Hey all you web saavy people (many of you who are some of my buds). This is just a little something I wanted to do for Valentine's Day..... and thanks to my friends in Koori no Sekai (Asuka, E-chan, Hikrau, Asuka again, Miriya, Muraki, Maddy, did I mention Asuka, and everyone else there). I love all of you bunches, and you made this my best Valentine's ever. Thus, a little bit of a shrine to those lovely villains, the demented bishouen and bishoujo that we all love.... those lesser loved characters.... VILLAINS!!! Happy Villaintine's day everyone. May you find the bish of your dreams curled up in your bed tonight >^.^<

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Enishi Yukishiro
anime from: Ruroni Kenshin.
    A delicious silver haired bishie, Yukishiro-sama is an excellent swordsman with an affinity for fine tea.
    why he's cool: Anybody with a butt like that deserves to be on the villain's list *giggles* OK. I haven't seen very far into Kenshin, so I don't know how he fits into the plot. However, he's a bish, and some of you seemed to like him, so here he is.


game from: Chrono Cross
    Karsh is one General Viper's four Dragoon Devas. He's an extremely brutal and devestating warrior, and his axe is nothing to be taken lightly. Another bish with silver hair >^.^<
    Why he's cool: That hair. those eyes.... that polyester 70's style outfit. A hahahahahahaha. Ok. Some of his techs are pretty cool, and his elemental color is green, which means he's good for the environment. >^^<

Lina Inverse
anime from: Slayers
    Lina Inverse, the enemy to all who live and breathe, the infamous bandit killer, the dragon spooker. She loves money, she loves to eat, and she gets great pleasure out of destroying everything in her path. Always ready to make a quick buck by catching bandits or searching for treasure. Her most infamous spell is the legendary Dragu Slave, which is said to have been created by the great Lei Magnus over 1000 years ago, and can level a town and everything within a 2 kilometer radius almost instantaniously.
    Why she's cool: "Never piss off she who fireballs with great frequancy." There are days when I wish I could decimate people the way she can, and usually I'm working on those days. Anybody who can say "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows" and have people running for cover has *got* to rock! >^.^,

game from: Legend of Dragoon
    Lloyd is one of the last of the winglies, and is insanely power hungry. He wishes to destroy all humans by any means possible, and that usually means doing something quite cruel and inhumane. His goals eventually coincide with those of one young hero named Dart, even though not quite perfectly. Hobbies include torture for fun and profit and dating other evil winglies.
    Why he's cool: Umm..... because he's so damned fine? Ok. Dunno why I included him, aside from the silver hair, golden eyes, and the big sword he carries (and stop being such hentai yarous!) >^.^<

anime from: Darkstalkers
    Morrigan is the delicous and voluptous succubus who has quite a mean streak. Hobbies include seducing men, fighting with her fellow dark stalkers (Dimitri being numero uno on her 'to beat the &)&* out of list), and being too gorgeous for her own good.
    Why she rocks: Play the games, watch the anime, and you'll find out why I like her so much. Try playing 'Gem Fighters' with her as a character. Her combo attacks are just insanely cool. And anybody who can fight wearing an outfit like that without flopping out has my vote. >^.^<

game from: Legend of Dragoon
    Rose's hobbies include being as ancient as time itself, becoming a so called "Black Monster" every few years, and terrorizing the populous. She's mysterious, dark, lovely, and quite deadly with a razor sharp rapier. But the big question remains - why do two of her spells seem to center around a rather personal area? The world may never now >^.^<
    Why she rocks: That armor and those colors just RULE!! She's gorgeous.... and... umm... well, she's one of the few female game characters who have a troubled past who are just plain past cool.


anime from: Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo
    Ryoko is an infamous space pirate with a "thing" for attractive young men, especially when they have great powers, like poor Tenchi Misaki. She's powerful herself, and one of her hobbies is watching soap operas (while she's on earth anyway).
    Why she rocks: Why wouldn't she rock? She's gorgeous (a). She's powerful (b). She looks good even in the tightest clothes (and I'm gonna get decked for that one *ducks*). And..... she just all around kicks major butt!!

