Magical Savior Shihoko #3:
Cheering Squad Dropout

     “R-O-W-D-I-E. That’s the way we spell Rowdy. Rowdy. Let’s get rowdy. WOOO!”
     Reiko Fujikora and the other members of the East Kyoto High School cheering squad were in training for the all city cheering competition that was coming up in a few days. Their cheers rocked; their uniforms were styling; they had the attitude and the energy to bring home the gold.
     “That looked splendid,” Rika Tenou, the cheering captain, said, applauding. “All that hard work is really going to pay off.”
     “I’ll say it is,” Tsukiri said. He was sitting in the stands with Kintara, Maho, Takana, and Xander. All were in street clothes instead of school clothes, since it was Saturday afternoon.
     “They’re going to take top prize with no problems,” Xander said, leaning back so that his head was between Takana’s feet, “Isn’t that right ‘Kana?”
     “Yeah, they’re good,” Takana replied, only half paying attention.
     Kintara noticed how her brother was acting and glomped him. “OK big bro., it’s time to spill your secret.”
     “Yeah,” Xander said, pinching Takana’s knee, “either dish the dirt or face tickle torment.”
     Takana sighed and rubbed his temples. “I heard some of the girls from a rival school talking about how they’ll win, even if they have to sabotage the other teams to do so.”
     “Wow,” Tsukiri whistled, “sounds like tough competition.”
     “Our team will still win,” Tara said, watching as the cheering squad lined up for one of their dance numbers. “The competition may be bad, but our girls are good. They’ll triumph.”

<music: ‘I wanna be bad’ - Willa Ford>
     “I wanna be bad with you baby...”

     “I wanna be bad! You make bad look so good. I’m losing all my cool. I’m about to break the rules.”
     Yuiren danced around her room, her mirror showing scenes of the cheerleaders dancing, as well as playing the music for the routine. Her hair was pulled up in large pigtails, and she wore a cheer leading uniform of blue with silver trim.
     “Lady Yuiren, may I ask what you hope to accomplish with all this flaunting and whatnot?” an aged male voice asked from the shadows.
     “Well Maxis, I hope to get in shape for this cheering tournament,” Yuiren said, flipping into a handstand.
     “And how do you plan to enter? You need a squad of cheerleaders, and you can’t just hire one or find one,” Maxis said, stepping from the shadows. He wore a butler’s uniform, complete with knee high leather boots. His jet black hair was streaked with silver, and his gray eyes had seen much in his lifetime.
     “Oh, I have a plan,” Yuiren giggled, dropping from the handstand into a split. “I have a really good plan that will work really well.”
     She giggled, which soon turned to maniacal laughter. A sweat drop formed on Maxis’ head, which multiplied when Yuiren fell onto her face. “We’re all doomed,” he sighed, melting back into the shadows.

     The following Monday in homeroom everything was as usual until Reiko stood before the class to make an announcement.
     “May I have your attention please?” she said somewhat loudly. Nobody paid any attention. “Excuse me,” she said, a little louder. Still no responses.
     “Everybody be quiet and let the lady speak!” Maxamillion said at the top of his lungs. The class went dead silent instantly, except for Kanki, who said something about undergarments before blushing and falling silent.
     “Um, thank you Mister Volfield,” Reiko said, blushing lightly. “Anyway, I just wanted to announce that this coming Saturday is the all city cheering competition. Every year we enter, but we keep bringing home the silver. However, this year we’ve got a really great team and we’ll bring home the gold! So we hope you’ll join us on Saturday to cheer us on.”
     She took a bow before returning to her seat. The homeroom teacher resumed her place in front of the class. “Thank you, Miss Fujikora, for that spirited announcement. And now class, it’s time for everyone’s favorite subject.... English!”
     The class groaned as one, since English was usually the only class worse than geometry in being overly boring. “If everyone would please open your books to page thirty five we can begin...”

     In the dimension of darkness Yuiren was hard at work trying to pull together a cheering squad. She had a long line of hopefuls, but most of them were uncoordinated and couldn’t dance to save their lives.
     “Next,” she sighed, her head down on the table. She had stopped watching the performances twenty entrants ago, and totally quit looking at them ten entries ago, the reason being that it was embarrassing to watch any of the performances.
     “Miss Yuiren, I think you’ll like this quartet,” Maxis said from the chair next to her. “They take home top prize at the talent show every year.”
     Yuiren looked up. “Who was that again?”
     “The dancing quartet that calls themselves the Princesses of Pain.”
     “That’s quintet,” a forceful female voice said. Yuiren looked up to face some of the toughest looking young women she’d ever seen. All wore tight black leather hip huggers and leather halter tops of black with blood red trim. Towering over her was a young lady of about 17 years of age with a dark complexion and long raven black hair.
     “And your names are?” Yuiren asked, sitting up straight and being attentive.
     “Asa,” the one with raven hair said.
     “Una,” a girl with wavy dirty blond hair said.
     “Saeko,” a tall girl with aqua hair said proudly.
     “Haruka,” another tall girl, this one with short greenish - blond hair, said.
     “Kourin,” a girl of medium height with long wavy purple hair said.
     “Together we make up the Princesses of Pain!” they said in unison.
     “But there are only five of them,” someone in the line said loud enough to be overheard. “How do they win when regulation teams have seven members or more?”
     “Through force and intimidation,” all five said to the line. “Anyone want a demonstration?!” The line immediately fell silent.
     “You girls will be perfect,” Yuiren said, jumping onto her table. “Together we’ll rock that competition and get lots of virginal energy for Queen Soi!”
     “But that only makes six of you,” Maxis said, “you need one or two more people for this to work.”
     Yuiren scanned the line from atop her table. “You!" she called, pointing to a pair of girls, one with long red hair, the other with equally long dirty blond hair. “What are your names?”
     “Eiko,” the redhead replied.
     “Ina,” the blond replied.
     “Can you dance to save your lives?” Yuiren asked. The two nodded. “Well, come on up and show us your stuff.”
     The two reluctantly made their way to the head of the line, where they took up pom poms and commenced perfectly choreographed dance routines.

