<Scenes of Magical Saviour Shihoko fighting random enemies with her fists, feet, and awesome special techniques>

Narrator: “So, what does a magical saviour do when she’s not fighting to protect the world and the weak from the forces of evil?”

     <scene change to inside of the grocery store where Kintara works>

L-sama: “Kintara, we’re out of toilet paper in the bathrooms.”

Pantarus: “Kintara, we need you to take this trash to the dumpster.” *holds up large bag of garbage that’s threatening to burst.*

     <scene change to Kintara’s house>

Tanlynn & Taylor: “Tara, the toilet overflowed and the bathroom’s a mess.”

Kintara *makes fist and growls*: “Grrrrrrr.”

     Magical Saviour Shihoko.

     <scenes of Xander moving at incredibly high speeds in the grocery store, on the track, and through town>

 Xander Kuronova, the reason they put Action in Traction.

     <close up of Xander’s face as he says one of his more famous lines>

Xander: “I’m one of the fastest things on the planet!”

     <scene of Zandarius dashing at a monster, then around the same monster fast enough to create a cyclone.>

     Catch the untamed fury. Only on Magical Savior Shihoko.