Web Links of C. P. Kumar

I have been working as Scientist 'G' at National Institute of Hydrology (A Government of India Society under Ministry of Water Resources), Roorkee - 247667 (Uttarakhand), INDIA till 30 September 2020. My research areas of interest are assessment of groundwater potential; sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers; numerical modelling of unsaturated flow, groundwater flow and contaminant transport; management of aquifer recharge; and impact of climate change on groundwater. My general interests include reading, spirituality and web browsing. I am also a Reiki Master for the Usui Reiki method of natural healing and Kundalini Reiki. Please visit the following webpages, profiles and online discussion groups created by me.

Additional Charges Handled by C. P. Kumar

Amazon Author Page of C. P. Kumar

Biodata of C. P. Kumar

Blogs of C. P. Kumar (Reiki and Books)

Blogs of C. P. Kumar (Healing, Health, Spiritual, Social, Water Resources)

Bookmarks of C. P. Kumar

C. P. Kumar on Vimeo

C. P. Kumar – Reiki Healer « Reiki Healing Association

C. P. Kumar, Former Scientist 'G" (NIH), Roorkee

C. P. Kumar on Twitter

Cyber World of C. P. KUMAR

Daily Motion Page of C. P. Kumar

Facebook Profile of C. P. Kumar

Favorite Hindi Songs of C. P. Kumar

Favorite Links of C. P. Kumar

Favorite Spiriual Links of C. P. Kumar

Fresh Water Resources - A Perspective

Goodreads Profile of C. P. Kumar

Google Groups in Hydrology

Google Groups - coastal

Google Groups - groundwater

Google Groups - hydrology

Google Groups - indian-hydrology

Google Groups - modflow

Google Groups - water-resources

Google Scholar Citations - C. P. Kumar

GRIN Profile of C. P. Kumar

Groundwater Assessment and Modelling (Book)

Home Page of C. P. KUMAR

Hydrology Links of C. P. Kumar

Hydrology Resources on the Web

India Water Portal Profile of C. P. Kumar

Instagram Profile of C. P. Kumar

Kumar Links to Hydrology Resources

LinkedIn Profile of C. P. Kumar

LiveDNA - C. P. Kumar

Mendeley Profile of C. P. Kumar

Microsoft Academic Search - C. P. Kumar

Mr. C. P. Kumar - Reiki Healer at Roorkee, India (YouTube)

Mr. C. P. Kumar, Scientist, NIH, Roorkee, India (YouTube)

Mr. C. P. Kumar - Scientist and Spiritual Seeker (YouTube)

Mrinalini Eroolen - Author, Energy Healer, Spiritual Guide

Online Spiritual Groups

ORCID ID - C. P. Kumar

Pending Payments and Supply Orders

Performance Appraisals of C. P. Kumar

Pinterest Profile of C P Kumar

Profile of C. P. Kumar

Progress Reports of C. P. Kumar

Publications of C. P. Kumar

Publons Profile of C. P. Kumar

Quora Profile of C. P. Kumar

Reiki Healer (Roorkee, India)

Researcher ID - C. P. Kumar

ResearchGate Profile of C. P. Kumar

Resume of C. P. Kumar

Shashank Verma - Information for General Public

Sheetal Jain - Life Coach and Author (Google Group)

Shelfari Profile of C. P. Kumar

Speaking Tree Profile of C. P. Kumar

Spiritual and Social Books by Mr. C. P. Kumar

Spiritual Healing by Divine Women (LinkedIn)

Spiritual Healing by Divine Women (Blog)

Spiritual Healing by Divine Women (Facebook)

Spiritual Report of C. P. Kumar

The City of Shamballa Profile of C. P. Kumar

The NewAge Foundation Profile of C. P. Kumar

Trading Indicators and Strategies

Twitter Profile of C. P. Kumar

Unfolding the Goddess Within (Blogger)

Water Resources and Hydrology Journals

Web Links of C. P. Kumar

Web Pages of C. P. Kumar

YouTube Videos by C. P. Kumar

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