<music: ‘Dynamite Rave’ - Naoki>
     “Wow,” Yuiren said as Eiko and Ina flipped through the air, cart wheeled across the floor, and executed gymnastics moves that had yet to be named. They finished the routines by throwing their pom poms towards the sky, flipping through the air several times, and landing in a split in time to catch their pom poms.
     The Princesses of Pain held up score cards, and all were perfect ‘10’s. “Welcome aboard,” Asa said as Eiko and Ina stood up.
     “Maxis, sign us up please,” Yuiren said sweetly, handing her butler a sign up form.
     Maxis read over the form before handing it back to her. “Lady Yuiren, we missed the sign up slot by two days,” he explained.
     “Who needs a stupid sign up sheet,” Haruka huffed, “we should just bust in when they least expect it and create some chaos.”
     “Girl, I like how you think,” Yuiren said excitedly. “Maxis, please inform Queen Soi of the plan. Me and the squad are going to go and train.”
     Maxis sighed as Yuiren and the seven members of the cheering squad walked off to do whatever. he looked at the line of angry hopefuls, a large sweat drop forming on his head. It just wasn’t going to be his day.

Wednesday - 12:00 PM
     “I am so mega excited!” Reiko squeaked during lunch. Unfortunately it was raining that day, so lunch was inside, and that usually meant either trouble or chaos.
     “You were like this all of Monday and yesterday,” Tsukiri said, taking a long sip of noodle broth. “You haven’t been drinking lots of cola lately, have you?”
     Reiko gave him a dirty look for that last comment. “Think about it,” she said, munching on her sandwich, “we’ve been taking home the silver every year, and this year we have a shot at the gold. I’m quite excited right now.”
     “Hey Fujikora,” an all too familiar gruff female voice said. The four at the table looked up to see Marge Komen standing a couple of feet away. The larger girl was scratching the back of her head nervously. “Um.. I just... just wanted to wish you good luck on Saturday,” she said, fidgeting a bit. “So... um... I’ll be rooting for you.”
     Marge then made a hasty retreat, leaving the occupants of the table watching in awe.
     “What just happened?” Maho asked, a spoonful of yogurt part way to her mouth.
     “I think Large Marge was nice to us,” Tsukiri replied.
     “I think I’m going to have a trauma,” Reiko said sarcastically.
     All three turned to Kintara, who looked behind her before realizing her friends were looking right at her. “What?” she asked, her ears twitching.
     “What did you do to her?” Maho asked, “And don’t leave out any of the juicy details.”
     “I didn’t do anything to her that she didn’t already deserve,” Tara replied nonchalantly. She realized what she had just said in her mind and face faulted. “Oops.”
     “So you whooped her butt and now she’s being nice,” Tsukiri said, narrowing his eyes at her.
     “So much for the nonviolent approach to the problem,” Reiko sighed, looking out the window.
     “What did I miss?” Maximillion asked, finding a spot at the table. “Nothing good I hope.”
     “Only a visit from the twilight zone,” Kintara said, rolling her eyes. “I didn’t think I incurred any brain damage that day.”
     Max blinked a few times and looked at the others, who shrugged and went back to eating.
     “So, Max, are you coming to the competition this weekend?” Reiko asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over the table.
     “If I find the time,” Max replied, “depends on what I have for homework and whatnot.”
     “Xander said he’d be there with bells on,” Tara said, “he got the day off... asked three months in advance.”
     Reiko and the others blinked at her again. A sweat drop formed on her head. “Tara, we’ve only known about this thing for the past couple of weeks. How could have he known before that?!”
     <chibi Xander: “I saw it in my crystal ball.”>
     “I really don’t know,” Tara shrugged. “ESP or something. Don’t ask me. I only work with the guy.”
     “Would any of you care for a home baked cookie?” a voice asked near them.
     “Sure, I’ll try o.....” Tsukiri began to say, looking up to see who had spoken. He went silent before poking Tara and Maho.
     “What?!” both growled as one. Tsukiri pointed to the person standing behind them. They turned to see Zelda standing with a heaping plate of homemade double chocolate cookies, a smile on her face. “What the...?”
     “Please try one,” Zelda said sweetly. “They’re really yummy. A special family recipe.”
     Tara, Maho, and Tsukiri reluctantly took a cookie apiece. They looked at one another before tasting the confectioneries. They chewed thoughtfully as Zelda watched with nervous tension.
     “Not bad,” Tara finally proclaimed. “Pretty good.”
     “Amazing,” Maho said. “Thank you Zelda.”
     “Have as many as you like,” Zelda said, “I made tons more. And Miss Reiko, we’ll be rooting for you on Saturday.”
     The plump girl set the plate of cookies on the table and skipped off while humming a happy tune. Tara blinked a few times before saying, “Twilight zone, take two.”
     “Yeah, but the cookies are good,” Tsukiri said, snagging several from the plate.
     The bell chimed, signaling the end of the lunch period and telling students to prepare for the next period class. People grumbled about how they didn’t have enough time to eat and socialize as they walked back to class.
     “Make sure to join us on Saturday,” some of the cheerleaders giggled. “We’re going for the gold.”