Seifer Almasy
game from: Final Fantasy 8
    The Hyperion Knight and one of the oldest students in Balamb Garden, Seifer can be a pain in the neck when he wants to be. That scar on his face was given to him by Squall Leonheart, who also has an equally impressive scar. His hobbies include hanging out with Fujin and Rajin (his so called possee), picking on Zell Dincht and Squall, practicing with his gunblade, and making passes at attractive young women like Rinoa Heartilly.
    Why he rocks: I'll get back to you on that one. Ok. Bishies who wear trench coats naturally have a high level of charisma, especially blond bishies >^^< I know, not a truely complete answer. I don't know why I think he rocks. He just does.

game from: Final Fantasy 7
    Sephiroth, also called the dark angel, is yet another silver haired bishounen with a big sword. His hobbies include trying to destroy the world, summoning large inanimate objects such as meteors and astroids, and hunting down those ancient ones who strive to make his life miserable. His goal in life is to make people miserable, and it's no wonder. I mean, look at who... er.... what his mother is. No spoilers here folks, for I know how the game turns out, and for those who have yet to play, that is a secret *wags finger*
    why he rocks: Why wouldn't he rock?! He's cold. He's calculating. His eyes glow blue, and he can swing a VERY big sword without disembowling himself, though I can't say more for those around him when he swings that big blade. As I've said before, villains in trench coats just have a higher charisma level than those without.

series from: Buffy the Vampire Layer... err.... Slayer.
    William the Bloody. Another blonde bish who wears a trench coat. Not just any trench coat, a BLACK LEATHER trench coat. He earned the nickname Spike from one of his hobbies, which is torturing people with railroad spikes. He's killed two slayers in the past, and planned to make Buffy the third until some unforseen outside circumstances took all that away from him.
    Why he rocks: He's gorgeous. He's twisted. He's got a wardrobe I'd kill to have. Did I mention the twisted part? He's a self proclaimed bad, rude man, and he's love's bitch, which is perfect on a day that celebrates couples more than singles. Spike just rocks. That's all there is to it. >^.^<

Xellos Metallium
anime from: Slayers NEXT, Slayers TRY
    Xellos, the trickster priest, the mazoku responsible for wiping out over a thousand black and gold dragons in one sweep of his finger, the brother of beastmaster Xellas, has many hobbies. He enjoys driving Filia Ul Copt up a wall. He likes to annoy the living heck out of Zelgadis Greywords. He gets great joy out of making life difficult for Lina and company. And he likes to keep secrets. What type of secrets is he keeping? Who knows.
    Why he rocks: Let's see... why does Xellos rock? Well, I *could* tell you... if I wanted to be nice. I have four words for you *winks and wags finger* Sore wa... himitsu desu. Roughly translated: That is.... a secret >^.^< Just give a big hand for the purple haired fruitcake and Filia's private Namagomi (ie. kitchen waste, ie. raw garbage).

Spreader of Darkness, Yami no Makumoto
anime from: Lost Universe
    He looks like a cross between Hellmaster Phibrizo and Gourry Gabriev (or at least in my opinion). This bish has some seriously MAJOR problems that he has to work out. Hobbies include torture, giving people nightmares, and otherwise trying to destroy the universe by summoning DarkStar (or awakening DarkStar).
    Why he rocks: four words - he just does, ok.

Zelgadis Greywords
series from: Slayers
    Zelgadis, or Zel to his friends, is one of the more interesting villains, since he hangs out with a fireball loving sorceress, a justice loving princess, a clueless swordsman, an equally clueless shrine maiden, and an immature gold dragon. Then there's his relationship with Xellos.... or lack of one. This cold hearted mystical swordsman would rather go off and do his own thing than hang out with Lina and company (and would do *anything* to get away from Amelia). His largest persuit is finding a cure to return his body to normal, since Rezo, who was his grandfather and great grandfather (incest anyone?) stuck him with a body of stone and hair of wire. He *did* get awesome magical powers out of the deal, but he's not happy like that.
    why he rocks: Umm... he's always rock hard 'cause he's like made of stone. I don't know. He's just insanely cool, and anybody who doesn't agree with me can just... can just... go and make love to their justice loving heroes!!

