “Time until combined strike by those phantoms is approximately twenty seconds,” Anessa said from her console. “Whatever you’re going to do had better be done quickly.”
     The image on Zell’s screen flicked around to where all the phantoms were grouping for their strike. A loud whirring filled the truck as the exterior underwent an amazing transformation. Twin gattling cannons and multiple missile pods rose out of the roof, the twin plasma cannons sliding down the sides of the truck to act as bracers. The weapon array spread out for maximum carnage.
     “Weapon lock confirmed,” Selphie stated as several glowing orange icons formed over the phantoms on Zell’s screen. These icons turned a couple of times before coming together and turning green to complete the lock.
     “Weasel array... total assault!!” Zell cried as he pressed the firing button.
     The missile pods belched forth missile after missile, all of the warheads screaming through the air on similar trajectories. The gattling cannons added to the confusion by tearing up the sky with plenty of cannon shells. The large group of phantoms didn’t stand a chance, and those that tried to flee met a quick and explosive end.
     “Did we get them?” Tenal asked, breaking the deafening silence that had filled their vehicle.
     “Nothing on the scanners,” Anessa reported.
     “All looks quiet on all sides,” Jessica added. “Looks like that weasel array came in handy.”
     “You can thank me for asking dad to install that new toy,” Boomer chuckled, “one can never have enough firepower, and there’s no such thing as too many missiles. And never blow up tomorrow what you can blow up today!”
     The other occupants of the truck released a combined sigh / groan for Boomer’s new motto.
     “Truck 01 has been sighted and confirmed,” Anessa reported after a short silence. “Time until we join them will be less than ten seconds.”
     This is your copilot speaking. We thank you for flying Boomer and Balamb airlines,” Jess chuckled, “please return your seats and tray tables to their upright and locked positions, extinguish all smoking materials, and prepare for landing. On behalf of our flight attendants and staff we hope you enjoyed your flight and we hope you’ll fly with us in the future.”
     By the time Jessica had finished her speech they had landed next to Truck 01 and the weapons array was retracting to allow exit from the vehicle. Selphie bounced out and immediately fell to her knees to kiss the ground.
     “Looks like you had a fairly eventful flight in,” Squall said, standing up from where he was leaning against the first truck.
     “You don’t know the half of it,” Jess said as she stepped out of the second truck, “everything and its mother wanted a piece of us.”
     “At least you made it here in one piece,” Kirinis said as she slid off of the hood, “we thought you guys got lost somewhere in transit.”
     “Be thankful you weren’t the guinea pigs for dad’s new catapult,” Boomer sighed as she slid out of the driver's seat. “I swore we’d need barf bags from that flight.”
     “Nice to see you, dear sister,” a male voice said from the far side of the truck. “I thought dad wouldn’t allow you to leave garden.”
     Boomer went red in the face from annoyance. “Spark, you had better show yourself so that I can mega kick your ass!”
     From the far side of the truck stepped a young man about Squall’s height with short reddish blond hair like Boomer’s. He wore dark glasses, which were a one piece visor instead of cats-eye style like his sister’s. He was dressed in a black T-shirt, tight black cargo slacks, black combat boots, and an orange vest with the Balamb crest on the left breast.
     “Spark, when I get my hands on you you’re so gonna pay!” Boomer screamed as she dove at her brother, who turned tail and ran from his very angry sister. Several plasma bombs sailed through the air, all detonating a short distance from the trucks.
     “O.K. you two, save the sibling rivalry for later,” Rinoa said as she stepped out of the first truck. “Time is of the essence in our mission. You can blow each other up later!”
     Spark stopped a short distance away, and he found himself flying through the air as a plasma bomb exploded behind him. He performed a very elegant face plant a short distance away as Boomer tore around the corner, a large plasma bomb in hand. “Prepare to meet the next time zone!” she shouted, preparing to lob her spell at Spark, who was in the process of brushing his clothes off.
     “Ten HUT!” Squall shouted in his commander’s voice. Boomer stopped in mid motion, the plasma bomb sailing off far to the left of everyone and everything before touching down and exploding. Her glasses slid down on her nose, revealing the shock in her eyes when she knew that Squall meant business.
     “I think he’s angry,” Anessa whispered to Tenal, who nodded.