     “My hips too big, my belt’s too tight, my bootie shakes from left to right. Say uh, ungawah. Uh, uh, unguwah.”
     Asa, Una, Eiko, and Ina danced the steps for one of the smaller cheers they would need to know, turning to wiggle their butts at an imaginary audience.
     “Don’t drop me,” Yuiren said as Saeko, Kourin, and Haruka lifted her into the air above their heads. She split before turning in such a way that her leg was up behind her head and back.
     “Yuiren, report!” Queen Soi’s voice bellowed, an illusionary representation of her appearing. Yuiren face faulted and nearly fell from her perch. The four who had been dancing looked through their legs and prayed to any gods that the queen wouldn’t see them.
     “We’re training hard for when we crash the cheering tournament,” Yuiren said, regaining her balance and composure. “We’ll gain lots of virginal energy for the good of the dark kingdom.”
     “Good, good. Carry on with your training,” Queen Soi said, the illusion vanishing. The eight breathed a collective sigh of relief as they took a break from training.
     “Tough morning,” Eiko said, drinking some mineral enriched water. “Though the workout’s good, and we’re amazing.”
     “Don’t get cocky,” Asa said, “we might lose if we’re over confident, so don’t think you’ll win until you do.”
     “Good advice,” Yuiren said as she stretched her legs. “That’s where Mordred failed. He was cocky.”
     “There’s something that I’ve been curious about,” Ina piped up. “Why are you guys called the Princesses of Pain?”
     Asa looked to Haruka, who reached behind her back and produced a whip. This she cracked a few times in a skilled manner, snapping the butterfly clip in Ina’s hair in half with one whip crack.
     “We make people call us queen, and beg for mercy,” Kourin cackled as Ina twitched and face faulted.
     “We should get back to work,” Una said, “we still have to work on the big group number, and we’ll need all the time we can get.”
     “Check,” Haruka said, stowing her whip. “Places everyone. Let’s take it from the top.”

 Friday - 1:30 PM
     Another blindingly sunny day in the city and time for afternoon Physical Education. Maho and Kintara were paired up for partner drills, as were Tsukiri and Maxamillion. Both pairs were working on sit-ups with a few other pairs.
     “C’mon Maho, I know you want abs of steel,” Tara coached as her friend repeated the exercise.
     “I’m feeling pain and a bit of a burn,” Maho huffed.
     “I think it’s time to cut out all of those late night ice cream socials.”
     Both chuckled and rolled their eyes, since the chances of that happening were slim to none.
     “Max, Max, he’s our man,” Tsukiri cheered as Max did sit-up after sit-up. “If he can’t do it no one can.”
     “Thanks for... the vote... of confidence,” Max said as he came up. The next time he came up he remained sitting up, staring into Tsukiri’s eyes.
     Tsukiri blinked a couple of times, wondering what Max was doing. “Um, Max, it’s not polite to stare.”
     “Sorry,” Max replied before going back down.
     “And that kills the possibility of a yaoi moment,” Tara chuckled. Maho sighed and let her feet go, which caused the catgirl to roll back into a reverse somersault. When she came up she shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair to get the dirt out. “Hey, why’d you go and do that?”
     Maho pointed past her, and she followed her friend’s gaze to a group of girls around someone very tall. “Marge looks like she’s in trouble,” Maho said. “Looks like she went from bully to bullied.”
     Tara sighed and flipped to her feet, shaking her hair back behind her shoulders before running towards the crowd of students. The bits and pieces of conversation she caught indicated a mass retaliation on one of the biggest bullies in school.
     “Tara, hold up a moment, will ya,” she heard, and she turned her head to see Reiko, Maho, and half the cheering team coming.
     “Your backup has arrived,” Rika called as the cheering squad dashed past the catgirl into the crowd. Shouting ensued, and that was quickly followed by the use of violence. Several members of the crowd dropped back, and Tara watched in awe as the cheerleaders fought off attackers with precision skill.
     “Hey Shikoba, why don’t you come and join us?" a cheerleader with poofy pink hair called.
     Tara looked at Reiko, who shrugged. The two of them dashed into the fray, where the catgirl immediately felt the rhythm of the battle and lashed out accordingly.
     Several minutes later the battle was over, with the angry students calling a retreat and the cheerleaders victorious. A long conga line formed, and this danced its way off of the field, leaving Tara, Reiko, and Maho with Marge.
     “What the hell was that all about?” Reiko asked, rubbing her shins.
     “A bunch of people wanted payback for all I’ve done to them,” Marge explained, smoothing wrinkles from her uniform. “I’m surprised anyone came to my rescue, especially Shikoba here.”
     Tara’s ears perked up a little. “Umm... well,” she stammered, scratching the back of her head. “I can’t stand to see anyone get hurt, especially someone who isn’t fighting back.”
     Marge nervously ran her fingers through her hair. “About that,” she said, giggling a little. “I’ve decided to stop fighting. Silence the violence and all that.”
     The larger girl stepped forward, and Maho and Reiko moved aside to allow her to pass. “Anyway, I’ll catch all of you around. And Shikoba, I owe ya one.”
     As Marge vanished into the distance Maho and Reiko turned and looked at Tara, who blinked a couple of times. When the silence became too awkward the catgirl exclaimed. “What?!”
     “What did you do to her to get her to stop fighting?!” Maho exclaimed. “There’s no coincidence that she stops being a bully when you and her go head to head.”
     “Yeah Tara, what did you do?” Reiko asked, narrowing her eyes. “C’mon girlfriend, dish the dirt. Inquiring minds want to know.”
     Tara shifted her weight from foot to foot. She was about to tell them when the bell signaling the end of PE rang. “There’s the bell,” she giggled before dashing off, leaving a trail of dust in her wake.
     “The girl’s on the river called denial,” Reiko shrugged as they headed for the locker room to change.
     “We’ll eventually hear all about it,” Maho said, pulling the bandanna that was holding her hair back out, her wavy purple tresses falling around her face. “For now it’s best to leave her alone.

