Erynn: she's been there fer me in some of the hardest times in my life. Sometimes I just didn't wanna deal with life anymore, but she was there to tell me to cut the crap. I love you to death Erynn, I dunno where I'd be at this point w/out you. Thank you so much. I'll always be here fer you too, no matter what!
Lisa: And then there is Miss Lisa, another person who has always been there fer me no matter what. I've been such a bitch at times but she forgives me cos she realizes I really don't mean it... Thanks soo much lis!!
Al:I’ve known Al fer a long long time now, he was one of my first net friends actually. I met him on Pow Wow on accident, and I’m pretty glad I did. Even though we hardly speak anymore, he still will always hold a special place in my heat! *he has also now, disappered*
Matt aka Thanatos: can always make me giggle or smile with his computer faces and such... I actually met him cos he is Lisa’s brother, who knew he’d soon be considered one of my great net buddies! He’s a really sweet and wonderful person.
Kris: I met one day while alone in YW. At first, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever talk to him after our first encounter, but we’ve both been through a lot of similar stuff, so I’m really glad I did. Sometimes I wonder how he can be so calm but who knows... he's great!
Aaron : is such a rad dude! I've known him fer a long time but we've gotten to be really good buds kinda recently... you should really check out his web page... really neat-o... rawk on muh dear!
Jim Bob: A very old old friend! I encounter him when I was a 14 yr old posing as an 18 year old one. I still dunno why he forgave me fer that but I’m really glad he did. I love this boy to pieces and can’t wait to go to his wedding in a few years! *hint hint* *is gone too :( *
Ben: hmmm, he is just one of those people in YW I talk to whenever I see him. He too has helped me out in some pretty tough times. He’s a great friend who I’m proud to have! * :( *
Katie: She too, is another friend I depend on. Her and I have a pact that I swear not to break... that is unless she does. She is one rocking girlie.... glad she has forgiven me fer “stuff”... its just too bad she kinda disappered *is gone*
Marnie: I’ve known this girl fer so long and I consider her to be an older sister to me. We done everything including fight over the same boy... he knows who he is! *l* But, I really do love her even if I do blow up at her on occasion... hehehe *whoops*
Kara: Another wonderful person whose had her share of bad luck. She really is too sweet of a person to hafta to put up with all the crap that she hs lately. And I’m sure she’ll get to be a bad ass biker babe someday, tassels or not! *l*
Rommel: *sigh* A great person who I miss DEARLY... he reappeared a few monthes back only to break my heart and leave again... I’ve always respected him and will forever love my dear bud rommy!
Craig: Is the SPAM KING! And much older then I might I add! He and I had the biggest fight one day, but i’m glad we forgave each other cos now he is a wonderful friend who love to pick on me cos of my age... oh well, you rule craig-o! he too has disappered as of late *blah*
Steve: Is someone who I kinda met in YW but mainly talk to on icq... he’s a really special person, since he can deal with me sooo well! *l* No, but I’m glad he and I are buds b/c he’s another person whose always there fer me.
Jen: I just recently was added to her nice lil' page so I decided to return the favor, that and she's a great person to talk to... Hm, well, she rawks and has good cookies too! *l* *I've been talking to her a lot lateley and she is an incredible person. I'm glad i can confide in her with all the madness that occurs in life, and not be judged. I just hope happiness is what she recieves soon...*
Katey: has listened to a lot of stuff recently... some pretty important stuff, stuff no one else knows, but um, anyways *l* She's a really great gal and I am totally glad her and I are buds! Thanks fer everythin Katey! *has disappeared...*
Hailey: Got mad at me the first time I did this cos I temporarilly misplaced her! *l* J/K... I met her through erynn and I'm glad I did, she's anotehr cool chic I'm glad to be able to call friend! :o) *has also poofed*
Nef: and i have had a few really good talks in the past few days actully... I really wish he wasn't feeling so crappy all the time... hopefully he'llget better soon! but he's a great person nonetheless. *gone... are you noticing the trend?*
Mike: is a funny sorta guy with a rad-i-cal band, or so i've heard. him and i have been though some "stuff" but i'm glad we're bale to be buds now...
