Slayers Fantasy opening sequence
(set to Get Along)
(spoken by Alex & Lina)
“Where monsters rampage I’m there to take them
down. Where treasure glitters I’m there to claim it. Where an enemy rises
to face me victory will be MINE!!”
<images of the duo fighting monsters, followed
by them opening boxes of treasure. Then Alex, Lina, Seifer & Irvine,
Zelgadis, and Gourry standing dramatically in front of a large monster
shaped shadow. Then, the Slayers Fantasy title appears in rock written
in Kanji, then in English.>
No matter how hard this wind tries to push me back
<Alex tearing around his room, trying to get
dressed as an alarm blares in the background. He manages to pull on his
jacket, finish tying his boots, and munch of a piece of toast on his way
out the door>
I recite a single spell and set the pace my own way!
<Seifer and Lina performing a duel tech which
involves a fireball and the Firecross tech. The duo wipe out a number of
demi humans and orcs while destroying a large amount of ground in the process>
Anyone who’s jealous of my power and my beauty won’t get in
my way.
<Filia, Quistis, Rinoa, and Irvine checking
their hair before a large mirror. Amelia hammers Irvine into the ground
and takes his place at the mirror, leaving the cowboy on the ground rubbing
the lump on his head>
I want to do that! I want to do this! Hey, that’s just how girls
<Selphie, Lina, Quistis, and Sylphiel relaxing
in the sun on the top deck of Balamb Garden, all dreaming of something
different from the person before, starting with food, for Lina, and ending
with Gourry for Sylphiel, with Squall and Irvine for Quistis and Selphie>
One slip and it’s to hell you go so you better not get in my
<Alex undergoing his transformation into his
SeeD form before he, Lina, Zel, and Seifer draw weapons and leap for an
attack against something large and evil>
Far away, going where I want to...
<Alex beginning his cosmic transformation as
angel wings spread from his back>
Don’t want this journey to ever end
<Lina, Alex, and company charging across the
plains towards Balamb, all with smiles on their faces, some giving side
long glances towards someone they like>
Even the worst of days I’ll finish with a smile.
<Alex, Zel, and Irvine surrounded by magical
glows, floating and giving victory signs>
Far away, embracing all the magic...
<Alex finishing his transformation, his silence
glaive forming in his hand>
I wanna go beyond this day.
<A large force of evil preparing to fire off
a gigantic energy blast>
With my eyes on my dreams I keep walking on.
<Two energy blasts, one from Alex, one from
the monster, meeting and exploding into an energy dome, destroying a large
portion of the countryside.>
As far as I can
<Alex, followed by Lina and Squall, stepping
from a wall of flames>
Get along, try again.
<Alex, Lina, and the Slayers Fantasy cast striking
dramatic poses with a mountain range behind them and Balamb Garden off
to one side, everyone’s hair blowing dramatically in the breeze.>