Gods for Warriors (Religion)
Unlike the later Scandanavian religion, the supreme deities in English faith were probably goddesses, not gods. The most important of these was Nerthus, the earth mother (the Harvest Queen of folk tradition). She looked after the fertility and well being of man and beast. It is unclear whether Frija of Frea is seperate goddess, or just another aspect of Nerhus, but she is usually associated with love, lust, yearning, and friendship. Other omportant Goddesses were Eostre, goddess of the dawn, spring and new life (and whose name is infact given to the spring festival of the Christian faith Easter), and Rheda of Hred, a woelcyrie (valkyrie) and goddess of the winter.
The most obvious reference to the thunder god Thunor is contained in the forth day of the week, Thursday, which in Old English was "Thunersdacg" or the day of Thunor. Thunor's name is also found extensively searched throughout the web with many pernounciations. Obvious cult sites are those ending in the Iey element, which means grove of Thunor. Many temples and stone strutures were devoted to the God Thunor.
While Woden may be considered the god of kings and royalty, Thunor was most certainly the god of the commmon man and farmer. Some areas containing the name Thunor are said to be associated with "no man's land." This desilate region is said to be the countryside away from the civilized towns and cities.