 Friday - 6:30 PM
     “If today doesn’t hurry up and end I swear I’ll go nuts and frag half the store,” Xander yawned, stretching into a back over bridge. He, Tara, Lyssa, and Yuji were standing by the registers, and all were quite bored.
     “It’s raining,” Yuji sighed, “Tara, you’re...”
     A very delicate hand with a single claw extended was set at his temple in an instant, and he found himself staring into the eyes of one very angry catgirl.
     “Cat,” Tara hissed. “Plus water,” she continued, slowing running the nail against Yuji’s cheek. “Cold water at that. Do not mix. Now, repeat after me. Cat.”
     “Cat,” Yuji squeaked.
     “Plus cold water.”
     “Plus cold water...”
     “Do not mix,” she finished, pressing her nail into his throat enough to make him squirm.
     “Thunderstorm and this elf don’t mix either,” Xander said as the entire front end vibrated due to a loud roll of thunder. “I’m doing everything to keep from diving under something.”
     “Will the boredom never end?” Lyssa sighed, leaning forward onto her elbows and propping her chin into her hands. “There is so totally no activity here.”
     “Why not check if produce needs help?” Tara asked, leaning back a little. “That way you aren’t standing around being bored.”
     Xander yawned, followed by Yuji and Lyssa. Tara finished the chain of loud yawns. Tomiko stepped from the office in time to get caught in the moment and yawned as well.
     “This stinks so totally major,” Tara sighed as a flash of lighting illuminated the front end. “There’s no way in hell that I’m going out to get carts now.”
     “Our shifts are almost over,” Xander sighed, looking at the clock again. A sweat drop formed on his head when he saw that only a couple of minutes had passed. “Man, this mega sucks.”
     “I wanna be free!” Tara and Tomiko sang at the same time. “Free to scream, free to bathe, free to paint my toes all day.”
     “My boss is lame you know,” Xander and Lyssa continued, “And so - ho is the pay.”
     All four broke into laughter before Yuji sighed and left to go and get carts.
     “Welcome to boredom,” Xander yawned, leaning forward onto his counter. “Population... four.”
     “At least we have the day off tomorrow for that cheering thing,” Tara smiled. “All of us there to cheer on Reiko.”
     “Rumor has it that Sanderson and the store donated gift certificates and money to the team,” Tomiko whispered.
     “No way,” Xander whispered loudly. Tomiko nodded. “So our boss is somewhat human after all.”
     “Like, I’m heeeere,” Tokiko announced as she stepped through the exit door. Under one arm she held a large package, and this she set to unwrapping.
     “Whatcha got sis?” Tomiko asked. Her answer came in the form of Tokiko shoving two strings into her hands and pushing her back. She stumbled, unfurling a long banner with the school colors and words of encouragement.
     “A banner that we're going to hang at the competition,” Tokiko smiled. “There’s room for you guys to sign your names and messages of encouragement.”
     “Sweetness!” Yuji cheered, reaching for a marker. His intended writing implement was snatched away by one with cat like grace. “What the?”
     “You have to get carts,” Tara purred, batting her eyes sweetly, “or did you forget?”
     “But... but... but... “Yuji stammered.
     “Yes, she has a nice butt,” Xander said jokingly, “you don’t need to point it out. Anyway, you can always sign the banner when you come in.”
     “Provided he doesn’t get washed away,” Tokiko giggled as Yuji slipped on a raincoat and exited. “The parking lot’s so bad that you could catch a wave and hang ten.”
     “That... was bad,” Lyssa sighed, a sweat drop forming on her head.
     “Just sign the banner,” Tomiko chuckled, tossing a marker to Lyssa. “Then maybe someone can pull early for once.”
     Lyssa chuckled and joined the others in looking for a spot to sign their names and write a message to the team.