     “Boomer, Spark, for the remainder of the mission you are to be on your best behavior,” Squall continued, “Do I make myself abundantly clear?!”
     “Yes sir!” brother and sister said in unison, saluting Squall.
     “Very good. Now man your vehicles. We head out ASAP!”
     SeeDs and drivers piled back into the trucks, strapped in, and waited. After a couple of uncomfortable moments Reyark’s image blinked onto their screens.
     “Tactical reports that you’re clear to head in,” he said, “Good luck, all of you.” He saluted before the transmission ended.
     “Let’s move it people!” Spark said as he pumped the accelerator on Truck 01, the engine revving loudly.
     “Two worlds need our help, and we’re not going to let anyone down!” Boomer cheered as she revved the engine on her truck.

<music: Move it to the Rhythm -Technotronic>
     “Yeeee-HAW!” Spark cheered as he slammed his truck into gear. His passengers held onto their seats as the vehicle rocketed forward and entered the rift, the shield glowing brilliantly as energy was channeled from the battery to the generator.
     “Spittin’ gravel and hot to travel!” Boomer exclaimed as she put the truck into gear so suddenly that patches of turf were thrown up as the wheels spun. A moment later the truck bucked forward and followed Truck 01 into the rift.
     Several seconds after they entered the rift several small mechanical devices on the ground around it opened and began humming. A moment later an energy shield formed around the rift, locking the phantoms in and keeping the area safe while they were away.

<music: Energy - Galaxy Fraulein Yuna>

     “Incoming on all sides!” Lina reported before going aerial, her sword glowing as she leapt into the fray. Waves of fire leapt up around her as she fought the advancing army of phantoms.
     “Venus Crystal Power!” Mina cried, holding her transformation wand aloft. The orange crystal set into the wand glowed as a flash of light washed over her body, changing her into Sailor Venus. She too leapt into the fray, a goddess in white and orange. Flashes of orange light and several glowing chains of hearts told of her position in the battle.
     “Universe Rebirth Power!” Adderson cried, holding his transformation pen aloft. The gem set into the head glowed green as a wave of light washed over his body, forming his armor. He unsheathed his sword and took on a defensive stance. “Alex, are you sure you’ll be O.K.?” he asked, keeping an eye on the oncoming stampede.
     “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Alex replied, brandishing his glaive at the phantom army. When he saw Adderson hesitate he smiled. “Just trust me on this one. OK?”
     “OK,” Adderson nodded before leaping into the fray himself, his sword flashing, green sparks flying from the blade as he struck things that were supposed to have a semi solid form.
<music: Chase the Dream -Bubblegum Crisis>
     “Mana Missiles!”
     “Cascade Fury!”
     “Tornado Crush!”
     “FIRE...... OCEAN!”
     Four attacks combined into a wave of raw elemental power that tore a fairly large rut into the landscape before striking the oncoming army of phantoms. Otherworldly screaming filled the air as phantoms were torn apart by the wave. Yet for every phantom destroyed by the attack there were two more to take its place.
     “Angel FIRE!”
     Amelia floated high above the chaos, her wings spreading wide as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her shoulder armor lifted, opening up the set of twin beam generators hiding within. The generators glowed for a moment before she flung her arms wide, twin columns of rainbow fire tearing through the sky, drilling through the ranks of the phantom army. And yet even that attack wasn’t completely effective.
     “We’re majorly outnumbered,” Nick commented as he sent wave after wave of ice shards tearing through the air.
     “I think taking on the entire population of a pocket dimension was a mega bad idea,” Celia said, a goddess blade in hand, “we’re going to run out of strength long before they run out of numbers.”
     “Rose Rebellion!” Del cried as he dove into a dense pocket of phantoms. Thorny vines erupted from the center of the pocket, snaking and spreading before catching several of the humanoid phantoms in a constricting grasp. Black roses bloomed as energy was drained and the captives crumbled to dust.
     “Rah Tilt!” Zelgadis cried, unleashing the raw force of the most powerful spell in astral magic. Several of the larger phantoms were caught in the blue white flames and destroyed. The chimera leapt into the battle a moment later, sword flashing at lightning speeds as he unleashed his fury.