Randy : I met this silly "buff" guy through random icq... he makes me laugh although he has an ego larger then anything in this world i believe! oh well! he is one rawking dude! *gone...*
Matt : i met him on wbs over the summer... i was sposed to meet him like 8 times b/c he doesn't love all that far away but it just has never worked out... he's cool though... makes me smile!*no more talking to me... *
Emily : is soooo nuts but rad nonetheless!! another one of the yw crew that has been missing in action *at least from yw* sometimes i wonder why she's so "sexual" hehe... *where she went i don't know...*
Adam : I met adam through his older brother a lil while back... he's perdy cool even though he harrasses me to no end! One day... i will royally kick his arse! hehe *no more of him also... *
*Brian : is such a killa cali guy! I met him through erynn and he just amazes me more and more everyday. he knows how to make me smile, even in the worst of moods. i'm just nervous about my phone bill!
This next lil section is on people I know IRL {in real life} that I communicate with over the web!
Jen or Jenny: Is one of my best friends ever. She can royally piss me off, btu hey, she drives my butt all over this state! *l* No, she’s a great person who is way too hard on herself. I wish she’d just realize what a wonderful and beautiful peron she is. She’d be much happier that way, but I try to make her smile. I love you jenny-fur!
Bridget: is my best friend here in hell. Even though her and I have never even shared a class togethr in 2 years, we’re close. I tell her everything abotu everyone and thing on my mind. Hopefully, she won’t get sick of me and we’ll always be close like this.
Kristen: was in my french class this year w/ Mme Morin... aka HELL. We went through a lot in that class, especially sam being a lush and colter’s dirty mind and bryan being an idiot! I’m glag her and I got to know each other and are buds now!
Aaron: is great. He’s forgiven me fer a lot of stuff. I’d like to appoligize to him fer all the times I’ve been a bitch or I’ve hurt him in anyway... that is what I try to avoid but sometimes can’t. I love him, that’s all there is to it!
Nick: and I shared Drivers Ed, oh boy let me tell you! When you have a boy in yer class nick named ‘Boob’ yer in fer some great times! But I hope he still doesn’t think I’m too much of a dork after my bud Sarah’s b-day last year. hehe.
Sean: has emailed me 2 times I think. But he is one of my best friends. The person I would trust my life with if I had to. Sometimes I don’t understand why he doesn’t hate me, but i’m glad we could be so close now. He and I have had some pretty amazing experiences like going to the our lady peace concert together. wow. I love him too, forever is he my best bud! :o)
Nolan : has an odd obbsession with my gay beads *long story*. but we sit together in francais III and have a blast laughing at silly things... he just makes me laugh...
Lauren : is crazy with her hommie style! hehe... actually she knows a lot about the stuff thats happened this year and thats a lot... and now... *L* shes dating a psyco that used to be my best bud! oh well! shes cooly tho!
Colleen: sits behind me in the only class where i'm certain the teacher hates me. Ms. Goodridge. Anyways... she and i share some wonderful views on some not so wonderful people... she can always make me laugh... even if i'm sposed to be paying attention!
Erin : is just about the cutest person alive! i have a ton of wonderful classes with her this year *well 3!* but... she's dating nolan... its so wonderful! *L* anyways!
Corey : Mr McCann... hehe... i've known him for forever... sat with him on the bus forever... i love this boy liek a brother... and we fight liek siblings sometimes too! *L* oh well!
Dan : is the best friend i think i've ever had. i met him through my "friend" todd a little while back and i called him one night and i'm so glad i did. my friendship with him means so so much to me... i justhope he can be happy soon...
~*note to all: this web page was put together in no specific order of how much liked you guys, actually, I just did it from my icq and aol lists! *l* oh well! i love you all! I knwo some of you still aren't here but you will be, just give me time!*~
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