     In the realm of darkness Yuiren and the Princesses of Pain were celebrating after a long week of training, training, and more training.
     “We are going to kick so much butt tomorrow,” Asa cheered, kicking back while opening a can of diet soda.
     “Our moves will leave the other teams broken and bleeding,” Yuiren giggled.
     “They’ll be crying in pain and calling us queen,” Haruka cackled.
     There was a momentary pause before every member of the team began to cackle evilly, their laughter echoing throughout the realm.
     “We are lean and mean,” Eiko cheered, “and tomorrow we’ll make some asses bleed!”
     “We are the princesses of PAIN!” the others cheered before cackling anew.

     Saturday came all too soon for those competing in the All City tournament as well as those cheering on their teams. Rika, Reiko, and the others from the high school team were wired on a combination of excitement, sugar, and caffeine, and those who knew them shared that level of excitement.
     In the stands Kintara, Takana, Tsukiri, Maho, and Xander sat together with Taylor and Tanlynn. Lyssa was there as well, and she sat with her boyfriend Rei near the others. Tomiko, Tokiko, and a few other people from the store sat around them, and Maxamillion wasn’t too far away. From the rafters hung banners for each of the schools as well as the one that everyone at the store had signed.
     “Tara, will you get us some soda?” Taylor asked as people continued to file into the auditorium.
     “Maybe when the crowd dies down a little,” Tara replied, a sweat drop forming on her head when she realized just how many people were packing into the building.
     “Please Tara,” Tanlynn said as he and Taylor turned around and pouted at her.
     “Not right now,” Takana said, stepping in before Tara could fall for their sweet and innocent routine. “Wait until things quiet down a little bit.”
     “Thanks ‘Kana,” Tara whispered when the twins had turned back around, “that was close.”
     “No prob.,” Takana smiled, “but you owe me a soda for that save.”
     Tara began to mutter something, but was cut off by the PA system coming on.
     “Your attention please,” a male voice boomed through the auditorium, “please take your seats. The show is about to begin.”
     The audience quickly found empty seats and grew quiet, the lights dimming. A woman in a smart looking violet business suit stepped to the center of the floor, a spotlight shining on her. The audience applauded as she was handed a microphone.
     “Thank you all for coming to our expedition today,” the woman said as the applause ended. “I’m Minako Torayuna, the head of a talent search office. I’m proud to welcome all of you to the All City Cheering Tournament!”
     The audience cheered and went wild as Minako took a bow. Tsukiri whistled loudly, and Tara and Xander cheered as loud as they could. “Our first team comes all the way from the West Side Academy,” Minako continued, “So give a big cheer for the West Side Priestesses!”
     The lights went out, and a moment later loud techno music began to pump through the auditorium, reverberating off of the walls with enough force to shake some of the seats. Audience members began to stamp their feet in time with the music, adding to the noise and confusion.