Duo Maxwell
(Happy Villintine's Day, Ryuu-chan)
anime from: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
    Duo. What to say about Duo? He's energetic, hyper, and has way too much energy. He's the self proclaimed shingami, the god of death, the great destroyer. His hobbies include scavanging for good MS parts, fixing up Deathscythe, dating Hilde, and bouncing off of the walls at mach 10.
    why he rocks: Those eyes, that hair..... that annoying personality. He's cool. I'm not about to insult him 'cause a bunch of my buds are Duophiles.

Magus, aka Janus Zeal
game from: Chrono Trigger
    (notice these things getting shorter and shorter? I'm running out of things to say)
    Why he rocks: He's been belched through time. He watched his own mother cross over to the dark side not once, but twice. He can sense when the black wind howls. And he uses a scythe as a weapon, which makes him on par with Duo for the god of death spot.

Trowa Barton
anime from: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
    (nothing major to say... brain straining to maintan composure)
    why he rocks: His Gundam, the Heavyarms, uses a LOT of ammo, meaning a LOT of things get blown up. Collatoral damage anyone? He's the most mysterious of the gundam pilots next to Heero, since his past is shrouded in mystery and amnesia. Rumor has it his real name is Tristan Bloom, and that he's related to Katherine, but that's just a rumor. If you want to know more, read his Episode 0 manga issue. Why do *I* think he rocks? I don't know. He just seems like one of those really likable people. I'm not saying anything more since I'll probably end up embarrassing myself >^.^<

anime from: Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo
    The self proclaimed "greatest genius in the universe". Hobbies include inventing, inventing, and inventing. She invents a LOT of stuff.... some of it useful, some of it not (sorta like Mecha Washu).
    Why she rocks: She's a super genius, a techno geek, and whenever something blows up, it blows up in a GRAND way when she's around. I want to be able to create computer consoles out of thin air like her. I want to be able to build cool stuff like her. I want my own pocket dimension!!! >^.^<

Zechs Marquis
anime from: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
    (don't know what to say, so I shall say nothing)
    why he rocks: He pilots the Tallgeese, Epyon, and for a short time the Wing Zero. His past is shrouded in mystery, and thus he wears a mask to hide his face (and all great villains need to have masks or some other quirk to be really cool, right). Now tell me, do they pour these gundam guys into their pants or what?? *giggle* And I shall say no more, and only leave everyone to drool in his greatness >^.^<

Count Zap
anime from: Megaman NT Warrior / Rockman.EXE
    Gotta love a metalhead in a tuxedo.
    Why he rocks: Aside from the obvious fact that I delight in blond bishies (like Seifer and Spike), he's a very energetic and charismatic character. He's one of the main villains for the first season of MMNTW, and serves under Lord Wily (aka Doctor Wily) in the organization World 3 (or WWW for those who are BN geeks). He loves playing with electricity to the point that parts of his tuxedo glow. Hobbies include being evil, playing his electric guitar the Six String Screamer (as stated in the first episode where he appears), making curry with Mr. Match, Maddy, and Yahoot (see season 2 and on for curry shop related episodes). Here's a question that I would like an answer to at some point: What's with the earphones? I think they're pretty snifty, but do they serve a purpose?

    Well, I hope all of you enjoyed this little trip down villainous lane, and I hope all of you had a wonderful Villaintine's Day. Help yourself to some of my wonderful triple chocolate fudge mint brownies on your way out, and don't forget to snag a couple of cherry jolly ranchers. Remember, cherry is the preferred flavor of perverts everywhere. >^.^<

-Chaos no Sou (Priest of Chaos) Cennarian >^.^<

return to the insanity?