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Fragments of Me

these are genuine pieces of me. please be kind, you may critizise, but be nice, not mean ok? thanks. ~Michelle


In an otherwise
Broken soul
Filled Brim high
w/ Rage
Not overflowing
Yet ever so close
To spilling
And spreading
but not wholly
your essence


Shimmer Dammit
You have not much to lose
Yet the world to gain
Dignity lost
and pride unexsistant
Nothing more important
Then this lost thought
Of a green haired lover
Wishing for glitter
But getting only ash
Hold it in your palm
Then let it fade awaybrp> Shimmer Dammit.


I looked over
At the sun filling my view
Obstructing my happiness
Making you a blur
Of orange blue and love
I reached out
To grasp at the haze
That stood in front of
the person who claimed
Always to be ‘me’
though I never realized
It never was


Why understand
Unfathomable lies?
That weren't meant
For you to hear
And especially see
All the horror;
Mad insanity
That was fed
Through a straw
to your soul
Not your brain
Which works too hard
For its pay
Of Ignorance
Pure & true
Not like you
An evil girl
Without hopes
Lacking dreams
But filled with
Those unfathomable lies


BeAuTiFuL gIrL
twirling and swirling
Around and then down
Into the pit
So hopeless and bleak
Dreams become nightmares
Screams in the dark
But she twirls and she swirls
Though the sunlight is gone
And breathing is fitful
A smile full of joy
Encasses her lips
Ignorance blossoms
With feelings too safe
but shes twirling and swirling
with no dread on her face
BeAuTiFuL gIrL
Now full of madness
Masked by some glee
Too bad its all over
For there's no more twirling
and an end to the swirling
Now just seeing
The insane

<< eyes wide shut >>

listening to your truths
pieced together by lies
that impress just so many
w/ their eyes wide shut
hearing what is good
disgarding all the evil
grining at your games
just too unaware
as the world keeps turning
he still messes with your head
his intentions are not clear
and his words so uneven
but you listen just the same
just because you like him
the things he does may hurt
but yet you still accept them
w/ yer eyes wide shut
his lies are perfect truths
Late End

Sometimes too early

For the late end
but sure
it will someday pass
A king in his glory
w/out any fear
of losing his pride
to the late end
Do not be afraid
To look in his eyes
Only fear and rejection
Ring True
The beautiful late end
Has a firm hold
On all who enter
The palace called earth


is he there?
Who’s to say

Preacher Man
Who claims
Upon his soul
He listens
And cares
then why are
in our vocabulary?


Not yet perfect
Still not right
Flickering Flame
Comes from an unlite light
Misery Huddles
Deep under ground
As the world spoke
without a sound

THE NEW STUFF *feb 21 99*

Glowing God

Fade into the light
of the glowing god
named adore
Never wonder
what you are
or could have
been before
Just become one
w/the machine
and hope
even pray
that you won't be
what mamma said
you would
but that you
will become


Corner of a blue room
exposed to orange flowers
where a little girl weeps
over feelings of betrayl
She'd woke one morning
sure of her exsistance
only to be smacked
w/ many new realities
wanting to ask why
yet too afraid to know
as truthbecame distant
and lies became common
Still too young to realize
they were after her innocence
Tears rolling freely;
the pain of her soul
shown to the world
who only looked on ignorantly


Tie dyed conscience
of lower life
w/ the pinks of pain
& oranges of lust
worn by lovesick
drugstore cowboys

NEW STUFF!! 3/16/99


This new freedom
of just knowing
what she is
way deep inside
made breathing
more calm
and easy
pain not disappeared
yer diminishing
but gradually
so that one day
she will be
by her own thoughts


blissful awakening
of the senses
to life & love
of another
who claimed
that shame
was just not
his only gift
but friendship
& cookies
could fill voids
made by pests
but being glad
just to know


closed door
on numb fingers
cant help
by keeping heat out
but to open
is to break
to conform
so numbness spreads
to toes & souls
of once pure
loving shades

~Barrel Of Monkeys~

burning across a room
w/ glitter its soul partner
to keep warm
the draft infested soul
of a midnight girl
who never knew
of confidentiality
yet dreamed of love
in trade for lust
of admiring fools
she longed to trust
w/ secrets and madness
infecting her brain;
making fingers claw
instead of caress
as they should

Juniper Breeze

hopeless aspirations
on a life w/out
peppermint candies
which you crave
desire overwelming
dont know why
you wake in smiles
& sleep in tears
yet as long as
no one knows
you won't dare question


feelings of dread
from the start of exsistance
shake me from love
& prevent needed rest
w/out a root
just an end
chase it away
yet dont fall in mud
ugly cows
dont get dates
try to sleep

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