<music: ‘Luv 2 Me’ - PPP Disco Mix>
     Spotlights clicked on, illuminating eight girls in traditional temple priestess robes of white and red. In place of pom poms they held spirit wards. They appeared to be locked in deep prayer, with their eyes closed and heads bowed. As the music increased in intensity they looked up and began to dance in a very slow and coordinated style, like they were negating dark energies from the room.
     <Say that you love me, look at me softly, kiss me and hold me, all night so tight>
     In one unified motion they whipped off their temple robes to reveal white and red midriff sweaters and skirts. They spun their spirit wards like batons, silver glitter spraying through the air. Two girls with raven black hair stepped to the front of the formation and tossed their batons right into the air, spinning around a couple of times and dropping to one knee before catching their batons.
     “Give it up, let’s go!” their diva cheered as she was lifted into the air, where she flipped into a one handed hand stand as two of her teammates cart wheeled around them. While in her handstand she executed a full split, which she followed up with assorted figures from synchronized swimming. She then flipped to the ground, where two of her teammates were ready to catch and toss her into the air. She went airborne, and once in the air she executed several very tight flips before landing atop a human pyramid formed by five of her teammates, with two others in handstands splits. The music ended, and the girls smiled their widest as the lights went off.
     “They’re good,” Maho whispered as Minako announced the scores.
     “Our girls will beat the skirts off of ‘em,” Tara smiled, “I have faith in them.”
     “What about Reiko’s bad ankle?” Tsukiri asked.
     “So not the drama ‘Kiri,” Tara said, turning and smiling at her friend. “They’ll kick butt.”
     “Next up will be the East Kyoto High Wildkittens,” Minako announced. This announcement caused a great deal of cheering, whistling, and applause, as well as a spotlight shining on the banner from the store.
     “You go girls!” Tara, Maho, Lyssa, Xander, Takana, and Tsukiri shouted as their friends stepped onto the floor dressed in violet, black, and gold skirts and tops.
<music: ‘Dive’ -BeForU>
     < ‘Sekai o Tomete... Dive. Kakushi kirenai, afureru kono omoi...’ >
     The eight girls on the floor stood in a diamond formation, their heads bowed and their arms to the sides. When the music started there was a flurry of hair and pompoms as they performed well choreographed dance steps, high kicks, and flips. Reiko stepped to the front of the formation and bowed her head, her hair flipping forward a little. She threw her hands forward and tossed her head back before bringing her arms up over her head. She brought her left hand down to her chest, then her right one down to her hip. Two of the girls behind her fell back into back over bridges, and Reiko tossed her pompoms high into the air before springing backwards, flipping over the two girls before catching her pompoms and sliding into a split. The music ended with the girls holding their poses, the five in back in a sort of pyramid. There was dead silence for a few moments before the audience began to applaud. Tara and company cheered at the top of their lungs, confetti flying through the air and whistles and catcalls coming from the elder Shikoba and the two youngest ones.
     “They’re amazing,” Lyssa said, moving closer to the others, “and isn’t that a song you know Tara?”
     “Only because I sing it so often,” Xander grinned. “’Dive’, from the fifth mix of Dance Dance Evolution. One of my favorites.”
     “The scores are up,” Tsukiri said, bringing their attention back to the competition.
     They looked at the scores to see that their team was at the top, even though there were more schools who had yet to compete.
     “Next up is... the Princess of Pain?” Minako announced, her face going blank. “Who the heck is this group?”
     “Tara, I’m getting some bad vibes,” Maho said, tugging on Tara’s sleeve.
     “And we know to trust those,” Tara whispered as the lights dimmed.
     Eight girls dressed in black leather halter tops and black leather hip huggers with blood red trim stepped onto the floor, the heels of their boots clacking on the hardwood. They were all attitude, and exuded this attitude. Tara, Maho, Xander, and Tsukiri gasped, since all could sense the dark force in each girl, the one standing at the head possessing the strongest dark force.

 <commercial break - music: ‘Slayers TRY eye catch'>
     A small patch of grass appears on the screen, and a pair of cat ears and a cat tail poke out of this. The tail vanishes as Tanlynn pokes his head out of the grass. He shakes his head before pouncing at the camera and slashing, his image freezing at the end of the slash and the ‘Magical Savior Shihoko’ emblem appearing in the bottom left corner of the screen.
 <end commercial break>

     “Guys, we’ll get you those sodas now,” Xander said as he, Tsukiri, Maho, and Tara rose.
     “But it’s a good part,” Taylor protested.
     “Kana, look after them while we’re out,” Tara said, her older brother nodding in acknowledgment.
     The four made their way to the aisle, and from there down some stairs to the exit leading to the concession booths. They descended some more stairs until they reached ground level, with Xander bringing up the rear due to breathing problems.
     “This looks like as good a place as any to do our thing,” Tsukiri said, the gem in his bracelet glowing aqua blue. The other three nodded, colored light filling the air as their transformations took effect.