     Alex stood stock still and stared in awe as his friends fought to the best of their abilities. Seifer and Irvine had left his side to provide cover fire for Tina, who was pulling an unconscious Quistis to the back lines, where Amelia waited with healing magic. Guile was at the top of his class with heavy duty magics like Blast Bomb, all of which packed quite a whallop. In the distance he could see flashes of colored light as those possessing mega armor kicked butt and took names.
     “This... this is all wrong,” he said to nobody in particular. “These phantoms are defending their home... I think. I don’t know any more, but this senseless violence is just so... so... senseless.”
     ‘Alex, what’s wrong?’ Alexander asked in his mind.
     “Why must we fight wherever we go?” Alex asked, a tear sliding down his cheek. “It seems so pointless.”
     ‘Wasn’t this supposed to be your vacation?’ Ridley asked.
     “Yes. A time to relax and enjoy with my friends,” he said, watching as Seifer was thrown through the air. He held back a scream as the Hyperion Knight crashed down and skidded several feet. Mackenzie crashed onto the hood of the Mustang a split second later, startling him. He felt sickened when blood began to trickle from the young mutant’s mouth.
     “Damn!” Lina cursed as she crashed into the side of the Cobra. Her mega armor vanished a moment later as she tried to stand. “This isn’t my day, but I’m not done yet.”
     ‘They’re all fighting to protect those they love, and the worlds they’re from,’ Alexander said in his mind. ‘It’s their will to succeed that drives them on, even when they have little chance of survival.’
     Alex watched in horror as Irvine, Zelgadis, and Celia were knocked out of the battle. He closed his eyes, praying for it to end, yet screams penetrated his mind and his mind’s eye saw the terrible massacre. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, tears streaming down his face.
     ‘I want this to end. I want to help. I wish I had the strength to save my friends and those I love.’
     A blinding glow filled the air in front of him. He opened one eye, squinting against the brilliance to see a new transformation pen with the symbol of Saturn form. Angel wings embraced a deep violet jewel, and inside that jewel pulsed a glowing version of his planetary sign. He reached out and clutched this, holding it aloft, the wings glowing and spreading upward as he cried his new henshin phrase.
     “Saturn Cosmic Power.... transform!”
     Glowing angel wings unfurled from his back, wrapping around his body to begin his transformation. He stretched his arms above his head, a ring of light forming around his hands. This ring spanned down his body, forming the dark clothes he wore beneath his armor. The ring stopped at his feet before spanning upward, forming the armor on his shins, hips, chest, shoulders, and around his head. The wings folded into the back of his armor as he unsheathed his no datchi and adopted a swordsman’s beginning stance.
<music: Open Your Eyes -DJ Encore feat. Engelina>
     “From the silent star, Saturn, a soldier of death and rebirth, Warrior Saturn!”
     As he spoke his introduction the gem in his bracers glowed, channeling energy into his sword blade as an Astral Vine spell took effect. He let loose a mighty roar before diving into the battle, beating the phantoms back from his fallen friends, his sword a continuous blur of motion.
     ‘I’m not going to let any more of you down,’ ran through his mind as several phantoms fell from a single cannon drill attack. ‘I’d trust my life with any one of you, and I know that each of you would do the same for me.’ He stopped in the midst of a pocket of phantoms and shouted again, a wave of raw elemental power tearing his enemies apart on the atomic level. ‘I won’t let any of you die today. I simply won’t allow it!”
     By now he’d cleared away most of the phantoms around Seifer’s body. Crouching next to the Hyperion Knight he lifted the unconscious body into his arms, resting his friend’s head on his lap. “Seifer. Seifer, please speak to me. Open your eyes. Please... please open your eyes. Damn it, I’m begging you!”
     Even though there was no response he continued to speak, hoping to coax his friend to awaken. Tears streamed down his cheeks once more as he slung curses at his friend, and some of these dripped onto Seifer’s face. His eyes began to twitch, and a moment later his eyes opened.
     “Alex, you can stop shaking me now,” he said, his voice a faint whisper. “You can also quit with the cursing. You sound like an old sailor.” When he got no reply he added, “What’s with the tears, kiddo? I’m not dead yet.”
     A moment later the warrior had him in a bone cracking embrace, and he coughed a few times as his lungs threatened to deflate. “You can let go at any time. We have other people to save, ya know.”

go to next?
return to the insanity?