<music: ‘Increase My Bust’ Stripped mix - Lords of Acid>

     Back in the auditorium the Princesses of Pain had since begun to live up to their name, cracking whips and tying up unsuspecting people, their energy being drained. Technically it worked part of the time and failed the remainder of the time.
     “What the hell’s happening here?!” Asa demanded as she failed to gather any energy. “Does nobody remain clean and pure any more?!”
     “We must switch to something more effective to gather virginal energy for Queen Soi,” Yuiren said, wrapping up two girls with her whip and draining white energy into a crystal set into the handle of her whip. “This pick and choose is taking too long.”
     “We can handle that,” Haruka said, nodding to the other girls. They leapt into the air as one, spinning their whips about with such precision that they didn’t snag any of the others. “Crystal Drain Shower!” they cried, their whips glowing. Silvery crystals formed in the air, rays of silver light reaching from the crystals to strike audience members and drain white light from their bodies.
     Far up in the stands Lyssa, Rei, Tomiko, Tokiko, and Takana were dodging while trying to keep the twins safe from the beams. None of them noticed that Maxamillion had left, nor thought anything of it.
     “This is officially going in the log book of weirdness,” Tomiko said, sliding under a bench seconds before a ray of light struck where she’d been.
     The lights went off, and this seemed to confuse the girls on the floor as well as the audience, who were still reeling from the attack of the Princesses of Pain.
     “Hey boss, what’s happening?” Eiko asked, fright tingeing her voice.
     “Freeze, spawn of darkness!” four voices said from the darkness. Spotlights clicked on, revealing four people, two female, two male, who were clad in armor of some color or another.
     “Raging like the waters of the planet, a soldier of the tides,” the one clad in dark blue armor said, a tidal wave forming his background. He spun a glaive over his head before saying, “Magical Warrior Genrou.”
     “Filled with power from the flames of passion and of the just, a soldier of love,” the female clad in red armor said, spinning a large hammer around. She brought her weapon to rest against her shoulder. “Mystic Fighter Sakura!”
     The two remaining figures, one a female catgirl in silvery white armor, the other a male elf in black armor that had hints of indigo, stood back to back with their arms crossed and heads bowed.
     “For every light there is darkness,” the elf spoke.
     “And from the darkness comes the light,” the catgirl added.
     “Together we shall vanquish the forces of evil,” they said in unison, “we are soldiers of goodness who will right wrongs and triumph over evil!”
     “Mystic Healer Zandarius!” the elf said, drawing a no datchi from the gem in the back of his gauntlet.
     “Magical Savior Shihoko!” the catgirl said, assuming a martial arts battle stance.
<music: ‘Can’t Stop Fallin’ In Love’ - Naoki>
     < “My life meant nothing to me, but then a guy like you came along...>
     “So, you’re the magical heroes who Queen Soi is so afraid of,” Yuiren yawned, stepping to the front of the group. “You don’t look so powerful to me.”
     “We’re plenty powerful,” Zandarius said, pointing his sword at Yuiren, “and we’re ready to prove that by defeating you!”
     “We shall soon see. Get ‘em girls!”
     The Princesses of Pain dashed into battle, lashing their whips at the four magical heroes. Sakura and Genrou stepped to the front, their weapons catching the whips. Both pulled hard, reeling in six of the princesses. Zandarius and Shihoko rushed in, striking at the six girls and knocking them across the floor.
     “You won’t win that easily,” Asa growled, cracking her whip. Streams of flame rushed from the strike point and engulfed Zandarius.
     “We can’t possibly win if we worry about all the innocent people in here,” Genrou said, a wall of water forming around Zandarius to extinguish the flames.
     The six girls who had met the floor up close and personal had since regained their feet and weapons, and were taking out their pent up aggression upon the four magical heroes.
     “Princess, princess, princess, princess!” Genrou cried as he was whipped by Saeko and Kourin.
     “Don’t call us that, you knave,” Saeko and Kourin sneered, “Call us your queen!”
     “And up,” Ina cackled, her whip wrapped around Sakura’s feet. She cracked her whip, lifting the hero of fire into the air. “Down girl!” she sneered, smashing Sakura into the floor. “Down I said!” she cackled, repeating the previous use of brutality. “And stay down!” she screamed, smashing Sakura so hard into the floor that the wood broke, leaving a large hole where Sakura had broken through.
     “Sakura!” Shihoko cried before a whip wrapped around her throat. Two more bound her legs and arms together, and she soon found Yuiren in her face, sneering.
     “You guys aren’t so hot,” the dark general sneered. “You care too much about others and not enough about yourself. It makes you weak.”
     “No,” a voice said from the shadows. “Those are the things that make us strong. Love, friendship, and caring for others. Those are the qualities that make a hero.”
     “Who said that?!” Asa snarled. “We have the four who upset Queen Soi.”
     A single silver arrow sailed through the air, sticking into the floor near Yuiren. The arrow exploded a moment later, knocking those around it from their feet. Three more arrows whistled through the air, cutting through Shihoko’s bonds.
     “Go forth and help those in need,” the voice said as Shihoko took some deep breaths.
     “With pleasure,” Shihoko said as Genrou, Sakura, and Zandarius were freed from their bonds. They quickly rejoined Shihoko, whose claws were extended for maximum damage.
     “You’ll never win!” Yuiren said as the and the Princesses of Pain regrouped. All eight of them leapt skyward, large silver crystals forming above them. As one they cried, “Crystal Drain Lash!”, cracking their whips through their crystals, which shattered and bonded to the whips.
     “This is going to hurt a lot!” Zandarius said, crossing his arms over his face in preparation for impact.
     “Tsunami Wall!” Genrou cried, slashing at the round in front of him. A line of blue energy formed, and from that rose a ten foot high wall of subsonic water that deflected the strikes of the Princesses of Pain.
     Sakura, Zandarius, and Shihoko looked up in amazement when they realized that no crushing blow had fallen. Genrou turned his head and smiled at them. “Now’s the time to deliver the crushing blow to finish this.”
     “One three we rush them,” Shihoko smiled, cracking her knuckles. “One...”
     Genrou dropped the wall and returned his glaive to the gem in his glove.
     Shihoko and Zandarius broke to the left and right as Genrou took to the air, a magical fog forming in front of his chest. Sakura, on the other hand, crossed her arms over her chest, the gems in her bracelets glowing as energy was collected.
     The Princesses of Pain, and more importantly Yuiren, were all wondering what the four magical heroes were planning by dividing their forces in this manner.
     Shihoko skidded to a stop and leapt into the air, globes of energy forming around her gloves. She then brought her hands up over her head and arched backwards, the two globes joining into one. Across the floor Zandarius skidded to a stop and drew his no datchi in one fluid motion before he, too, leapt into the air, the image of a dark dragon forming around his body.
     “What are they doing?” Eiko asked, backing up in fear.
     “Looks deliciously painful,” Asa purred, ready to meet the attacks head on.
     People in the stands who were watching the entire ordeal began to chant and cheer. “Go! Go! Shi-ho-KO! Go! Go! Shi-ho-KO!”
     “Time to give our fans what they want,” Genrou said, curling his body up into a tight ball. He flung his arms wide as glowing gems formed from the cloud in front of him. “Diamond Storm!”
     “Solar Flare!” Sakura cried, flinging her arms forward, a blinding flash of light filling the room before a wave of intense heat washed across the floor, catching the Princesses of Pain in a back draft pocket.
     “Dragon Cutter!” Zandarius cried, swinging his sword. A blade of dark energy flew from the dragon’s mouth, striking among the princesses and knocking them to the floor. Several smaller blades followed the first, cutting into the agents of evil.
     The gems from Genrou’s Diamond Storm tech had since finished forming, and these rained down upon the eight girls, exploding upon impact and creating more chaos and carnage.
     “And now for the final blow,” Shihoko said when she was unable to bend any further back. “Aura... CANNON!” she cried, bringing her arms down in a body twisting hurl, the globe releasing a solid beam of energy that struck the eight girls and neutralized the threat.
     As the three airborne heroes touched down a Sakura blossom laden wind blew across the floor, and Yuiren’s voice echoed throughout the auditorium. “I’ll be back, Magical Savior Shihoko! You haven’t seen the last of me!”
     “Bring it on,” Zandarius shouted, “We’ll triumph over you and your evil forces, any time, any day!”
     The audience began to applaud and cheer, and the four magical heroes did what anyone would do in their position - they took a bow before running off.

     In the realm of darkness eight very injured girls appeared near the medical wing of Queen Soi’s castle. They were rushed inside, where the queen stood in wait for an explanation.
     After everyone was bandaged and put to bed she asked, “What happened out there?! That was disgraceful!”
     “Your majesty, they were a lot stronger than we expected,” Kourin said as a nurse brought her a diet soda.
     “Please don’t blame them,” Asa said, sitting up and gritting her teeth as pain washed through her. “Blame me. I was the squad leader, and I failed everyone.”
     “Asa,” Haruka and Saeko gasped.
     “Miss Asa, I’ll allow you and your girls to stay on as my private honor guard,” Queen Soi said, smiling. “Then if those magical heroes try to come here you can get sweet revenge.”
     Soi then turned to Yuiren, who hid under her covers. “Yuiren, I’m disappointed by the results of this mission, so your next plan had better net lots of virginal energy and hopefully rid me of Magical Savior Shihoko.”
     “Yes, my queen,” Yuiren said formally. ‘Shihoko must be stopped!’

 “Hey guys, did we miss anything?” Maho asked as she, Tara, Tsukiri, and Xander returned, bearing drinks and snacks.
     “Yeah, a battle and explosions and all sorts of cool stuff,” Taylor said excitedly as Tara gave him and Tanlynn their sodas. “This magical savior kicked real butt!”
     “Really?” Xander asked as he took a seat next to Takana.
     “And she looked a little like Tara,” Lyssa said, narrowing her eyes at the four. “Where were all of you during the fight?”
     “In the world’s longest concession line,” Tsukiri moaned. “I swear it was half a mile long.”
     “Oh ‘Kiri, you’re exaggerating,” Maho said, punching him in the arm. “But he’s right. The line was really long.”
     “Did I miss much?” Masamichi / Maxamillion asked, taking his seat next to Tsukiri.
     “According to these guys there was quite a battle royal on the floor,” Tara shrugged.
     “Where did you go Max?” Rei asked.
     “Men’s room,” Max replied, “and before you ask what took so long, I’ll tell you. There was a really long line for the bathroom, and I really had to go.”
     “Your attention please,” Minako said, stepping onto the remains of the floor, “the judges have announced the winners.”
     The audience fell silent, and Minako continued. “Third place goes to the West Side Priestesses!”
     There was some loud applauding from the West Side Academy section of the audience. That died away rather quickly, and Minako continued.
     “Second place goes to the Central City Wolverines!”
     A large group of large and hairy men and women applauded, grunted, and whistled. Both Rei and Lyssa shuddered because those were some of the people from their school.
     “Cross your fingers for our friends,” Tomiko said, crossing her fingers, arms, and legs.
     “Come on East Kyoto High,” Tsukiri said, also crossing his fingers.
     “And first place goes to...” Minako announced, the tension building. “The East Kyoto Wildkittens!”
     Reiko and the other members of the team flipped and cart wheeled onto the floor as the audience burst into loud and raucous applause. Tara, Maho, Xander, and Tsukiri, as well as other people from the school and store, took out signs they’d made and waved them about in celebration of their victory, for their cheering squad had finally brought home the gold.

To be continued...

next episode:
     Yuiren’s next plot is one of her most devious yet, and puts the townspeople into shock when so many teenage girls are attacked in the local parks and have their virginal energy drained. Meanwhile, Tara and her boss Sanderson have a disagreement, and this leads to a very angry catgirl storming out of the store and a concerned boss going after her. What happens next is a big surprise. Stay tuned to ‘Boss, Bastard, or Friend’, or we’ll really cause some trouble.
    *In production now...